Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay about The Relationship Between Hamlet and Ophelia
The Relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia Table of Contents 1. Introduction iii 2. Body iii 2.1 â€Å"I did love you once†iii 2.2 â€Å"I loved you not†iv 2.3 â€Å"This is I, Hamlet the Dane†v 3. Conclusion vi Bibliography vii Versicherung viii 1. Introduction Shakespeare’s Hamlet is by all means a troubled young man. He seeks revenge for the murder of his father and has to deal with the incestuous relationship between his mother and uncle. In order to hide his motives, he pretends to be mad. Is it under such circumstances possible for him to return Ophelia’s feelings for him? And in what way does Hamlet’s struggle with himself affect Ophelia? This paper deals with the relationship between the characters of Hamlet and†¦show more content†¦When Polonius and Claudius decide to test Hamlet’s madness through Ophelia, he confesses he once loved her; only to immediately contradict himself claiming her never loved her. Fuelled by his detestation of sinful mankind and his low opinion of women in general as a result of his mother’s incest, he furthermore repeatedly orders Ophelia to â€Å"Go [her] ways to a nunnery†. More crudeness on Hamlet’s behalf is shown during the play-in-play, when he tortures Ophelia with a series of rude sexual comments. So, Hamlet hurts Ophelia as much as he confesses his love, how can he do that if he truly loves her? All those encounters with Ophelia happen under unfortunate conditions. Claudius’s test takes place right after Hamlet delivers his ‘To be or not to be’ soliloquy, voicing suicidal thoughts. Additionally, he cannot be honest with Ophelia as he must know of her obedience to her father Polonius and has to maintain his madness-cover. With regard to this, one could argue that Ophelia joining a nunnery would keep her safe and away from the court, as Hamlet does not and cannot know how his plans for revenge will play out. His hostile attitude towards her can thus be seen as an attempt to alienate her, again, to have her out of the way for his more imminent goal of avenging the murder of his father. 2.3 â€Å"This is I, Hamlet the Dane†– Why Hamlet is responsible for Ophelia’s death If it was Hamlet’s goal to alienate Ophelia in order to keep her safe, he absolutely fails in thatShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Ophelia and Hamlet: William Shakespeare970 Words  | 4 PagesThe play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, looks at the issue of madness and how it effects the characters of the play. Madness can be looked at from very different perspectives, such as strong and uncontrollable emotions, a person’s desires, and also a persons mental stability. Throughout the play, the audience is questioning the sanity of the main character, Hamlet, as he goes on his quest for revenge. The people around him also show signs of madness, such as Ophelia and Claudius, but in differentRead MoreHamlets Love for Ophelia1231 Words  | 5 Pagestragic play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, one of the most common themes found throughout the story’s plot is the theme of love. Shakespeare interlaces many layers of thematic love through the compl ex relationships of Hamlet; primarily between Hamlet and Ophelia. From Act one until the final scene of the play, Hamlet struggles with the decision to kill Claudius while he concurrently tries to comprehend the chaos surrounding him. As the story unfolds and the tensions build between Hamlet and hisRead MoreHamlet And Ophelia Relationship Analysis988 Words  | 4 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia has always been open for interpretation because Shakespeare was never clear on what their exact relationship was. However, throughout the play there are multiple interactions between Hamlet and Ophelia that suggest that they were more than just friends. Hamlet and Ophelia’s interactions and behavior around each other prove that they are in love and their complicated relationship expresses many themes carried throughout theRead MoreShakespeare s Hamlet - Hamlet And Ophelia958 Words  | 4 PagesHamlet and Ophelia The play, Hamlet, by William Shakespeare is the perfect example of how love can not always conquer all. Hamlet may be regarded as one of Shakespeare s greatest plays. This play follows the story of a young prince named Hamlet who lost his father and had his family torn apart by the hands of his Uncle, Claudius who is now king and step father to Hamlet. Subsequently, Hamlet was also having relational problems with his love, Ophelia. The relationship between Hamlet and OpheliaRead MoreHamlet s Elastic Heart : Comparing Hamlet And Ophelia953 Words  | 4 PagesHeart The everchanging relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare has captivated audiences for over 400 years; making it one of the most iconic relationships in literary history. Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship has been scrutinized since the play s conception in the late 1500s. Thousands of literary critics have made their opinions known about the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia without any definite consensus. Both Hamlet and Ophelia had feelings for eachotherRead MoreHamlet s Elastic Heart : William Shakespeare s Hamlet967 Words  | 4 PagesThe ever changing relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare has captivated audiences for over 400 years; making it one of the most iconic relationships in literary history. Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship has been scrutinized since the play s conception in the late 1500s. Thousands of literary critics have made their opinions known about the relationship betwee n Hamlet and Ophelia without any definite consensus. While Hamlet’s love for Ophelia stays strong throughRead MoreHamlet ´s Treatment of Ophelia and Gertrude Essay1680 Words  | 7 PagesHamlets relationship with Gertrude and Ophelia is quick to fall apart after he learns key information about his parentage. Both Gertrude and Ophelia provide him with love but are absent at a time when he needs it most; during the reign of his madness. Hamlets madness is partly evident due to his poor relationship with Gertrude and Ophelia, since they falsely love him then reject him by moving on with their lives. Both females have heavily contributed to the misogyny Hamlet develops. Ophelia and GertrudeRead MoreHamlet Film Adaption Vs. Play Comparison1216 Words  | 5 PagesHamlet Film Adaption vs. Play Comparison Shakespeare’s Hamlet has countlessly been formatted into film depictions of the play. Each film seemed to be on one end of the spectrum of either being closely interpreted or completely remodeled a different idea of what Hamlet is. The film version of Hamlet released in 2000 seems to follow closely to the play in some aspects, yet at the same time having its own unique identity Despite there being many differences with the play Hamlet and the film adaptationRead MoreDialogue Between Ophelia And Hamlet742 Words  | 3 PagesIn the play, Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Ophelia and Hamlet exchange many comments about their relationship while Hamlet wages a form of war on the King. It is widely up to interpretation if the comments exchanged signal a friendship or if they allude to something more. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia and Hamlet maintain a serious relationship, yet lack a sense of affection, which describes a very important lesson in respecting others . Dialogue between Hamlet and Ophelia clearly showRead MoreEssay about Ophelia: Harshly Criticized1027 Words  | 5 PagesHamlet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in the 16th century, has been subject to evaluation for centuries. Each character has been broken down and analyzed. The psychology of each character has been examined. Every relationship has been studied to find more answer surrounding the play. Harold Bloom and Sigmund Freud have examined it extensively. Scholars have dissected all parts of the play. One character that has recently been analyzed more and more is Ophelia. She has been defended by
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Walt Disney s Theme Park - 1440 Words
July 17, 1955, marked the grand opening of Walt Disney’s first major theme park opening. Since 1955, Walt Disney’s idea of a theme park has adapted to more than just a carnival. Currently there are six Disney theme parks worldwide. The United States holds two theme parks, Disneyland Park in California and Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. China also holds two theme parks, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Disneyland Shanghai. While, Japan and Paris only hold one theme park, Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris. Each new Disney park strives to be unique, create fun attractions and serve cuisine that appeal to the citizens of its location but remain consistently classic. Disneyland Anaheim is divided into eight themed lands; Main Street†¦show more content†¦Regular tickets are one hundred and seven dollars. Value ticket prices are ninety-nine dollars and peak ticket prices are one hundred and nineteen dollars. Surprisingly, regular ticket prices at Disney World are cheaper than Disneyland ticket prices by three dollars. Disneyland Hong Kong has seven themed lands. Similarly to Disneyland Anaheim, Adventureland, Tomorrowland, Fantasyland and Main Street USA are all feature themed lands at Disneyland Hong Kong. In contrast Grizzly Gulch, Mystic point and Toy Story Land are newly created lands. Dumbo the Flying Elephant and Sleeping Beauty’s castle are classic attractions. However, Slinky Dog Spin and RC Racer are new attractions that still remain consistent with the theme of other Walt Disney parks. Significantly lower than both Disneyland Anaheim and Disney World, Disneyland Hong Kong has twenty-four restaurants. Another notable difference is the style of cuisine which is primarily Chinese or Asian. Also, ticket pricing varies by age. General admission tickets for ages twelve to sixty-four are five hundred and eighty-nine Hong Kong dollars. General admission tickets for children ages three to eleven tickets are four hundred and nineteen Hong Kong dollars. While ticket prices for senior’s ages sixty-five and over are one hundred Hong Kong dollars. It might be worthy to note that senior ticket pricesShow MoreRelatedWalt Disney Company : The World s Greatest Theme Parks1244 Words  | 5 PagesThe Walt Disney Company was founded by Walter Elias Disney in 1923. Its headquarters is located in Burbank, CA. Walt Disney is one of the best-known companies in entertainment. Most people like to believe that Disney is a company that just has some of the world’s greatest theme parks as well as cartoon and family related films with lovable characters for the whole family to enjoy. However in the last several years they have been changing some of their ways to accommodate diffe rent forms of entertainmentRead MoreWalt Disney : The World s First Theme Park1044 Words  | 5 PagesWalt Disney became an icon in the United Sates through his accomplishments and innovations. He is known for his variety of movies, theme parks, and institutions. Disney was the first to invent a carton in full color. Also, he opened the world’s first theme park. Disney was a very talented person and made many accomplishments. Disney grew up on his uncle’s farm in Missouri with his mother, father, and four siblings. Being the son of a stern religious fundamentalist, his childhood was far from easyRead MoreWalt Disney World s Theme Parks Have Changed Their Pricing Strategy1567 Words  | 7 Pages Walt Disney World’s theme parks have recently changed their pricing strategy to demand-based pricing (Barnes, 2016). Demand-based pricing is when consumer demand or perceived value is used to set the price of the service or good (Boundless, 2017). Demand-based pricing is well-known for being used in the hotel and airline industry. It was not until early 2016 when Disney decided to make the switch to this as well (Sampson, 2016). Ticket prices now cost up to 20% more during holidays and weekendsRead MoreDisney Theme Park1135 Words  | 5 PagesQ-1) What do you think motivated Disney to set up parks abroad, and what might be the pros and cons from the standpoint of the Walt Disney Company? Ans: The Walt Disney Company also known simply as Disney is the largest media and entertainment conglomerate in the world. Founded on October 16, 1923 by brothers Walt Disney and Roy Disney as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio, the company was reincorporated as Walt Disney Productions in 1929.An early and well-known cartoon creation of the companyRead MoreWalt Disney : The Man Behind The Mouse1011 Words  | 5 Pages 29 May 2016 Walt Disney â€Å"The man behind the mouse†The influential person that I have chosen to write about is Walt Disney. Walt Disney is the most influential person that has ever existed. Walt Disney is important because of the way he impacted the world. Some of the reason Walt Disney is influential is because of his perseverance and his ability to dream big. Walt Disney’s legacy will live on for ever. Doing the impossible is one of the things that makes Walt so influential. ThroughoutRead MoreWalt Disney s Corporate Strategy988 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is the Walt Disney Company s corporate strategy? (20 pts) †¢ â€Å"The Happiest Place on Earth†! Walt Disney’s corporate strategy focuses a lot on the family. They want to achieve family focuses content with the uses of technology to create an experience that will be the most memorable. Another key point of their strategy is to widen their reach of families on a more international scale. Being better than the competition has placed Walt Disney in the forefront. Media networks, theme parks, studio entertainmentRead MoreGeneral Definitions. Before Going Into The Background Of1504 Words  | 7 PagesDefinitions Before going into the background of the Walt Disney Company and its theme parks, it is necessary to define some terms that are used throughout the paper. These terms are defined as the researcher understands them as a former cast member of the Walt Disney Company. The first term that needs to be defined is â€Å"guest†. Instead of calling people who visit their theme parks customers, the Walt Disney Company refers to visitors of their theme parks as guests. This is to keep up with the show andRead MoreWalt Disney : The Influential Person That Has Ever Existed738 Words  | 3 Pages Period:7 Walt Disney The influential person that I have chosen to write about is Walt Disney. Walt Disney is the most influential person that has ever existed. Walt Disney is influential because of the way he impacted the world. Some of the reason Walt Disney is influential is because of his perseverance and his ability to dream big. Walt Disney’s legacy will live on for ever. Doing the impossible Doing the impossible is one of the things that makes Walt so influential. ThroughoutRead MoreCasey Blackwell. Spc 1608. Professor Workman. 7 February1234 Words  | 5 PagesWorkman 7 February 2017 Walt Disney Introduction I. Open With Impact A. A creative person famously stated â€Å"It all started with a mouse.†You may be thinking that you know who this mouse is, but not too fast. Yes, it is Mickey Mouse, but who was the brilliant man that created this happy little creature? II. Thesis Statement A. Walt Disney has made a significant impact to the entertainment industry with his cartoons, movies, and theme parks. III. Connect With Audience A. Walt Disney created an empire thatRead MoreDisneyland Paris ( Formerly Euro Disney )1291 Words  | 6 PagesEuro Disney) While Tokyo Disneyland is considered a great success, the Walt Disney Company’s next international theme park venture, Euro Disney, is quite the opposite. In the 1980’s with the great success of Tokyo Disneyland, TWDC entertained the idea of building another international theme park. The Walt Disney Company knew they wanted to build a park in Europe but needed to find a place where they could build their own reality free from the sights and sounds of the real world. The Walt Disney Company
Monday, December 9, 2019
Organizational Development for Consumer Demand - myassignmenthelp
Questions: 1.What is the role and importance of organization business development? 2.Discuss the dimensions of organizational culture based on: dimensions of Organizational Culture Profile (OCP). 3.How could you minimize resistance from middle management in implementing this change? Answers: 1. Organizational development is the utilization of organizational resources to improve efficiency and increase productivity. As much as organizational development requires a significant amount of resources and time, its role and importance are justifiable. As per Chaskin, (2009) Organizational development helps to identify areas where change is needed in an organization. Each need is analyzed and potential change is identified in a change management plan. Organizational development serves as a tool for organizational growth. This is where an organization is able to analyze sales projections and consumer demand and act accordingly to stimulate companys growth. Product innovation is a benefit of organizational development. Organizational development assists in the analysis of different production element and comes up with new ways which will be efficient and effective. Organizational help in developing a communication avenue with employees about the desired changes. This is because the need for employee development is necessary since there is a constant change in the market and industry. This coerces and organization to ensure that the employee skills are in tandem with the changing environment. An organization which is involved in organizational development, takes into concern work process of efficiency and accuracy. Evaluations are able to identify duplicate processes or process which needs to enhanced to improve the quantity and quality of product. 2. As much as an organizational culture cannot be immediately observed, a set of values can be used to identify a culture of an organization. In this regard, researchers have come up with different culture typologies. One of the typologies that have caught much attention is Organizational Culture Profile (OCP) where culture is depicted in a set of values (O'Reilly, Chatman Caldwell, 1991). As per the OCP framework, companies that have innovative culture are flexible and are adaptable to any changes that occur. Such companies are identified by a flat hierarchy titles. Companies with aggressive cultures value most the competition and are keen on being outperformed by competitors. In this regard, such companies fail to adhere to activities that depict corporate social responsibility. Outcome- oriented culture as per the OCP framework are those that value achievement, action and results. A good example can be a technology or electronic company whose achievement leads to better revenue. Stable cultures are predictable, ruled and bureaucratic. People-oriented culture are those that are supportive, fair and respect to individual rights. Companies with team-oriented cultures are collaborative and encourage cooperation among employees. An organization which is characterized with detailed oriented cultures as per the OCP framework, pay attention to precision and details in the work process. The organization should have safety culture as it impacts on the financial safety and also the health safety of the employees. Through policies and programs, both health and financial safety is guaranteed in an organization (McKinnon, 2013). Service culture in an organization exists when employees are motivated to take customer-centric approach. This is where customer needs are put first before any other needs. What are the most important things to do to get my managers and supervisors supporting change management? Managers and supervisors are the most important people when it comes to change initiative in an organization. It should be noted that in times of change, even those who lead can become a stumbling block and can resist the change that is brought to an organization (McCalman, Paton and Siebert, 2015). Getting managers and supervisors to support change initiative through stipulating their five roles in change management. One of the roles is communicating about the change. Employees would want to hear about how they are going to be affected by the change. An employees supervisor and manager are key conduit to pass such information. Managers and supervisors should be the advocates for change, they should be onboard for change even before their employees. Managers and supervisors should be the coach for employees. There are mandated to assist the employees as coaches in every step of the change. Managers and supervisors are responsible for communicating with the project team and the employees to provide sufficient details on the change. Managers and supervisors are the best suited to be able to deal with resistance since they are close to their employees and are best suited to calm them and show them the right direction. 3. The traditional role of middle managers to include, planning, directing, controlling and staffing. Since there has been a lot of changes in the contemporary management of organizations, the role of middle managers have increased and at present, they are able to assume more enabled and empowered roles in the management of organizations. In order to prevent resistance to change from middle-level managers, companies should ensure that they directly engage this lot of managers in day to day organization of a company. In this way, they will not feel left out on the incoming change. Introducing change at the right time is also necessary to avowing resistance from middle-level managers. This is because this type of managers and used to the daily operation of the organization and they tend to be used to the same routine hence introducing change when it is necessary will prevent any resistance. Identifying the root cause for change and acting accordingly. This will enable an organization t o get reasons why middle managers are resisting change and see whether the change can be customized to suit their preferences. The managing director of a well established textile manufacturing unit plans to introduce new imported machines and modern methods of production. The workers in the factory numbering around 2,000 are fearful of the change brought out and hence resisted in many ways. As an OD consultant, how would you advise the top management to tackle the problem? What OD inventions would you suggest and how would you implement them? Employee resistance to change is natural and very common in the workplace. Employee resistance to change is more common when it comes to the introduction of new technology to assist in the operations (Frankel, 2012). For instance, in this case, where there is the plan to introduce new machines to assist in the operation textile company, the two thousand employees are expressing resistance. This this is because they gear there job security the most since modernized machines are set to reduce the human labor. As the organizational development consultant, I would advise the management often Textile Company to communicate the change in an honest way to reduce the fears of unknowns early enough to also win the hearts of loyal employees. Introducing stress management since it is understandable that change cab threatens employees self-esteem and morale. Providing training programs that will help the employees adapt to the anticipated change early enough. Negotiating with employees is also i mportant since it will assist bring on board those who feel lost about the program. References Chaskin, R. (2009).Building community capacity(p. 88). New Brunswick, NJ: AldineTransaction. Frankel, E. (2012).Management of Technological Change: The Great Challenge of Management for the Future(p. 4). Springer Science Business Media. McKinnon, R. (2013).Changing the workplace safety culture(p. 144). CRC Press. McCalman, J., Paton, P., Siebert, S. (2015).Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation(4th ed., p. 287). SAGE. O'Reilly, C., Chatman, J., Caldwell, D. (1991). People And Organizational Culture: A Profile Comparison Approach To Assessing Person-Organization Fit.Academy Of Management Journal,34(3), 487-516.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Tragedy Of Julius Caesar Essays (759 words) -
Tragedy Of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare's play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, is mainly based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. The character who was in charge of the assassination was, ironically, Marcus Brutus, a servant and close friend to Julius Caesar. But what would cause a person to kill a close friend? After examining Brutus' relationship to Caesar, his involvement in the conspiracy, and his importance to the plot, the truth can be revealed. Marcus Brutus, a servant and close friend to Caesar, has a strong relationship with Caesar but a stronger relationship with Rome and its people. Brutus is very close to Caesar. In Roman times, the only way for someone to get close to a person of high rank is if he/she is close to him/her. In many points of the play, Brutus was talking and next to Caesar. Brutus also loves Caesar but fears his power. In the early acts of the play, Brutus says to Cassius, "What means this shouting? I do fear the people do choose Caesar for their king...yet I love him well." as he is speaking to Cassius. Brutus loves Caesar, but would not allow him to "climber-upward...He then unto the ladder turns his back...". As the quote says, Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar's death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome...". Brutus says that Antony cannot see their (members of the conspiracy) hearts, which are full of pity. Again, this shows how Brutus loved Caesar but cared for the life of Rome and its people more. This is the only reason Brutus would conspire against Caesar. For Brutus says to himself, "I know no personal cause to spurn at him...How that might change his nature..." Caesar's relationship with Brutus is also strong. Just allowing Brutus to speak to Caesar shows his respect for Brutus. Caesar feels that Brutus is noble to him and does the right thing regardless of personal danger. On the Ides of March, as Caesar was assassinated, Caesar's last line is: "Et tu, Brute?--Then fall, Caesar.". This shows that Caesar would not die without Brutus' stab. Caesar realizes that there must be a noble reason for this assassination if Brutus was in it. This again shows how much Caesar respects Brutus. Brutus and Caesar both respect each other, but in different ways. Marcus Brutus had a very important role in the conspiracy against Caesar. He was the "back-bone" of the plan. According to Cassius, Brutus' main purpose in the conspiracy is for an insurance policy. The people will think, since Brutus is noble to Caesar, that there is a good reason for Caesar's assassination. Brutus will also be the leader of the conspiracy for another "insurance policy" for the assassination. Cassius is the one who declares this, "Brutus shall lead the way, and we will grace his heels with the most boldest and best hearts of Rome. ". Again, if Brutus leads the way, the people will think that the death of Julius Caesar wasn't such a bad thing. Brutus also declares to himself that his role in the conspiracy is to save Rome. He says to the people that, "If then that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.". If Brutus was not in the plot of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, the conspiracy would probably not have worked. Since Brutus "...loved Rome more.", he decided to be a part of the conspiracy. If he hadn't loved Rome more than Caesar, he would not have joined in the assassination of Julius Caesar. Cassius and the rest of the conspirators would probably not have continued on without Brutus because they would have no "insurance" afterwards. The people would think that there was no reason for Caesar's death and most likely beheaded all the conspirators. Also, if Brutus was not in the play, the whole end of the play would not ever occur. Brutus would not be there to have an army or kill himself, and Cassius will already be beheaded. If Brutus was not in the play, the title would have absolutely no meaning. Marcus Brutus was a good friend to Julius Caesar, but not good enough. He had moral values dealing with Rome and its people. Brutus' values then made him join a conspiracy
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