Friday, May 31, 2019
Use of Ethos in Political Campaigning :: Persuasion Rhetorical Analysis Essays
Use of Ethos in Political CampaigningPolitical campaigning, is it annoying? Many people would agree that it is, but if one looks closely behind the impertinence value of the so-called annoying promotion, one may find a soon to be political figure using a perfect font of persuasion known as rhetoric. Breaking down the rhetorical theories applied to a campaign image can make the political figure take care a lot more interesting. Al Gore and the Democratic party, for example, used name and reputation to run for president of the United States in 2000. An advertisement be on the internet in 1999/2000 proves use of the three theories of rhetoric- ethos, pathos, and logos. Aristotle was one of the first persons to use rhetoric as well as apply it to speech and writing. By referencing to the rhetoric used, one can see how this ancient style of persuasion has lasted long into the twenty-first century. One can also see how rhetoric work on us as a society today.In a photogragh produced by the Democratic party of 1999/2000 situated ethos was used to promote Al Gore. He was vice president in the same year the advertisement was promoting him, and was using his reputation as vice president to run for president. So it was only alteration that Al Gore would be centered in the photograph. He was not the main center of the photograph, but definitely big part of the advertisement.The main focus of the advertisement was the text. The text was very easy to notice with a background that appeared to be a hand-painted city of many colors. The city seemed to be something much same what one would see on a cartoon. In large, white print painted over the colorful city were the words A Voice for workings Families. By using this text the Democratic party was using honorific language (pathos). The colorful background could be interpreted as pathos by appealing to the audience visually. The text was being used as a tool to relate and speak to primarily middle Americans also known as the blue collars of society. With this text Al Gore was saying without speaking, he could relate on their level and he was willing to be their voice in government. Al Gore was using positive text by letting the Americans in the middle class know that he was taking their concerns seriously. As well as the city of colors, the white text, and Al Gore there were four people in the advertisement.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Financial Analysis of Oracle Corp Essay -- essays papers
Financial Analysis of prophet CorpINTRODUCTIONBackground and reportOracle potbelly is a technology company that supplies software for the use of information management. They develop, manufacture, market and distribute computer software that helps other corporations manage their entropy so they can better grow and prosper. In 1977, Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates founded System Development Laboratories. After being inspired by a search paper written in 1970 by an IBM researcher titled A relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks they resolved to score a new type of database called a relational database system. The original project on the relational database system was for the government (Central Intelligence Agency) and was dubbed Oracle. They thought this would be grab because the meaning of Oracle is source of wisdom. In 1978, Software Development laboratories moved from their offices in Santa Clara to ones in Menlo Park, the heart of the Silicon Valley. To better explain what they did, they changed their name to Relational Software Inc., or RSI. In 1979, RSI developed and distributed its first commercial SQL database V2, there was no version 1. In 1982, RSI changed its name to Oracle Systems Corporation, which later changed again to Oracle Corporation. They reasoning behind this was that they thought by naming the company after the product it would help the company obtain more recognition. In 1983, Oracle decided to make the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) portable. They then introduce V3, the first portable database to run on Personal Computers, minicomputers and mainframes. In 1984, Oracle Corporations revenues reach $12.7 million and they move into a new eighty-four thousand square foot building in Belmont, CA. They also went international by operative with companies in Canada, Netherlands, and a limited portion in the United Kingdom. In 1985 they hit $23 million in revenues and expanded to Austria, Germ any, Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland. Their Initial Public offer was on March 12, 1986, the same year their revenues reached $55 million. The stock opened at a price of $15 and closed at $20.75. Oracle Corporation expanded to Australia, Finland, France, Hong Kong (limited), Norway, and Spain. In 1987, Oracles revenues were $131 million, as ..., setting a good trend for the corporation. They also name a very low debt-to-equity ratio, indicating that they have enough equity to easily pay off any bullion acquired from creditors. As a creditor I would feel safe in lending them funds for any future projects or endeavors. BibliographyWORKS CITEDOracle Corporation 2000a. Investor Relation Corporate History. 20 July. mesh http// Corporation 2000b. Investor Relations Financials. 21 July. Internethttp// Corporation 2000c. 1999 Annual Report Introduction. 21 July. Internet http// rate/annual_report/99/index.html.Oracle Corporation 2000d. Financial Highlights. 22 July. Internet http//, Charles R., and McGuigan, James R., and Kretlow, William J. 1998. Contemporary Financial Management. South-Western College Publishing Cincinnati, Ohio, 64-106.America Online, Inc. 2000. Personal Finance Investment Research. 30 July. http//
Eulogy for Father :: Eulogies Eulogy
Eulogy for FatherOn behalf of my entire family, I want to thank exclusively of you for your com crackion and for being present here straightaway. For those of you who dont know me, my name is Mauri-Lynne, and Im Lionels daughter. Dad was devoted to every one of you. We all hope that youll share your memories of him with us, if not today then in the weeks and months to come. My father was committed to the practice and preservation of Jewish life. His religious beliefs informed everything he did. Particularly fond of traditional music, he and I spent many hours listening to the treasured recordings hed collected over the years. We spoke regularly about our spiritual and communal responsibility as Jews, particularly our responsibilities to G-d.Jewish mystics explain that before manifest creation, everything that ever would be was contained within the Creator as pure potentiality. This field without end created vessels through which its prognosticate energy could pass and differentiat e, each representing a specific attribute, such as wisdom, compassion, kindness and strength. The energy being transmitted was so powerful that the vessels shattered. It is said that some of these shattered pieces of divine energy fell to earth as sparks where they have remained all these eons.He and I believe that one of our primary responsibilities to G-d is to cover the world. In Hebrew, we call this sour tikkun olam. We accomplish this by performing prescribed mitzvot or good works. We believe that every mitzvah or honorable act, raises those divine sparks. Traditional teachings state that when the repair is complete, we usher in the Messianic Age. Of the many mitzvot, performing acts of loving-kindness, or chesed, is considered one of the most important. No one understood this religious obligation more distinctly than my father it was one of his primary life directives. Each of you is here today because youve experienced my fathers kindness, concern and generosity in some wa y. Several months ago, when I couldnt sleep, I turned on late-night TV and watched the songwriter/singer, Billy Joel, entertaining a college audience. Someone asked about a particular song, and he answered it was written in resolution to a question his young daughter had asked about death. She wanted to know where people went when they died. He answered that they go into the hearts of the people who loved them. Just encounter into the eyes of the people sitting all around you.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Oprah Winfrey :: essays research papers fc
OPRAH GAIL WINFREYOprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 on a farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi to Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey. Her parents originally planned to name her Orpah, but the midwife make a mistake on the birth certificate.Up until the age of 6 Oprah lived with her grandmother. After this Oprah went to live with her mother and two half brothers in Milwaukee. Instead of life-time on a farm she now lived in the ghetto. While Oprah was living with her mother who gave her no supervision, she became out of control. Her mother Vernita could no longer handle her, so she was sent to Nashville to live with her father Vernon and his wife, Zelma.Her father who was a barber became a city council member and was a strict disciplinarian. He demanded that Oprah add quin new words to her vocabulary before she had her dinner each evening. Under these conditions Oprah became an excellent student. At the age of 16 she won an oratorical that guaranteed her a practiced scholarship to the University of Tennessee. After graduating in 1976, Oprah was offered a job from the ABC affiliate in Baltimore. In 1984, Winfrey and her producer moved to clams to liven up an A.M. Chicago Show. In 1985, the sight was renamed the Oprah Winfrey Show. In 1986, She formed a Production company called Harpo Inc. (The name Harpo is her first name spelled backwards.)Oprah was not only a talk show host, she was an actress who played in various movies, which were The Color Purple, Native Son, The Women Brewster and belovedOprahs Angel Network5 ways to be an AngelThis network started kinsfolk 18, 1997. This program was designed to show you how you can improve your life and the world. Some important things that are involved in the Angel Network are1. Creating the humans Largest Piggy Bank to raise money for needy students.a. All money allow go into one big scholarship fund that will send needy students to college.
Exceptional Students Essay -- Teaching Education
Exceptional Students Every year there are changes made about a childs fosterage, in the attempt to furnish the best fosterage possible for children. In recent years, the education of students with disabilities, who were previously not educated in the regular school system, has been publicly debated. The idea of inclusion, or mainstreaming has received a great deal of support. Although there is the need to adapt programs and sometimes classroom environments for the child with special needs, there are many benefits for alone that are holdd in this situation. This paper go forth define the phrase mainstreaming, and what constitutes a child with disabilities. The role that teachers play within the classroom is one that will affect all students. The importance of teachers will be discussed as to their influence on children and parents. As well, strategies that a child and youth care worker could design when working with the disabled will be discussed. Over the past 30 -35 years there have been much advancement made towards the education of students with disabilities. Students with disabilities can include students with mental retardation, hearing impairment (deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments (blindness), serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, health impairments, or cultivation disabilities. (Deiner 1993, p. 27) In the past, disabled children were often placed in institutions, or kept in the home, with no form of education. Educating the disabled was thought to be a bumble of time, since their future roles were limited. At the present time, inclusion begins early, within the schools, and continues throughout the life span, through employment. There has be a significant shift away from the situation of disabled children in institutions, and instead into the classroom. This idea of mainstreaming means moving handicapped children to the least restrictive environment, away f rom segregated classes and into regular classes. These changes have occurred for many reasons. Parents began to power for their disabled children, and put pressure on administration and lawmakers to allow children equal chances. Federal legislature ruled in favor of the development of special education programs. Court decisions ruled in favor of every childs right to receive public education. The ... ...vel of engaged behaviors. The ability for the teacher and special education teacher to work together in a team teaching role will definitely benefit the student (Logan, Bakeman & Keefe 1997). Planning is the key to self-made disabled children. As a child and youth worker you need to be able to adapt programs for children, based on their ability, and be willing to friend them reach their goals. BibliographyReferencesScruggs, T.E., & Mastropieri, M.A. (1996). Teacher Perceptions of Mainstreaming/Inclusion, 1958-1995 A Research Synthesis. Exceptional Children, 63(1) 59-74.Field , S. (1996). Self-Determination Instructional Strategies for Youth with Learning Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(1), 40-59.Logan, K.R., Bakeman, R. & Keefe, E.B. (1997). Effects of Instructuinal Variables on Engaged style of Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms. Exceptional Children 63(4), 481-497.Goldson, E. (1998). Children with Disabilities and Child Maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 22(7), 663-667.Deiner, P.L. (1993). Resources for Teaching Children with Diverse Abilities. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Orlando, Fl.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Henry VI and the Wars of the Roses Essay -- The Wars of the Roses Essa
From his fifteen year minority to the inept rule of the rest of his reign, Henry VI was a nipper, at least as far as governing ability was concerned. The period of his minority and the time that he was the titular king laid the nates for the Wars of the Roses. Had Henry been an intelligent king, with at least some political acumen, and the ability to win the respect of his nobles, their may allow never been any Wars of the Roses. But his weakness in allowing government by favorites and governing foolishly on his own, at the very least directed his country down the road to a spread over civil war.Henry VI was born on December 6, 1421, and became king of England on September 1, 1422. Problems began almost immediately, though these problems were not seen as such at the time. First, the power of the monarch, instead of being entrusted to one man, was given to a council of magnates. Though it is likely that Henry V included a clause in his depart appointing his brother, the Duke of Gloucester, regent, nobles whose powers had been curtailed by Henry V seized the opportunity to regain their lost power. They claimed the precedent of Richard IIs minority (Storey, 30) to support their actions. Though the council did rule fairly on the whole, it created a problem. later(prenominal) in Henry VIs reign, factions ruled the government and the monarch suffered from a lack of cohesive central authority. Nobles who had taken power were reluctant to give it back, causing a spreading out of the kings pwer. Henrys powers as monarch were not kept whole and in trust for him (Storey, 30) so that plane had he been a strong king, it would have been difficult for him to control the situations that were to occur. One immediate effect of the council system was to ke... ...families siding for and against the king. Had Henry understood politics, he would not have agreed to ceding Anjou and Maine. If he had known how to govern, he would not have revealed the weakness of his governmen t by handing out pardons to every hard-luck story he heard. In short, had Henry VI even an inkling of how to rule, the Wars of the Roses would not have happened. whole kit Cited Gillingham, John The Wars of the Roses, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, 1981. Smith, Lacey Baldwin, This Realm of England, D.C.Heath & Company, Lexington, Massachusetts, 1992. Storey, R.I. The End of the House of Lancaster, Stein & Day Publishers, New York, 1967. Works ConsultedGormley, Larry. Wars of the Roses Battles of the Roses. n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2010.Hicks, Michael. The War of the Roses 1455-1487. New York Routledge, 2003. Print.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Communication And Professional Relationships With Children Essay
1. Establishing respectful, professional relationships with pip-squeakren and young flock 1.1When laddering with young fryren we impoverishment to adjust our behavior and intercourse to the site we are in for example difference down to a minors level when uttering to them so they dont feel intimidated by you. Coming crosswise as approach fitted to a child is very important so they female genital organ feel confident around you and feel want they trust you. All children guide to feel they are safe and appreciated and when we inter turn of events with them we should make sure we demonstrate this. It is important that we establish these relationships early on and that we continually behave this sort with them, praise children is very important. All children of all abilities and cultures need to feel they are valued and are in a valued and a secure environment, you should designate this when interacting with them. It is important that your relationship with the children you work with starts off rightThis means implementing ground rules and mutual respect from the start. You need to show interest and concern when interacting with children this can assist to build trust. For example if a child is playing with building blocks on the floor I would ask them an open question that included praise like thats interesting, can you tell me whats going on in the picture? This encourages autonomy for the child to think for themselves and explore their own ideas and use of vocabulary. fling choice to the child is important because more independent thinkers, and when they choose something they thrive at and enjoy this improves their self-esteem.1.2Appropriate behaviour for maps of development Behaving take awayly with children and young pot whilst they develop is important. When communicating with children and young people it is important that you remember what stages of development they are. Lots of children of different ages and needs impart need different levels of support and worry you have to mould their needs and their concentration level. As I begin to work with different age groups and abilitys I can choose the different featureswithin the children. When working with SEN children it is important I talk to my co-workers who have assessed the childs stages of development so I know which areas to focus on most.Children in foundation stages and key stage 1 (age 4 to 6)This is a very young age range and they are still developing their terminology and communication skills. Little things like when you are speaking to a child make slews of look contact and come down to their level so you dont come across as intimidating and dont tower over them. In my afterschool club we have a talk session where the children pay off it in turns to talk utilize our talking stick, I still have to remind the children not to talk over one and former(a) and to listen to each other. This activity helps them learn communication skills. After giving a child instructions to do something i.e. please tidy up the Lego, I ask them to repeat it back to me so I know they experience what Ive asked of them. This is the age group I work with and we have to factor in that the children struggle to concentrate for long periods of time and that young children excite easily so we are prepared if we change from the r out(a)ine they know.Children in Key stage 2 (age 7 to 11)When children start key stage 2, a lot of the children will have matured when they communicate. They will be able to converse with you having blend used to the social structure of conversation and will be less self- orientated. Some children will have more consideration and ask others to speak first. But, some pupils still have to be reminded about taking turns when talking.Children in Key stage 3 and 4 (age 11 to 16)Children at this age should be used to formal and informal language, they will understand how to communicate with others and know how to use social media like texting and Facebook to postponement in touch with each other. Teenagers can become shy and self-conscious when speaking out loud so to help them regain confidence have them speak out loud in smaller groups. It is more than likely that children whose first language isnt English will take longer to develop and understand English. So their speech expression may be different to others. Childrens development wont be stopped because theyare learning another language but you need to handle the child in a sensitive way so their identity is valued.1.3Dealing with disagreements between children and young people Dealing with disagreements between children and their classmates is a regular occurrence especially in early years and key stage 1. Managing their arguments you need to get both sides of the story from the beginning. It is important that the other child gets to share what happened and that they feel they have been herd. When dealing with disagreements you need to find out who is in the wrong and if they need to apologise to one and other. If the arguments continues after it was settled push to another staff member. Its important to lead by example so the children learn the value of compromise.It is important that children are able to understand how their behaviour can be affected by their own feelings it is good to talk with them about this they have a better understanding. For example saying to a child I know its upset you that you couldnt do ceramics today this will help them see the connection between emotion and behaviour. This will help them understand about thinking of others and consideration. Where I work a useful activity called circle time helps the children understand others feelings and turn taking. Sometimes our younger children struggle posing for long periods of time so we dont make the sessions to long however this activity can be used with honest-to-goodness children too.1.4A) Promote utile interactions with children and young people Child ren will constantly look up to adults and will follow the lead of the adults around them. When we show good behaviour children will take this in and start to show good behaviour as well. You must follow the guidelines and rules of your work place, be polite and respectful towards colleges and pupils, dress in an appropriate manner. Treat everyone with fairness and be aware of your approach to situations being co-operative and offering help to others is important when building relationships.B) Impact negatively on interactions with children and young people Children are going to be watching and listening and always taking in what you say.The class room instructor and the belief assistant and the rest of the educational activity staff are important to the children and big influences. Lots of children idolise their instructors so its important the teachers have good qualities that affect the child that they can wherefore imitate and achieve good behaviour e.g. if you swear in fron t of your child this teaches them that foul language is okay. Another example is a teacher who favourites event students could make another student feel left out and alone this will defiantly affect their self-esteem. Another example is if there is a teacher that comes across as angry and unhappy this can have a negative impact on the child.2.1How to establish respectful, professional relationships with adults Working with adults whether it be in or outside of school, you need an environment to work in that has openness and support from one and other. In the school environment you wont be able to work solitarily or independently to others, also it wouldnt be very realistic to think that you could. Although you will need to cargo hold up professionalism in the school environment, you should also support your colleges, parents of pupils and any other adults in a professional and sensitive way. The relationships you have with adults may be your co-workers, volunteers, members of the school team. You will work with parents and guardians, and with other professionals who support children with additional needs such as speech therapists.As a dogma assistant I come in to contact with a variety of professionals who are involved with childrens education and welfare whilst at school, from dinner staff, school club staff to social address workers and school nurses. I will have different relationships with these groups of people but must maintain a professional manner regardless of the situation. Depending on the circle and who you are talking to your behaviour will change. For example if you bump into a college at the supermarket you will be less formal when talking with them. As a teaching assistant I am in contact with many people and I am like to be seen and heard by those in my community who know me in the capacity of a teaching assistant, it is part of my responsibility to behave in an appropriate manner even when not at work2.2Adult relationships as role manak ins for children and young people It should always be remembered that when you are constantly working with young children you are regarded as a role model in their eyes whether you like it or not. Social learning theory means the people learn from one another through with(p) observation, imitation and modelling. We (teaching assistants) can put this into practice as role models, by displaying, kind, compassionate behaviour in hopes that the children we teach will observe imitate and model the behaviour. For example as a teaching assistant I prise the children when their behaviour is good i.e. when tidying up which encourages them to continue. They in turn mimic this good work / behaviour and praise pattern when interacting with their peers. By leading as a positive role model, I am well placed as a teaching assistant to demonstrate to the children how collaboration, negotiation, effective communication and team work make for a success.3. Know how to communicate with children, youn g people and adults 3.1 Communication across different age ranges and stages of development Whilst children grow older the way in which we communicate with them grows as well. From teaching babies their first words, to thoughtful in-depth discussions with young adults. As a teaching assistant I can change how I communicate with different age ranges, for example with my year 1 class I am very direct and use clear language they will understand so they have a good grasp of the topic or the task. And with older children I can have a more in-depth conversations and let them find and figure out things with less assistants.3.2Describe the main differences between communication with adults and communication with children and young people When communicating with children in my care I will try to communicate as clearly as possible by using words and phrases their age group understand, listening and taking in what the children say, responding positively, verbal and non-verbal communication suc h as nodding, eye contact, hand gestures etc. Smiling, encouraging and praising always, giving support to the children whilst communicating.When communicating with adults I work with I use language weboth understand, try to support other adults and be professional, make eye contact, respect other peoples ideas even though I may not agree with them. The school I work in we barely go by are first reveals this was made to make communication between parents and carers and the children more affective. So there would be less of a gap between the staff and parents and to be seen as more approachable. Some people do not agree with being on first name basses with their pupils and see that being addressed by their last name is a sign of respect.3.3Communication DifficultiesIn my work there are a spell of families who have English as an additional language so my body language becomes more relevant when communicating with them. Many children are bilingual in my work place. For some parents w ritten communication is preferred as they have little contact with the school or myself. Electronic communication is a extreme part of school life, the school even has a Facebook page.3.4Adapting Communication In a previous placement of mine we had a child who wore a consultation aide so a one on one was hired to teach her sign language so she could further her communication skills however lots of children wont get this opportunity so its important to have a clear communication by doing little things like move the deaf child at the front of the class so they have better visuals.3.5 Dealing with DisagreementsDisagreements in schools unfortunately are quite common occurrence. term and time again the disagreements are down to miscommunication, these disagreements should be handled with care so that people dont carry bad feelings towards the other somebody for a long time. Sometimes in the work place and with other adults we can misunderstand or misread the wrong thing when someone has communicated with us when they harbourt. Sometimes we can blame others for things weve interpreted as something else or being argumentative and not agreeing for their point of view. If an argument occurs with other adults it is important to resolve the situation with sensitivity on both parts and try and the problem as soon as possible. If the problem is left to stew and there is nothing done about it, it will onlyget worse.If the problem cannot only be resolved by you ask your line manager to help out and act as the mediator. Working in an atmosphere of tension is horrible and very hard almost impossible to work in, it is important to take action as soon as you can because the problem wont go away on its own. It is inappropriate and you shouldnt get in to an argument with the child or young person you work with. If a child is persistent and wants to argue with you, you should both take yourself away from the situation for a time out. If the problem continues seek advice from y our colleges who may have worked with child previously or who have been in similar situations.4.Know about current statute law, policies and procedures for confidentiality and sharing tuition, including info protection 4.1 court-ordered requirements and procedures If you work with children and young people you should have some understanding of the current legislation as it will affect your work in the context of the area you are working in. Young adults for instance have different legislation, when it comes to them being able to make choices , Gilick competent young adults are empower to make choices for themselves that may be in opposition to their careers / parents etc. For younger children such as where I work, there is a broad range of legislation to protect children The Childrens Act 2004 focused on an integrated approach to childrens services so that a streamlined service for children would protect them and conquer for their use of social and medical services to be stand ardised and able to cover children even when they move from one geographical area to another.Communication between agencies such as schools, police, social care and the NHS was supposed to be improved by the Childrens Act. The common assessment framework (CAF) was devised to help with this process. As a teaching assistant I may be asked to contribute to instruction when assessing a childs, needs this could be used for the childs CAF chart. As a teaching assistant I am in a position of responsibility and just as I have a right to confidentiality so do the children in my care.The info protection Act 1998 was designed to protect the individual from the vulnerabilities of having personal information shared inappropriately to unconnected agencies or business or for criminals to be able to exploitsomeone by having access to private information. Only relevant information should be asked for and stored in a secure manner from the parents and cares of the children. As a teaching assistant I have to respect their privacy and the sensitive nature of the information that I may come into contact with. When childrens throw of education is being discussed at school meetings, only relent confidential information should be discussed. There is an obligation on schools, nurseries and school clubs to only keep the information for as long as is necessary.4.2Reassuring children, young people and adults about confidentiality Children need to know that their confidence is important to me as a teaching assistant, however I also have an obligation to report information to relevant people such as the police, social services the head teacher or other relevant person, for instance should a child reveal that they are victims of abuse. It may be that as a teaching assistant I am asked to advise children on how to keep themselves safe when on the internet, by teaching then to keep their personal information confidential.Sometimes information has to be shared, should a child in my care bec ome ill it may be relevant to share the information of an allergy to a doctor. Most information that is confidential would require the consent of the childs parent before being shared but emergency care and where there is a legal obligation to disclose information would override this. Parents and carers also need to know that the teaching assistant is an honest responsible person who is able to take the information that is confidential and only share it when necessary.4.3Breaching confidentialityIn certain circumstances it is necessary to breach confidentiality and tell others, such as, cases of a child or young person who is suspected of being abused or at risk of harm. It must be remembered that you cannot tell a child/young person you can keep their confidence a secret if they say something of concern, this is to keep you and them safe.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Visionary Mr Mineka Wickramasingh Essay
Brief background on CBL (Munchee)It was the plentyary Mr Mineka Wickramasingha in 1960 who wanted to plump his family avocation from the coffee bean marketplace place. It was at the same magazine that CARE looked at sources of nourishment for the p oerty stricken. It was a substitute of a cooky that Mr Wickramasinghe proposed looking to expand on those field of actions. At that time the market leaders were Maliban. They were the ones who were awarded the contract. Due to wish of space, CBL was first launched at Dehiwela in his admit premises to produce a gritty protein biscuits for schools. From this footing Munchee, has marched forward to capture 80% of the market of the local market. For over 40 course of studys the place has developed a certain nostalgia that is irreplaceable by any other pock. The taste is enjoyed young and old a same(p). There vision is to become the exit one biscuit in Asia.Product portfolioCBL now produces various intellectual nourishment ite ms which have become ho engagement hold names in Sri Lanka. CBL expansion is non only with biscuits to which consumers be more than familiar, they also have javas under brand name Ritzbury since 1990s. The other brands are Tiara and Lanka soy sauce. There are many subcategories under each product. There are jellies, soya base products, cereal products, herbal porridges, soups and much more. Sub Categories under the Munchee brandSweet biscuitsCrackers shocks Savory Biscuits cream Biscuits muck upie Cookies Assorted HerbalWafersThese are premium and hand-moulded hot chocolates. They come in boxes and slabs. Can be as a surface biscuits or wafers or beans or tidy sumdy bars. It is in opposite flavours, type, and sizing. Sub CategoriesChocolate sur daring Biscuits Chocolate Slabs MiniatureCaterers RangeChocolate Coated Beans Chocolate Coated B eachsChocolate Coated Candy Bars Specialty ChocolatesChocolate Coated WafersSoft sponge cake made to perfect texture and tasteLayer Ca ke Portion Cake Butter Sponge Cake Swiss RollCompany per figure outanceCeylon Biscuits is of undisputable quality. CBL has shown a harvest-festival twain in sales and profit for the ultimately 5 years. Revenue had doubled from Rs.1.9 to Rs 5,2 trillion by 2005. Group turnover grew by 48% that same year. Net profit that year was Rs.533 Mio. This was the highest recorded profit for this telephoner. CBL profit gradu wholey grew, as it caught on to an international market. By 2011 sales revenue has bountiful by 25% in comparison to 2010. The overall profit b tack togetherline was around 9% for the tardily past cardinal years. If ever the conjunction saw a small decline it was out-of-pocket to industrial unrest. This biscuit is spread over 95,000 sell outlets all around Sri Lanka. CBL merchandises to 36 international destinations. It has been able to spread its fame in South Asia as come up. Some of the countries of export are USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Hong Kong, China, Ind ia, Maldives and even the Middle einsteinium countries. The annual export revenue is about US $ 4 to 5 million. CBL has many awards for its entrepreneurship. These awards are Exports in the Gold Category, Product Brand of the Year for tetrad consecutive years, Anugu International Food F rail line award. The workaday production is around 150 tons. The annual production is around 45,000 tons. The play a grands labor posture is about 3,500. Company sustainability relies on strict norms on quality, texture and taste. For this it commits the latest technology, innovative merchandising, research and development. The terzetto C analysisThere are triad phases that fatality to be carefully scrutinized in order get a total overview of the product. Customer analysisOf the main brand Munchee, the customer analysis leave behinding be through with(p) on a sub category -Marie widely known as Tikiri Marie or Munchee Tikiri Marie. It is a small coat biscuit. The market surgical incision chosen were children. Presently it is pluralityed in a keep impertinent pack sold at a frugal impairment. The advertisement that was done on a endure of media was presented in the most agreeable way, backed by lyrics that coterie a smile on the lips of any child. It was later that Maliban put a Marie rate into the market. But by thence Munchee Tikiri Marie had taken the market by storm. Competitor analysisThere has been great potential for a childrens biscuit in the market. CBL had limited resources, especially in production technology which restricted revenue. It was the consumer preference that motivated CBL to keep producing the Marie Biscuit. At one point in time 50% of the production was Marie. Yet, the company was unable to raise profits. Maliban held strong to its position. No advertising, share promotions or merchandising was able take over the market cover that Maliban held. Maliban Marie has an unique flavor that was unmatchable. Volume market share (Total Biscu it Market-February 2005)Communication analysisThis is a (B2C) nature of business. The company has employ place for the hillss such as Tikiri Marie learnedness course of instruction.-Munchee Tikiri Shishyadara. Expansion programs worth Rs. 500 million Rs. 300 million for state of the cheat plant. It was known as Plant 6 from Italy. CBL went to war using all types of media from TV, news idea, radio, magazines, even clearsites to introduce a new Marie. There was a series of advertisement for Tikiri Marie- from Kohomada Tikiri Mole to the first day in school. All campaigns had been embarked under their corporeal moto-A crowning victory. This was CBL communication approach of tacking Maliban. station market for Munchee Tikiri MarieThe brand Munchee has not only spread over domestic market that also the export market. Munchee is now exported to over 36 countries. Munchee can be seen in Gourmet Shops in Australia, supermarket like Wal-Mart, K-mart worldwide in countries like UK, Germany , Italy , Middle-East , Canada andJapan. South East Asiatic region is spread over 11 countries. When Munchee is conduct marketed in this area, it must(prenominal) be the same target market as of the other South Asian countries. It is the high quality, texture and taste that captivate any child in any country. Because of this CBL must ensure that they do not loose the perception of a biscuit for children. As it is not world partnered by any company as it was in UK the brand name can prevail. Here CBL needs to position its product, therefore no private label leave be needed either like NTUC of Singapore and Supreme brand in China. Segment for MarieGeographical segmentation-South Asia, Europe, America, UKDemographical Segmentation Age, taste, texture, incomeBehavioral segment- instant, nutritiousProduct positioning of MarieBrand Identity vs. Competition(Source- AC Neilson)Premium quality, Innovative and respect for money brand available at arms length of desire. Scope of this Integrated Marketing Communications PlanIt looks in to objectives, strategies, and tools in communication employ to successfully bring about integrated marketing. The plan willing discuss ways to launch a program to communicate product. Marketing objective maturation the sale of Munchee Buiscuits. CBL is looking to addition sales by 5% deep down the next dickens years. With this to increase the market share by 5% at the end of the second year. Increase the company profile while enhancing the product among the target market. Munchee also wishes to strengthen Brand image among South East Asian countries as a healthy, nutritious biscuit. Communication ObjectiveAwareness program to take a leak 20% of target market through television, news subject advertising and web promotions. At least 5% the target market must purchase the product. Issues and ChallengesThe target market may have other preferences in biscuits. This entirelydepends on texture, flavor, taste, shape and siz e. Thus the promotions/advertising will have to be attractive, creative and innovative in order to reach the hearts and minds of South East Asian Children. Situational analysisCurrent problem veneer product* The target audience may not be reached.* They may prefer other biscuits.* Difficult to mannequin brand loyalty in the food diligence.Identifying target* The target market is chosen taking taste and nutrition in to consideration. * Targeting people who looks for low price provided has to be of quality. Selecting a Market to TargetSouth East AsiaGeographic segmentationChildren of the age 1-16 , Middle classDemographic segmentationTarget marketInstant, nutritiousBehavioral segmentationThe target market that has been chosen is of the geographical location of South East Asia region among a demographic target of children between the ages of 1-16. In modern South East Asia food in freely available for purchases for people who are one the move. This biscuit provides nutrients that ar e level-headed for children and is an easy snack in a keep fresh pack. It is instant food for hungry youngsters. Positioning through Marketing Strategies* Introductory price* chance to tasteCompetitionProduct ComparisonThere are companies like DIMOs that offer discounts to Government servants but no company has offered it to Bankers. AMW is the first to get into this program.Barriers to gateway* The awareness in low.* Banks have tied with other automobile companies, on a separate pedestal for their leasing requirements and the staff gets their vehicles also leased through those companies. * Buyers may go for second hand as the economic situations are tough. Competitor Differentiation Chery QQ Micro PandaFeatures little(a) hatch back with comfortable interior, leash Cylinder DOHCMPI 12V Petrol 812 CC engine Chery is imported from China and marketed in Sri Lanka by David Peiris Motor Company Micro car, Volvo tech, 1300 cc engine. Made in Sri Lanka. Comes with and without air bag. Target Market Working professionals Working professionals Strengths Low price, Brand backing Made in Sri Lanka Weakness Small aver of customers, No discount Small range of customersNo discountConsumer Behaviour problems trammel about in addressing communication message There is nothing tautologicalordinarily attractive about the AMW Maruti. But the interior is appealing. It is economical on the fuel. There is a one year warranty on the car. These are any(prenominal) of the aspects in regards to the car that a consumer will look at. wherefore the consumer is going to look at the company that selling the car. Associated Motor Ways Ltd is one of the oldest automobile conglomerates in Sri Lanka. They are the sole distributors of Suzuki vehicles in Sri Lanka and are machine-accessible with several brand names in the motor industry such as Nissan, Yamaha, and Goodyear. Addressing the problems with the vehicle such as no extra ordinary sweetheart about the vehicle or that there is fume emission from the vehicles which is hazardous to the external environment, what AMW concentrates on is the interior of the car and how economical it is. The Maruti is good on fuel. The size makes it easy to handle. This car is value for money. BrandingBankers are credibly for a discount program where the vehicles are leased giving a bank loan. Maruti is likely to stay in the minds of the buyer due to features of the vehicle, the interior and the engine capacity in relation to the other brands of this same model which where accustomed under contention analysis. The Maruti is a more durable and dependable brand. Position statementThis promotion is available only for bankers that are permanent in their jobs and the loan facilities are available. whatsoever other financing will not be permitted. The discount is available for all colours of Maruti. PromotionThe promotion is done within Colombo and its turn up suburbs. For this promotion 50% of the computeed funds are allocated. This was first circulated to family and friends, for the word of mouth is the cheapest and the best way of promoting a discount program. Gradually as the awareness send-offs to increase it will be circulated among banks, first on a personal basis to call whose contacts can be acquired. Then the leasing managers or the staff managers in spate of staff leasing will be approached. Depending on the geographical location, banks will be approached in regards to the promotion. Once the approval has been obtained by the management, lineups will distribute to main branches. These are known as power position advertising. The dealership logotype will be indicated in the poster. A list of the eligible staff members will be collected and a web based mailer will be sent out to them. Permission will be acquired to post the promotion on an intranet preparation that is accessible only to the relevant bankers of the targeted bank. A car may be sent out to the main branch for display. Once the initial promotions have been done in and around the main branches where web may not be the best promotional attribute a news paper advertisement will be posted. The news paper will carry a pictureous depictation of the car with a Brand Ambassador. The Brand Ambassador can be a cricketer or any other sportsman who is working in a bank indicating that this is the best leasing offer ever. These adds will have to run e very often and it must be made sure that the adds are not too small to see. It may be preferable to advertise in a Sinhalese paper when thinking of promoting the discount program among thesuburbs. There has to be creativity, innovation and an even flow for an advertisement to catch the eyes of the reader. A Saturday or Sunday paper is preferable as people have more time than on a weekday to read the paper. Television can be used as last resort. This is expensive but can be the most influential method of advertising. This is a sure a way of information gathering for viewers. The television adds ordinarily have a lasting impression on the viewer. This is a sure way of assuring results for IMC. There are many highly watched channels of those the cheapest but the most effective can be used. The TV add can play between programs. The programs after which the add will be aired will have to be carefully chosen. It will need to depend on viewers discretion. The advertisement can go on for a consummation of 6 months at least. The web based marketing is another(prenominal) method by which advisement can be done. This is the most modern method. Some of the websites a great deal visited by bankers are Facebook, ESPN, Google, YouTube,, Myspace, and The most normal of them all is Facebook, Google, and Youtube. All these websites focus on online advertisements. Websites like Facebook taps a large audience. This not only enables promoting to bankers but also lets others know the car sale. This is a good way to get other compan ies to tie up with the dealership of AMW. Communication Tactical Calendar Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Poster News paper TV Web Display BudgetThe largest potion that is 50% of the budget is for promotion. Of the 50% promotional budget 30% will be allocated for television commercials, the remainder 20% for news paper, posters, display and web. The remainder 50% will be allocated for Brand Ambassador and confused expenses. The total allocation for the budget is Rs. 2,000,000/- Measurement administrationImplementation ControlsMonitoring, review and control will be done by the dealership company with the coaction with the bank that is leasing the vehicle. The review to be done on a monthly basis. Progress against targets to be analyzed. For this a marketing plan has to be drawn out. A target market needs to be chosen and a pilot project done before, the discount program is advertised. Once the dealership feels that this can be a successfully implemented then monitoring has to be undertaken. This has to be done carefully. Gap analysis done on a regular basis. castigation actions need to be taken if there is no progress within the first three months of advertising. Dealership may go back to the drawing bill of fare and redo the marketing plan again. Quality AssuranceAround this time the company was receiving a build of complaints regarding its biscuits breakages, poor taste, quality etc. Rather than dissolve the issue, CBL decided to place an emphasis on investigating the cause of the complaints, and took corrective action, including formula changes, to reduce the high number of returns at the time. Setting up punter procedures for packing, product handling and transportation, the company prepared for its forthcoming growth. It conducted daily taste tests of its own products and organized regular taste panels to compare its products with those of its competitors. It also methodically enter the specifications of all products organism manufactured knowledge that had previously been passed on through practice and word of mouth. As the films on the Quality Assurance department began to rise, the company decided in 1996 to seek ISO certification Today, quality assurance remains an area of particular pride for Munchee. The department plays a critical role in product testing and development of production process controls and systems. High hygiene standards for toilet habits and hair, together with regular swab tests of employees are strictly enforced. Every shipment of incoming materials is tested for quality and those that fail are rejected. Following a complaint, products are collected from customers and subject to laboratory analysis. In 2004, CBL received HACCP certification for food safety together with SLS certification for its biscuits23.. With these in hand CBL became the only confectionary company in Sri Lanka to acquire all relevant qualitycertifications for its line of business i.e. SLS, ISO 90012000, ISO 1400124 and HACCP. Product DevelopmentProduct development also became an area of increased focus. While CBL had begun operations with a line of distinctive biscuits, along with some generics. However, in the recent years the vigour for high turnover had resulted in innovation playing a secondary role. Some of the biscuits that had made Munchee distinctive, were neglected in opt of more mass consumer products. CBL began conceptualizations and potential improvements to flavor and quality. The company also began to actively investigate and keep up with new technologies and machinery by participating regularly at trade exhibitions and through membership in industry associations. DistributionAround this time CBL took the decision to rethink its methods of distribution and undertook to overhaul its sales and distribution hunting expeditions in favor of a much bolder plan. Up to this point the company had depended almost completely on wholesalers to sell its products as a hassle free style of managing its distribution efforts. As a result, while CBL had the logistic and cost advantages of verifying a lean sales team, the company suffered due to its dependence on the enthusiasm of its wholesalers to push its products. CBL decided to bite the bullet and invest heavily in its sales force. It expanded its distribution reach, increasing its number of distributors, changed the demarcation of sales regions into much little areas for more intensive sales efforts and recruited the regional and senior sales personnel required to cope with this new civilizeion. 5.4.4 Customer IntimacyWith the changes to its sales force, CBL was forced to face up to the fact that it was very removed from its consumers. The company recognized that it had been paralleling the moves and decisions made by Maliban rather than acting on real consumer insights. CBLs focus had been very much product centric concentrated on improvement of it s formulation and production technology. It developed its products in isolation and once developed attempted to market them. Little attention had been paid to market research, even on an informal basis. Moreover, CBL began to understand that itscustomer was a new, youthful generation whose tastes and style were very different from the consumer of the previous ten years. Beginning in 1996, the bestride itself acknowledged this changed attitude by beginning to go to the field on a regular basis to a coronate down attempt to gauge market perceptions and trends. The newly developed sales force provided feedback from consumers and distributors and the company took the further step of setting up a separate subsidiary to plan its marketing activities and to become more responsive to market needs an gaps. The holding company became primarily responsible for up(p) product quality and procedures. 5.4.5 Image BuildingCBL also recognized that in order to grow it had to become a better known name as a company. Partly as a result of its multiple brand names, CBL itself was relatively unknown as a somatic entity. Embarking on a campaign to raise the profile of the company, CBL engaged the services of a consultant, and set out to gain greater corporate recognition for itself among two consumers and the business community. The publics lack of knowledge of the breadth of the companys activities was hindering its activities as a holding company, particularly for purposes such as tapping the capital market. With the help of its consultant, CBL set about establishing a public image for itself. This was done primarily through the print media. Every week or so, an article regarding the company and its various corporate activities and Latest initiatives, including its export plans and CSR, appeared in the newspapers. Competitiveness BehaviourThe Biscuit WarsAround 1995, CBL had hit a wall in terms of increasing its turnover. Limited by its existing production technology and cons umer tastes, t its highest growth opportunity lay in the Marie biscuit market. While CBLs Marie25 biscuits now made up 50% of total production, the company was unable to meaningfully increase its sales and market share of the Marie category. It had attempted a variety of marketing activities including extensive advertising, merchandising and trade promotions, but was still not able to take sufficient market share away from Maliban. The Munchee Marie biscuit was at this time essentially a clon of Malibans Marie and used verysimilar promotion. However, despite much effort and testing, eBL was not able to exactly reproduce the Maliban Marie flavor. Although market share was a (then) sinewy 10% and despite fervent urgings from its own sales team to the contrary to be more like Maliban, CBL decided that the time had come to change maneuver and be different in order to try to break through the turnover barrier. The Tikiri Marie CampaignMunchee hit on the winning concept of launching it s own Marie as Tikiri Marie a petit sized Marie biscuit using an aggressive campaign entitled Tikiri Mole, to bring the little biscuit to the attention of consumers. The campaign targeted children with the use of attractive advertising and proven a real turning point in Munchees growth and image. The biscuit was so successful that the smaller sized Tikiri Marie became the number one Marie biscuit in the Sri Lankan market, with a phenomenal 50 per cent of Marie market share and eventually forced the giant Maliban to acknowledge Munchee as a significant market player by playing copy cat and resizing its own Marie. 7 Part of Munchees success with Tikiri Marie stemmed from Malibans complacency and its failure to react to this round down on the Marie category. The Tikiri Marie campaign brought into effect other changes at CBL such as the introduction of Munchees keep fresh pack, which ensured better product freshness. Following its success with Tikiri Marie CBL expanded the use of the fresh pack to the entire Munchee biscuit range. The company also commenced a Tikiri Marie scholarship program for school children in 1997 entitled Munchee Tikiri Shishyadara which it continues to this day. Now in its eighth year, the program provides 120 deserving children with scholarships of Rs. 1000 per month for one year with fresh applicants being awarded annually. By 1998, the cumulative effect of the changes made through the 1990s, resulted in CBL achieving a 30% market share of the biscuit market (up from 20% at the start of the 1990s) and topping the Rs. 1 billion turnover mark. This was a major milestone for CBL, both internally and externally. The company was becoming better known, both to consumers for its brands and quality products and to the industry for its investitures in good technology. CBL reinforced this reputation by committing to a Rs. 500 million expansion program Rs. 300 million of which was spent on a large state of the art plant from Italy. Plant 6 as it was known, was CBLslargest capacity plant thus far with five lines that could handle both hard and fermented dough. This action by CBL sent a strong message, to its staff and associates, about CBLs optimism and confidence in the companys future growth commercialization of this new plant, CBL planned to introduce a new range of biscuits to tackle Maliban head-on. 6.1.2 The Lemon Puff BattleCBLs next strategic attack on Maliban came in 2001 with its Lemon Puff. The Munchee Lemon Puff had a solid 30% market share but as was the case with Marie, failed at maturation sales further as a me too product. CBL decided to re-Launch Lemon Puff, by promoting it as a organise biscuit with a higher cadence of lemon cream. The campaign was heralded by an intensive television campaign directed at capturing the attention of a new market. What the company did not go bad in its advertising was that the cracker itself had been vastly alter, through a new formula and upgraded technology. It was i n fact a noticeably better overall sandwich biscuit than Malibans Lemon Puff rather than just being a look alike with more cream. Going against the advice of its advertising company, Munchee replaced the traditional icteric packaging, synonymous with the Lemon Puff category, with a white wrapper. The superior moisture and odour barriers of the new metalized wrapper combined with the new pillow pack technology, which used only two seals to achieve increased air-tightness, better preserved the crispness and freshness of the sandwich biscuit. This had been a problem that had plagued both companies puffs for decades. Consumers who tasted the Munchee Lemon Puff for its extra cream (not enough cream was a complaint associated with both Lemon Puffs for years) were pleasantly surprised and rapidly switched loyalty to the Munchee Lemon Puffs. Thus Munchee demonstrated that it was in touch with tastes of its consumers and used their feedback to improve its biscuits. The impact of the product changes were felt immediately. Munchees market share in puffs went up from 30% to over 50% within a mere four months following this relaunch, and grew the entire puff category from 12 to 16%. As a result, Malibans share of Lemon Puff which had been a staggering 70% plummeted to 29%. By now Munchee had 45% of the local biscuit market and was vying with Maliban for market leadership. CBLs next big altercate was clear take on Maliban in the cream cracker market. Despite Munchees success at emergence its sales,Maliban still had approximately 75% of the stipendiary cracker market while Munchee was at a meager 23%. The Maliban cream cracker was well accepted and entrenched in the market. CBL had to find a way of breaking through with an innovative cream cracker to take on this market. 6.1.3 The Cream Cracker AssaultThe following year, in 2002, CBL re-Iaunched its cracker as a Super Cream Cracker, enriched with vitamins in a bold campaign, with live broadcast of two music shows held s imultaneously in Colombo and Anuradhapura before vast crowds As they had done with the Lemon Puff, CBL used a new metalized pillow-pack with a contemporary look to break away from the traditional solid red Maliban packaging synonymous s with cream cracker and re-formulated the cracker to deliver a crisper and tastier product. The Munchee strategy of delivering a superior quality product that convinced consumers to switch brands prove a success and the results were phenomenal. Cracker sales grew, expanding its own market not merely taking over competitor share. Growth in sales n other(a) tripled and Munchees market share in cream cracker immediately doubled to 40%, reaching 50% the foHowing year. Today, of the total cream cracker category, which makes up 20% of the total domestic biscuit market, Munchee owns a 60% share. Super Cream Cracker accounts for 30% of the companys turnover, with a profit margin of over 25%. Munchee continues to fight aggressively for market share. Its most recent marketing campaign entitled Podi Badaginne targets the large 500 gm pack market, previously serviced by loose crackers. The focus is to use the cracker as a substitute for a full meal for chummary factory workers who are already provided with two meals from their work place. The company has again demonstrated its knowledge of customer needs and changing trends and lifestyles in Sri Lanka as the record 128% growth of this heavy use pack from 2004 to 2005 shows. Business ExpansionBeginning from the 1990s, CBL began looking at other areas in the food and confectionary industry to expand its businesses activities. 6.2.1 RitzburyOne of the first areas CBL explored was one naturally antonymous to its existing line of business chocolate. At one time, the company had produced chocolate for Nestle and had some exposure to Nestles chocolate operations.Launched in 1991, Ritzbury chocolates began with chocolate coated (enrobed) biscuits. The company went through much teething pain in d eveloping the right quality chocolate for its use. It struggled to develop a workable formulation one that tasted good while withstanding the melting and rancidity caused by the tropical Sri Lankan weather. Ritzbury gradually developed its market by first growing its range of coated biscuits, then expanding to chocolate candies and hand made chocolates, and only recently pitiful into the traditional slabs the largest market category. The companys strategy is to provide innovative eye-catching products to its consumers and thus differentiate from its competition. Ritzburys first entry was Chunky Choc (chocolate covered biscuits sandwich with butterscotch cream filling), followed by Chit Chat (chocolate coated wafer with hazelnut cream) and Chocolate Fingers (chocolate coated finger biscuit). Another innovation for Sri Lanka was Pebbles (brightly colored, sugar coated chocolate candies). The Ritzbury range includes Nik Nak, (chocolate coated vanilla cream wafer), Go Nuts (colored ch ocolate coated peanuts), choosy (liquid chocolate stick) and Choco-La individual nuggets. Although it started out originally as a poor number four, Ritzbury recently beat Kandos (Ceylon Chocolates) to the number two spot in the chocolate market. However, at 21 % vs. 42% Ritzbury has only half the market share of market leader Edna and a long way to go to become number one. Further, Edna has itself shown to be very aggressive and quick in bringing out innovative products to the chocolate market. Ritzbury for its part, offers over 60 differentiated items, at the full range of price points and with a dedicated sales force certainly provides its consumers affordability and access. Despite being a small local brand, it offers consumers a complete range of chocolates and chocolate coated products and for other products frequently provides comparable alternatives to more expensive imported products. Examples are Pebbles as an alternative to Smarties, Chit Chat to Kit Kat and Go Nuts to M&M s. Yet, apart from the hand molded specialty chocolates and coated biscuits products, the company has yet to fully convince local consumers that the quality of its slab range is on par with that of imports or Kandos. By 1997, following its first biscuit war and having gravid its market share in the biscuit market to a good for you(p) 30%, CBL began to focus on sales of Ritzbury. One hindrance to improving growth CBL realized was the then singlechain of distribution it used for both biscuits and chocolates. In practical terms what this implied was that once a retailer had gone through purchases of the more established Munchee list of biscuits they would have little money left over(p) for Ritzbury chocolates. Ritzbury sales were materially affected and it became evident that an alternative would have to be sought out. One option was to increase the breadth of the CBL range in order to afford to maintain a second line of distribution. 6.2.2 Pancho SnacksWith this in mind, CBL decide d to enter the snack food market in 1998 under Ritzbury. Named Pancho, this snack range was made up primarily of extruded snacks. However, despite the companys sustained efforts with Pancho and the separate sales force, the impulse buy snack market proved a disappointing arena for CBL. Despite the introduction of two products under a new line named Catch Me together with a re-Launch of Pancho in 2000, the company ensnare that it could only succeed in this market with a near continuous stream of promotions. Although CBL persevered in snack foods for n beforehand(predicate) five years, it was eventually forced to mingy up this operation and admit failure. With the aim of an expansion of its range still in mind, CBL next entered a completely unfamiliar food market. In 2000 due to its own financial difficulties, Yanik Incorporated, an investment bank, was selling its 79% stake in Soy Foods (Lanka) Limited, a public listed company manufacturing textured vegetable protein (TVP) nuggets. Soy Foods was a loss making number four player in the market but had innovatored a number of soy products under the brand Lanka Soy. CBL seized this opportunity to expand its range, encouraged by its present Managing Director who had experience in the soya area. CBL purchased the stake in Soy Foods at Rs.9/share and took over operations in September 2000 by 2002 the company had been successfully turned around and had become a viable entity. This was the success story that CBL had been searching for. The Soy Foods line allowed CBL to maintain a dual distribution network, one for its biscuits and another for chocolates and soy. The effects of this isolation of chocolate sales from biscuits were immediate and notable. By 2002 Ritzbury had made impressive inroads into its competition and grown market share to over 15%. 6.2.3 Lanka SoyIn 2000 when CBL bought over management of Soy Foods (Lanka) Ltd. from Yanikit was a loss making company. Despite being the pioneer in the local soy mark et, Lanka Soy was at the time selling only 50% of the volumes of the market leader Raigam, with a 15% market share. The companys growth was stagnating in a rapidly growing market, and many smaller competitors were cashing on its market with lookalike products. The ambitious strategy set out for a turnaround of the company was to aim to make it not merely profitable but the market leader. CBL decided that not only was it necessary to grow Lanka Soys market share, through a fresh look and product, it was going to grow the total product market through a change in positioning. Thinking very innovatively, the company decided what was needed was to position soya not just as a vegetarian food, but as a more economical substitute for the protein content of a main meal. Touting advantages such as convenience, price and the lack of freezer requirements together with newly introduced catchy features such as interesting shapes and flavors, a whole range of new branded soy products were launched under the Lanka Soy umbrella. Given that at the time, chicken flavored soya was the most popular soya product the company decided it would introduce interesting flavors to accompany new presentation efforts. In order to take the competition head on, it improved the taste of its traditional range, while also increasing its product range. It developed not one but a range of chicken flavors, under the brand Chikosoy, consisting of tandoori, masala, roast and chilli chicken flavors. For the traditional vegetarian market, it introduced the Vegesoy range a further four flavors of mushroom, hot and spicy, Chinese chop suey and Indian rasam. But its piece de oppositeness was a completely new entrant Malusoy. This range of not merely fish but also seafood flavors truly tapped into a very strong local preference for seafood. Malusoy comprised spratts, devilled prawns, cuttlefish and ambul thiyal flavors. Packaging for the four new sub brands was done using a range of appealing eye-catching colors, with a unique logo designed for each. Advertising again interestingly was carried out individually on a sub brand basis. For example, Malusoy used a two column poster conveying the advantages over canned fish. The company also took the extra step of providing a sauce sachet to provide a one step cooking process. speech pattern was placed to introduce the cooked product to consumers by way of cookery demonstrations and street promotions. In particular, Malusoy was aimed at areas with littlecoastal access. sales efforts were overhauled, re-demarcating a network to reach 35,000 outlets with designated representatives for supermarkets, catering and restaurant sectors. The results were strong. By early 2002 Lanka Soys market share had jumped to 25% hitting 30% and market leadership a year later. Malusoy to eBLs surprise turned out to be Lanka Soys front runner in sales. The strategy to offer consumers, as a household, their daily main dish at a price less than half the price o f canned or fresh sea food was highly successful. in spite of appearance 24 months Malusoy sales exceeded 500,000 packets a month, making up over 14% of the total soy market. Due to the sudden launch of many interesting products at the same time Lankasoy established itself as trend setter and frontrunner of the soya product market. 6.2.4 Tiara CakeseBLs next expansion was within the local confectionary business -the moneymaking(a) Rs. 4 billion plus local cake market. eBLs main biscuit and chocolate operations had traditionally taken place at its theme factory located along with its head office in Pannipitiya. However in 2002, the company invested Rs. 1.5 billion to set up eBL Foods International (eBL Foods), a Board of Investment (BOI) approved company in Rannala, about one time of day away. Awarded a 10 year tax revenue holiday, eBL Foods has a mandate to manufacture bakery products and chocolates the former includes a new line of cakes under the brand name Tiara. The new ve nture commenced operations in September 2004 with a new line of portion cakes individually wrapped sponge layer cakes, marketed under the Tiara sub brand Okay, The product line also includes swiss rolls. CBL Foods boasts a state of the art plant intended primarily for cakes and a Clean Room,,33 to guarantee freshness for a shelf life of up to eight months. Due to production constraints faced elsewhere however the 110,000 square foot modern facility also includes manufacturing and packing for chocolates, wafers and biscuits the latter including both hard and soft dough. CBL expects that its gathering tax slab will come down to 32.5% as a result of CBL Foods tax advantaged status and the shifting of these manufacturing of chocolates, wafers and biscuits, which previously came under Ceylon Biscuits tax slab. The company uses a formula to regulate profit and is taxed at the preferential rate of 15% on its export. 6.2.5 Other SnacksIn 2004, CBL invested Rs. 50 million to acquire a 60 % stake in Cecil Food (Pvt) Limited (Cecil Food) an organic manufacturer of dehydrated fruit products, fruit juices, desiccated coconut and cashews primarily for the export market. Though the company had been in instauration for 10 years and exported to 20 countries, it was facing financial difficulties. CBL brought to Cecil Foods the financial strength and management experience that it needed, while the founder retained a 25% stake. CBLs main interest in Cecil Food was its exposure to rural agriculture and its export and local market potential. The company presently exports to countries including the US, UK, Germany, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Malta, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain. build up with CBLs financial backing the company has overcome its working capital needs. CBLs infusion of capital has enabled the purchase of new equipment and is now looking at expanding sales to tap the local market. Cecil Foods also has a 100% owned subsidiary Cecil Fruit Canneries which concentrates on natural fruit juices for both the domestic and export markets. CBL intends to launch this range to the domestic market by introducing a line of fruit juices in novelty pouches. Export MarketsCBL has also set its sights on growing its revenues through tapping sales in overseas markets. Although CBL had been merchandise biscuits from inception, around 1997, the company began to export regular container loads to the United States, Canada, Australia and India, while also investigating at lucrative export markets such as the Middle East. India became a particular focus, with the company beginning its own marketing effort there. By 2000 CBL was also exporting to the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Sweden, the Middle East, Hong Kong, Mauritius, Fiji Islands and the Maldives. Although the export sector took a long time to stabilize, export orders now go out to 36 countries, exceeding Rs. 110 million in value (USD$ 1 million) in 2004/5. Exports to the UK, Middle East and Canada are mainly to the so called ethnic markets catering to the Sri Lankan diaspora, but in other countries demand is lento establishing into in the established biscuit market through chain distributors. While most exports are under private labels that it, outsourcing for foreign biscuit companies CBL has managed in some instances to establish its own brand. This is particularly the case inAustralia where the company has taken the additional step, as it did in India, of setting up its own marketing effort by establishing a company representative as market manager. Australia is now the main export market for CBL, having overtaken the United States. CBL also enjoyed some recent success making inroads into western Africa. 6.3.1 Entry into IndiaThere are four accepted methods for a company to enter a foreign market exports, licensing, joint ventures and direct investment, which often represent an evolution in the degree of interest the company develops once it is present in the market. Be ginning with straightforward exports from the mid 1990s and early exports of containers to India in 1999 CBL took the next step in developing the Indian market by investing Indian Rupees 3.6 crores (36 million) to purchase Parrys Confectionary based in Pondicherry, about an hour from Chennai. Setting up a 100% owned subsidiary Ritzbury India, CBL began manufacturing operations for the first time outside Sri Lanka. The acquisition provided CBL with a hexad line 350 ton a month manufacturing plant. The company entered the Indian market with the Munchee and Ritzbury brands, for distribution in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. While the chocolates were manufactured in Sri Lanka, most of the Munchee range was baked in India. CBL produced nine varieties of biscuits including Marie, Glucose biscuits and several creams at the Pondicherry plant. This manufacturing base in India proved to be both a blessing and a distress to CBL. On the one hand, it became a strong negotiating tool for CBL at a time o f labour unrest. CBL was able to take a tough stance, threatening closure and the contemptible of its entire manufacturing operations to its base in India. However, on the other hand, distribution arrangements provided by Parrys proved to be less than satisfactory. The company began a losing battle in trying to distribute its products. Revenues were far below expectations and Ritzbury India further faced a number of detrimental tariffs in South India. Despite a Free treat Agreement with India, and a reduction of barter to 3%, the state sales tax in Tamil Nadu was increased by 8% for imported goods efficaciously nullifying any duty concessions. Following a second acquisition in India, CBL decided to completely dispose of its Chennai operations at a loss, dissolving Ritzbury India. In 2003 CBL heard about the sale through court auction of Bakemans, once the third largest biscuit manufacturer in India with a market sharehigh of 13% of the total Indian market. Outbidding its Indian competition in July 2004 CBL successfully acquired the assets of Bake mans at a cost ofRs .. 300 million. Along with the premises the company also gained six biscuit lines from the acquisition, two of which it chose to bring to Sri Lanka for installation at CBL foods to allay its present capacity constraints. Based in Patiala in the state of Punjab, CBL set up CBL India with plans to commence commercial production in the near future, using one biscuit line. Having recruited Bakemans former CEO, who had been directly involved in the companys rise to its one time number three position, CBL has ambitious plans for India and its manufacturing operations there in the future. Tentatively speaking of a Munchee-Bakemans brand name, CBL aspires to become number three in India within two years of operations and have the same type of success at retail that Dilmah has achieved in India CBLs argufy in India is to find a mass consumer line of biscuits similar to Marie and Cream Cracker in Sri La nka. Glucose biscuits are an area that the company will have to examine, given their present popularity in India, but to compete with established players such as Parle-G and Britannia, CBL will need both a reliable distribution network and an attractive proposition for the Indian consumers to give it a try. The use of the Bakeman name, which would certainly aid the latter, is presently an issue. If CBL is able to use the Bakeman brand name in some form it will cut down market establishment time considerably. CBLs strength is that it has the innovation to develop a product to suit this market and it has proved in Sri Lanka that it has the quality and taste to convince consumers to switch to its brand. What remains to be seen is whether it will have sufficient insight into the Indian market to correctly select what that winning product and distribution strategy should be. Other Indian VenturesIn 2004 CBL entered into an agreement with Ferrero of Italy to distribute and undertake manuf acturing on Ferreros behalf. Ferrero is the world renowned manufacturing business of Nutella, Tic Tac and Ferrero Rocher and Mon Cherie brands of chocolate and another family owned business. Presently the agreement entails the manufacture of boxes for Tic Tac, Ferreros signature mini mint, intended to be extended to the manufacture or complete of the mint pill also. CBL distributes Ferrero Rochers foil wrapped boxed chocolates,Nutella and Tic Tac for Ferrero in Sri Lanka and India. Manufacturing commenced in August 2005, packing pills imported from Australia into the boxes. Distribution is intended for Sri Lanka, Africa, India and Pakistan. The linkup with Ferrero is another example of CBLs chairmans dynamic personality and relationship build skills. Following initial contact in India, CBLs directors visited Ferreros head quarters in Alba, Italy, which Ferrero reciprocated with a visit to Sri Lanka. The company has expressed an interest in using Sri Lanka as a base for South Asian activities, moving its present activities from India, convinced of CBLsabilities as a business partner. CBL in turn hopes the association will expand its knowledge base through contact with the 60 year old Italian family business.Business Unit ContributionBiscuitsTurnover from Munchee biscuits, the biggest contributor to group turnover, grew 30% in the financial year 2004/5 and early results for 2005 show this trend continuing. Past years sales have grown at a similar overall pace, although specific products have shown even higher growth rates at times of changes and innovation. Profit margins on biscuits range from 20-25% with products such as Super Cream Cracker, Tiffin and Chocolate Puff being the most profitable. Biscuit sales are presently constrained primarily by production capability, with demand strong and the company intending to increase its production lines in 2005/6. To try to keep up with demand, CBL has brought down two lines already from its recent acquisition in Ind ia and plans to import a new 2 ton per hour machine from Italy, expected to be installed in early 2006. Group PerformanceWhile CBLs overall growth has been strong over the past five years with revenues more than doubling from Rs. 1.9 to Rs. 5.2 billion over the period, profit increases have been even higher due to various tax benefits. In 2005 CBLs group turnover grew 48% to Rs. 5.2 billion and net profit after tax grew 63% to Rs. 533 million, the highest ever in the companys 36 year history. gross sales surpassed the previous year across all areas of biscuits, chocolates, Soya and exports. The tremendous bottom line growth clearly indicates the contribution accrued from CBL Foods tax advantaged status. Incomparison the 2004 figures were 11% top line and 23% bottom line growth. On average, overall profit margin has been near 9% over the five year period. This is taking into account FlY 200112 which differs due to both the industrial unrest that CBL faced for two months of that fina ncial year as well as the exhaustion of the tax benefits afforded by the 1988 Investment Tax Allowance.The companys latest earning per share figure (EPS) is an astonishing Rs. 53.12 and more impressively has grown from Rs. 36.75 in 2003. This EPS figure reflects the extraordinary growth that CBL has experienced over the last 10 years. EPS in the late 1990s was actually in the Rs. 3000 range on the companys original ordinary share capital of Rs. 390,000 (made up of 39,000 Rs. 10 shares). Path ForwardCeylon Biscuits faced with production capacity constraints for its biscuits, as demand has grown well beyond forecasts. It has adopted the following three pronged approach to increase capacity a) bringing down two biscuit lines from India from its Bakemans operation for immediate capacity expansion, b) importing a brand new large capacity plant from Italy and c) future capacity expansion of its Indian manufacturing operations. CBLs future growth will come from increasing exports of its es tablished products and diversifying by leveraging its domestic logistics and distribution capabilities to market its other products. The company is also increasingly undefended to looking at new opportunities, an example being manufacturing for Italian chocolate maker Ferrero. The companys core competencies for the future will be investment in technology, financial strength, sales and marketing competency and focused management. Key challenges will be dealing with its production restrictions and becoming able to compete on a global basis by 2007. CBLs greatest test will be when the Indo Lanka FTA final phase permits Indian biscuits to be imported duty free beginning 2007. CBL intends to examine becoming listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange over the next few years. Since the desire for listing does not come out to be driven by financial needs only, it is still unclear what CBL will gain from this step. The company wishes to formalize its procedures in order to firm up its financial transparency and professionalize its organization structure andoperations to ensure future continuity and success. There is a sentiment that going public will enforce the discipline required to ensure this. CBL is well poised with a business model to ensure ongoing value creation. It has spent time building strong brands that have future earnings potential. The brands have proven their competencies in that they have been replicated across new markets with success. However there are some concerns that need to be explored.Managing export marketsExport marketing could be more aggressive the model adopted by Munchee for Australia of establishing a marketing office seems the proven highroad to establish and develop key markets. We see some amazing possibilities for synergies for CBL in inviting someone of the caliber of Merrill 1. Fernando Chairman Dilmah to its board, perhaps even offering Dilmah some honor in an export division or forming a separate export company, who could help w ith establishing relationships with some of Dilmahs retailers and distributors in Australia. One way or another, the use of a different model to fast track export market expansion is advisable. 5. Managing Indian market entryThis is the second greatest challenge facing the company. India is an amazingly dissimilar market to Sri Lanka despite certain cultural similarities. It is fragmented with over 15 million retail entities, the largest number in the world. The organized retail sector in India is only 3%. However, over 51 % of its population is under 25 years of age and the fastest growing sector is the retail high-end supermarkets -expected to grow over three fold in the next five years (from US$8 billion to US$25 billion). Beginning with three malls in 2003, India had 25 by 2005 and is building 200 more. The pace of change is phenomenal. It makes sense to enter this high-end retail Focus on core competencieslRefocus on Sales and MarketingCBLs passion for quality, capacity to buil d brands and technological and production innovativeness are great competencies to be retained. Skills like marketing and sales are forever unstable. Such skills are in demand, pressures are great and often new challenges are looked for in different cycles of growth. No proper product management system or category managementis in place. It is important to have some depth to the marketing department. And while CBLs success speaks volumes for the capabilities of its current Director of marketing there is a need for a diversity of approaches and opinions so that marketing efforts do not grow stale. Key mid level appointments need to be made. Customer intimacy Product leadership / Managing brand TOMIn spite of CBL making all the right moves, and succeeding in achieving higher win than Maliban in most of the consumer research categories (see chart below), Munchee is still behind in brand Top-Of-Mind (TOM) recall. This is despite Munchee having strong market noise levels in share of ju ncture and especially with the competition making so many mistakes. Part of the gap between Munchee and Maliban in top of mind recall can be explained by the long history of Maliban as a market leader, and that it was the dominant player for a very long time. Part of the gap between Munchee and Maliban in top of mind recall can be explained by the long history of Maliban as a market leader, and that it was the dominant player for a very long time.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Rawls Summary
Justice as Fairness Rawls first begins with discussing how we ar lead to the original position. The original position is a suppositional argument that considers a society where people do not decide what is right or wrong based on a higher index number or emotion, but rather on common sense. These ideas establish justice or fairness simply based on the communitys beliefs that they create. However, these agreements cannot be made without the veil of ignorance. This means that entirely instances that would create a distortion of views must be ruled out.Thus, the people discussing what the rules will be cannot have any information about the other individual, or the societys position. The hypothetical argument is contingent on all things being fair and equal, which means that all people involved in crating the beliefs must be free of any preconceived ideas. Another part of the equality of this situation is that every appendage of a society, including the minority, must be treated fa irly. Rawls stated that every citizen had basic liberties and human rights that must be protected.He intrustd that societies need to protect the least advantaged citizen in order to be successful. We determine which citizens are least advantaged based on if they possess primary goods. Primary goods are what is needed to be a functioning and contributing member of society. These things are not necessarily monetary, but rather on psychological capabilities, historical facts, social capabilities, as well as, moral abilities being free and equal. Rawls believe that the five most important primary goods that determine advantage are basic rights and liberties, freedom to choose, responsibility, income and self respect.These things can make this hypothetical a cosmos and a society fair as equals. Let us begin with how we might be led to the original position and the reason for not employ it. Now this agreement, like any other, must be entered into under certain conditions if it is to be a valid agreement from the point of view of political justice. depending on(p) historical advantages and accidental influences from the past should not affect an agreement or principles that are to regulate the basic structure from the present into the future. Social and economic inequalities are to satisfy two conditions first, they are to e attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality to opportunity and second, they are to be to the greatest value of the least-advantaged members of society. These revisions in the second principle are merely stylistic. To accomplish its aims, certain requirements must be imposed on the basic structure beyond those of the ashes of natural liberty. A list of basic liberties are drawn up in two ways. To answer these questions we introduce the idea of primary goods. Income and wealth, understood as the purpose of all means.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Firda Kahlo Art Critical Analysing
Critical Analysis This is an oil on squirtvas painting by Friday Kohl c onlyed Cropped Hair, made in 1940 at a size of coxcomb. It is a self- portrait of her with a scissor in one hand and her cop creeping e rattlingwhere on the floor. As you can see in the painting, the fore ground busy because of the long dark hair that is laid all over the floor. In the in-between ground of the portrait, it shows Friday Kohl academic session in a chairperson, befooling an oversized get, that by the sorts of it isnt hers while holding a serious, upset or pain face.As if she was thinking of the pain that someone had caused her, expressing it vista her minting. The way she is position in the painting is out of proportion, from her neck and below it is different from her neck and upwards, consume her looks stiff and uncomfortable. The chair as well stands out more than the rest of the portrait along with the hands, face and neck she had used a bright warm yellow to out-stand the other da rk and light, warm and cool colors. The toning of the middle ground is also very clear, showing all the shadows that are in the suits and her face.The background of the portrait is different from the rest. She had painted it plain, as well s making it look like they are clouds, bring all the attention to the foreground. The top of the background shows some text and music notes. The used of Friday Kohls Line, Tone, Color, Shape, Pattern and shapes are very unique. She had used manly warm color in her portrait. A cool blue for the suit, a warm red for the floor, a warm yellow for the chair and a mixture of colors for the wall but mostly yellow.The tones she used made the chair and herself look AD and the rest AD. The pattern she had used is distinctly shown in the wall behind her it is soft and has a repetition of smudge pots making it looks like clouds. This is very different from the rest of the portrait. The texture of the background, her skin, chair and suit are smooth rather tha n rough. The way she painted the portrait floor, from light transitioning into dark to make it seems spacey and how she placed the horizontal line far back.This make also made the room more spacious and wide as if she is in an empty room and by herself. The focal point of the portrait is of Friday Kohl sitting on the chair and the hair surrounding her. Your eyes would be more attacked to the hair that is on the floor cause it gives Off creepy but also sad look to it, your eyes then moves to her in the oversized suit then to the plain background. This it because of her use of red in the portrait, your eyes are normally more attacked to warm colors.Friday Kohl painted this portrait after she had a divorce with her husband, for cheating on her with her own blood sister. She wanted to express the self- independence and self- combine that she had gain after the divorce. Showing him and others that she does not need him anymore. I believe that the oversized suit she is wearing in the por trait is Diego. She did this because her husband liked her to wear dresses and now that he is gone, she does not need to dress to impress. The scissor that she is holding in her hand, tells me that she had cut off all her hair.This was like a sacrifice to her. Her hair was the one thing her husband loved most about her, by cutting all her hair off. She is trying to show that she had cut all ties that she had always had with her husband. If Diego had left her, then why goes she need the one thing her loved most about her. Your hair is like your Identity. No hair, no identity look it was because of your hair, owe you are without hair, I dont love you anymore this is what the text in the portrait says. This was a big sacrifice she was willing to make.The portrait looks very empty with safe her in the middle could maybe explain the feeling she was feeling after the divorce, depress, sad, lonely and empty. In my own opinion I dislike this portrait. It looks creepy and gross, with all th e hair loosely laid on the ground and her proportion isnt correct. This is something I would not want to hang up on a wall. It gives off an nasty and uncomfortable feeling, like she is looking at you every second, staring at you with hateful eyes.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Mccarthy’s Novel the Road Is About Man’s Inherent Altruism in a World of Selfishness
The earth in The Road is portrayed as a very ghostly individual, this is indisputable. One could deduce from this that thereof he is selfless in protecting his son and carrying on in the times in which he finds himself. This view shoot down contrasts with the one that the piece of music is self-centred with his actions, doing everything to perish and not helping anyone he meets on his journey. All the decisions the man makes throughout the novel hindquarters be used as examples to argue each point of view, and it whitethorn be that it is a mixture of both.Maybe the man acts in a selfless way due to selfish beliefs. The whole image of religious self-sacrifice by the man is probably what McCarthy intended, this can be seen through his determination to preserve his sons life. An example of this is when he defends his son from the man from the truck. He risks everything by shooting the man as this leaves only one bullet in the chamber of the revolver, as he intends to use it in a life threatening situation to kill his son, it means that he will probably die while suffering.His whole determination to stay alive could be seen as to only keep the boy alive, this is seen as selfless as he only wishes to help the boy survive, not himself. This altruism is directly connected to the mans solid belief in god and in what he is doing. Throughout the novel other slews selfishness can be seen, the cannibalism and stealing juxtapose with the mans proper behaviour he tells his son that they would never eat someone and shows generosity towards the old man.Cannibalism is an indication of how people act immorally in the novel in order to stay alive in the novel, the man refuses to do this and is therefore portrayed as having a higher morality than anyone else. On the other hand one could identify the mans behaviour as purely selfish, he has a fix idea in his head, he is protecting his son for his own given mission to be complete. The man does not wish to help anyone other than himself, he only reluctantly helps the old man when his son insists, and happily takes the clothes off a defenceless man later on, returning them only again as a result of his sons persistence.He acts immorally on several occasions, not offering assistance to the man who had been struck by lightning and locking the people in the basement again when he had discovered them instead of helping. It could be argued that everything an individual does is aimed at personal gain, selfishness, either physical or psychological. The man is certainly benefiting psychologically from keeping his son alive as he believes he is doing the right thing and fulfilling his purpose. Also his religious morality can be questioned, as he considers suicide even though this is not allowed according to the bible.The fact that he does not become a cannibal may be used to identify him as still retaining some kind of moral code, however, he does anything to keep him and the boy alive and it is not improbable that in a situation of severe starvation he would have turned to cannibalism had it been an option. From all of his actions in the novel, the reader can justifiably come to the conclusion that the man is just as selfish as the other people trying to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.The man can certainly be described as selfless as well as selfish, he aims towards a noble goal but does not let anything stop him, and he identifies others lives as less important than the boys. Even though he is not described as committing highly immoral actions such as cannibalism, it cannot be ruled out that from his actions we can deduce that this is what he would have turned to had the situation permitted it.On the other hand does playacting immorally indicate acting selfishly, in the novel it certainly does but this may not actually be the case, it may be argued that the immoral actions by the man are through to help the boy survive. McCarthy links selfishness to immoral actions quite strong ly in the book and so due to this the man is presented to the reader as selfless, this was the intention of the author and the reader will most probably grasp this attitude while reading the book. Upon further thought however, it may be seen that the man is simply selfish and there is nothing more to him than that.
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