Thursday, October 31, 2019
- Compare and contrast the pros and cons of public and private sector Research Paper
- Compare and contrast the pros and cons of public and private sector security convergence efforts - Research Paper Example e remunerations for the police officers are funded by the government thus they are accountable to the society in maintaining law and order in efforts to minimize crime. Owing to the nature and baseline of their responsibilities and roles, public security individuals are therefore unlimitedly tasked to gather intelligence information in their bid to successfully and effectively address all possible threats and factions which may in any way compromise the security situation of the state. The recruitment and deployment of public security personnel remains at the helm of the national government and is done in relation to the need. Private sector security involves the services offered by private organizations or individuals to provide personal security to individual’s homes, apartments and businesses. Private security guards are limited as they are unarmed compared to public security officers. Since private sector security are owned by individuals, their funding is private and combined thus not accountable to the society at large but to the personnel whom they are providing security to. The nature and responsibilities of private security firms is to provide personalized security and including special operation services where and when required. Despite such security firms being limited to weapons and almonry by the state, they play a big role in ensuring that companies and systems conform to the laid down regulations including prevention of unauthorized personnel, activity or entry, traffic regulations, access control and in other facilities or environments fire and theft prevention or detection. Therefo re, private security firms are effectively and consistently in place to bridge the security lapse and gap that the national government and public security firms cannot fill owing to the large number of citizens and activities carried out within a given environment (Li, 2008). The public police play a big role on behalf of the government and society performing duties
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Corporate Finance Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Corporate Finance Project - Essay Example Because of their fewness, oligopolists have considerable control over their prices, but each must consider the possible reaction of rivals to its own pricing, output & advertising decision. Oligopoly pricing behavior has the characteristics of certain game of strategy, such as poker, chess, & bridge. The best way to play such game depends on the way one's opponent plays. Players (& oligopolists) must pattern their actions according to the actions & expected reaction of rivals. The study of how people behave in strategic situations is called game theory. In other words, game theory analyzes the way that two or more players choose strategies that jointly affect each-other. This theory that sounds frivolous in its terminology is fought with significance & was largely developed by john Von Neumann (1903 - 1957), a Hungarian-born mathematical genius. Economists, union-management disputes, country's trade policies, international environmental agreements, reputations, & a host of other situations have used game theory. It offers insights for policies, welfare, & everyday life as well. Thus, similarly, in our motto in the market competition in the product market for business i nvestment purpose, this theory has a major implication. To realize so, we will need to move for the further analysis. Here, the vertical rust arrows show uptown's price cuts; the horizontal rust arrows show Starship's matching each price cut. ... Why Because the only price compatible with both stratifies is a price of 0, 90% of 0 is 0. Finally, it dawns on the two firms- when one firm cuts its price, the other firm will match the price cut. Only if the firms are shortsighted will they think that they can undercut each-other for long. So, they will think that- What will my rival do if I cut my price or raise my price Basic Explanation: In a duopoly market, it is assumed that each firm has the same cost & demand structure, each can choose whether to charge its normal or lower price below marginal cost & try to drive its rival into bankruptcy & then capture the entire market. The novel element is the firm's profits will depend on its rival's strategy as well as on its own growth. A useful tool for representing the interaction between two firms is a two way payoff table or matrix which shows the strategic & payoffs of a game between two players. In this table, a firm can choose between the strategies listed in its rows or columns like below- In this figure, each firm decides whether to charge its high price or to start a price war by choosing a lower price. Cell A, at the upper left, shows the outcome when both firm choose the high price; D is the outcome when both choose to conduct a price war & B & C result when one firm has a high price & one a war price. The numbers insight the cells show the payoffs of the two firms, the profits earned by each firm for each of the four outcomes. The rust number in the lower left shows the payoff to the player on the left (Starship), the upper right shows the payoff of the player at the top (Uptown) as the firms are identical, the payoffs are mirror images. Alternative
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Industrial Relations In Britain Management Essay
Industrial Relations In Britain Management Essay Introduction The management of industrial relations in Great Britain has changed notably in the last three decades. Industrial relations management has been significantly affected by several factors: economic climate, political change, and social environment. After world war two, British economic condition has gradually fallen down. It has been proved that it is much more complicated to manage industrial relations than before. The causes can be analyzed from many aspects: the increasing competition in product market, globalized trend, restructuring labor force, and reduced unions power. From 1979, the power of trade unions has been greatly restricted by government. Deregulation on the labor market also has been enhanced. At the same time, British economy had to face a severe international competition with high inflation and unemployment in domestic. Then, what are the changes of British industrial relations in the last three decades. What are major factors influencing British industrial relations management. We plan to find out more in the following parts. First, the nature of industrial relations management was the first issue. Then, industrial relations management in the period from 1979-1997 and period from post-1997 has been discussed respectively from two aspects: economic and political factors. Finally, the role and influence of employer, trade union and government have been embedded respectively. Human resource management in industrial relations In the 1980s and 1990s, the attitudes and strategies of industrial relations have been changed. Debates about human resource management practice in industrial relations were hot issues in management field. And individualism and collectivism in industrial relations were focused as well. First, look at the political and economic environment. From 1979 to 1997, The Conservative Government, which was elected during the time, insisted on weakening trade union power, reducing public expenditure. Except the government policies, employers faced a more competitive market. The globalization and recession made the situation worse than they had before. During this time, employers aimed to make great profits and reduce cost, instead of good industrial relations management. The types of corporation, labour market, competition in product market, organisation culture, and tradition were taken into account when employers intended to make industrial relations policies. A very important conception whic h was largely recognized in HRM was that labour is regarded as an asset or resource. Thus, employers need to explore employees potential through motivation, training, and development. Storey (1992) proposed two famous HRM versions: soft HRM and hard HRM. Soft HRM emphasis on employees needs, such as motivation, training and work-life balance while hard HRM more emphasis on economic factors. Many researchers agreed that HRM to some extent was a threat to trade union and was a new development in employee relations (Guest, 1989, Millward, 1994) Turing to industrial relations management style, there are four types of management styles which were classified by Purcell and Sisson (Purcell and Sisson 1983 cited by Kessler, 1998): traditionalists, sophisticated paternalists, sophisticated moderns, and standard moderns. Traditionalists have one belief and are anti-union with forceful management. Sophisticated paternalists spend much time in ensuring that their employees have the right approach. Sophisticated moderns management recognized the union role in certain areas. Finally, in standard modern management Trade unions are recognized and industrial relations are seen as primarily fire-fighting and assumed to be non-problematic unless event prove otherwise. (Sid Kessler, 1998, p.114) The industrial relations management may vary in different organisations or even in different groups in a company. Although the management style may vary according to the situations, one fact was that collective involvement had been shifted to indivi dual involvement. After 1997, the employee relations management further developed. The findings of WERS 2004 show that positive contracts and communication with employees will contribute to high commitment performance and economic outcomes. Moreover, Employee involvement participation is greatly focused by employers, employee voice, teamworking, and work-life balance as well. (WERS, 2004) Industrial relations management in 1979-1997 The economic environment for industrial relations from 1979 to 1997 changed greatly. Firstly, the decline of manufacturing industry was very obvious. Secondly, unemployment problem is dramatically severe. It was reported that the number of unemployment increased from 1.6 million to 3 million from 1987-1992. Although there was a small recovery after 1992, the number of unemployment still kept on 1.5millionn in mid-1997. The high unemployment reflected a severely competitive labour market. Furthermore, the structure of economy and labour force also changed. Manufacturing industry decreased; private service sectors increased; and increasing number of women was engaged in workplace; self-employment became popular; and part-time workers, and temporary workers grew fast in that period. Finally, there was a globalized competition in product market. Interaction of these economic changes influenced industrial relations in Britain. Except the economic changes, the Conservative Governments poli cies and laws had great effects on industrial relations. The government restricted trade union power and weakened joint regulation. A series of legislative program was carried out during the time. The first legislative action was to restrict the closed shop in 1980. The Conservative thus, Governments policies and trade union membership density was directly reduced by governments policies and legislations. Shifting to industrial relations management, a more important change was that employee relations specialists and line managers replaced traditional managers role: they are more likely to be responsible for employee relations issues in 1990s. If people intend to be employee relations specialists, they need to obtain professional qualifications. And such qualification requires long relevant working experience. This change may reflect a higher demand for professional knowledge such as employment law. The management of employee relations became more complicated. The conception of human resource management was widely accepted in the late 1980s. Millward et al (2000) noted that those using the title human resource manger accounted for a third of specialists in 1998.(Millward 2000, p. 225) The employee relations specialists continued to rise in the following years. Millwards findings showed that human resource managers and employee relations specialists responsibilities are similarly. They are both responsible for pay, training, grievance handling, and payroll management. Another change was the shift of employee relations managers major work. In the early 1980s, many employee relations managers spent much time on dealing with collective industrial conflict. WERSs (1998) findings revealed that employee relations mangers pay much attention to individual grievances, particularly related to legal proceedings. Moreover, workplace managers switched more attention to collect and deliver information to employees. They use information to review organisation performance and policies. Another change was happened in industrial relations system. Multi-employer agreements affected one third of the number of workplaces in 1998 that they had in the early 1980s. (Millward , 2000, p. 227) In terms of pay, multi-employer agreements to most extent have been determined by employers themselves than workplace itself. The management became more centralized in an organisation during the 1990s. Higher authorities were more likely to make decisions than workplace managers. This could indicate that industrial relations were regarded as operational issue rather than strategic ones. Trade unions had more chance to be involved in the relationship between employers and employees. Trade unions in Britain represent employees interest. But from 1979 to 1990s, trade unions power gradually declined and lost much union membership. Employees support for trade union declined and support from management reduced as well. Many factors led to the phenomenon. The decline of manufacturing industry where were traditionally organized by trade union reduced the number of union membership. And the increasing number of women workforce and temporary workforce who have less possibility of being union membership also resulted from the decline. Another change was that there was less union recognition at workplaces, particularly in private service sectors, which increased during the time. Thus, fewer employees asked for collective bargaining to improve their pay and working conditions. Moreover, the impact of trade union on pay weakened during 1980s and 1990s. During the 1980s and 1990s, when the collective representation declined, the management in industrial relations transferred to focus on communication with employees. Millwards survey showed that communication channels between senior mangers and employees have changed from joint arrangements to direct forms of communications (Millward, 2000 p.230) Managers held regular meeting with workforce and team briefings to hear their suggestion and questions. And according to Millwards point of view, this management-dominated arrangements can improve employee treatment. Industrial relations management in post-1997 After 1997, industrial relations in Britain continued to change due to the changing external environment. However, there were many employment relations retained: the degree of numerical flexibility, the incidence of varies dispute, grievance and disciplinary procedures, the incidence of industrial actions and etc. (WERS, 2004) A variety of changes could be obtained from workplace employment relations. From WERSs findings (2004), the practice of employment relations varies largely between small and large workplace and it also varies between different sectors of industry, especially between private sectors and public sectors. Private sectors shared more proportion in workplaces from1998 to 2004. The figures from WERS2004 showed that 70 percent of workplaces were operating in private sectors compared with two-thirds in 1998. Look at all workplaces, 49 percent of employees were female and 34 percent of them were in managerial positions. Women have more chance to be managers in public sectors (46 percent) than in private service sectors (30 percent). Trade union also changed considerable and it had great impacts on industrial relations management. There was a considerable decrease in the proportion of union members. In 2004, 64 percent of workplaces didnt have union members compared with 57 percent in 1998). Union density slightly declined from 22 percent to 18 percent. Public sector accounted for more proportion of union membership than that of private sectors. Union membership density had strong relationship with management attitudes. Public sectors were more likely to provide management support for union membership than private sectors. However, the relationship between public sectors and private sectors are similarly strong. Besides that, another change of trade union in British workplaces can be found from WERS 2004 report. The proportion of union recognition in workplaces continued to decline after 1997. Only 18 percent of workplaces recognized trade union in 2004. (28 percent union recognition in1998) Furthermore, compared with 1998, union representative in workplaces spent more time on representative works. And they did more representative works than their non-union colleagues. It was reported that 43 percent of union representatives spent five hours on representative work while 33 percent spent two and four hours. Union representatives pay more attention to working condition and dispute, such as pay level, working hours, holidays. About 76 percent of union representatives attempt to recruit new members in their workplaces. But a clearly change during the period was that employees had a low preference of being a union members. In the period from 1979-1997, workplace managers were more concerned about collecting and delivering information. They continued to adopted direct communication with employees after 1997. Direct communication was further widespread between managers and employees. Figures could be found from WERS2004 report. Table 1 Direct communication and information sharing, by sector of ownership. 1998 and 2004 1998 2004 Private sectors Public sectors All Private sectors Public sectors All Direct communication Meeting with entire workforce or team briefings 82 96 85 90 97 91 Systematic use of management chain 46 75 52 41 63 45 Regular newsletter 35 59 40 72 86 74 Noticeboards 36 48 38 E-mail 36 48 38 Intranet 31 48 34 Suggestion schemes 30 30 30 Employee surveys 37 66 42 Information disclosure over Investment plans 47 59 50 40 50 41 Financial position of workplace 56 82 62 51 76 55 Financial position of organisation 66 67 66 51 53 51 Staffing Plans 55 81 61 61 81 64 (Source from Workplace Employment Relations Report2004) From the table, we can see that there were different forms of direct communication in practice. Regular meetings with entire workforce or team briefings was still popular, accounting for a dominate proportion and slightly increased from 85 percent to 91 percent during the time 1998 to 2004. A new creation of these meeting was that a part of meeting time was left to employees. Employees were allowed to propose suggestions and questions during the meeting. Suggestion scheme, staff attitude surveys and problem-solving groups were adopted by many organisations in managing employment relations during the time. Moreover, In the information disclosure over part, mangers preferred to disclose information though staffing plans (64 percent) than others. Shifting to pay determination, which is a major issue in managing employee relations, the most common pay determination was still by management unilaterally. 70 percent of workplaces used this way to pay. Only 27 percent of workplace asked for collective bargaining with unions to determine pay level. Similar to the situation of 1979 to 1997, the proportion of workplaces through collective bargaining in pay determination has continued to decrease since 1997. But public sectors were more likely to use collective bargaining than private sectors. Among 83 percent of public sectors workplaces, 82 percent of workers have their pay through collective bargaining. On the other hand, in private sectors, 26 percent of worker among 14 percent of workplaces use collective bargaining. From these figures, we can know that pay system was not unmilitary anymore. Different measurements were developed. Managers were more likely to determine pay through systematic performance and appraisal management to motivate employees. Performance-related pay, profit-related bonuses, and employee share schemes were prevalent at this stage. The way manager dealing with workplace conflict was also a change during this period. It is obvious that collective conflicts gradually reduced while individual conflicts grew. Industrial actions were less used to solve workplace conflict. most of conflicts were solved through legal procedures. But there was no big conflict happened during the time. Equal opportunities were concentrated by employers since 1997. A large number of industrial relations law was approved by government to enhance the equality in workplaces. Response to the legislation, managers implemented a range of equality policies. WERSs report (2004) revealed that 73 percent of workplaces had a written policies regarding equal treatment in 2004. 9 percent increased from 1998. These policies are largely concerned about equal opportunities for different gender, race, and disability. When implementing some HRM practice such as recruiting, selection, pay rate system, managers are required to consider these policies in employee relations management. Moreover, there was other legislation introduced to improve employer-employee relations, covering work-life balance, hours of work, flexible working arrangements, employee well-being and job satisfaction etc. All these legislation pushed employers to make some differences in industrial relations management. In the late 1990s, the relationship between employers and employees was firstly defined as partnership. Therefore, partnership practice was expected to be implemented by employers. But does partnership practice really promote the managers-employees relations. Evidence was shown in table 2 below. Table 2 managers and employees perceptions of management-employee relations, 1998 and 2004 manager employee 1998 2004 1998 2004 Very good 41 47 16 19 good 47 46 40 41 Neither 8 6 27 24 Poor 3 1 12 12 Very poor 1 0 6 4 (Source from Workplace Employment Relations Survey) Compared with managers view, employees thought relationship was slightly less improved. Except that, managers hold a relatively positive attitude towards management-employee relations. 47 percent of mangers thought they had very good relations with employees while only 19 percent of employees agreed. Partnership relationship requires mutual trust, but the reality was less satisfactory. To sum up, industrial relations management showed considerable changes. Under the adopt of partnership relations between managers and employees, Less workforce want to be union members; direct commutation was widespread in workplaces; an decreasing number of workplaces recognized unions for bargaining on pay and conditions, and collective bargaining declined as well; an range of policies were implemented in workplaces to promote equal opportunities; and managers had wider responsibilities of caring their employees on flexible working conditions, work-life balance, security, job satisfaction etc. The role and influence of employers The most famous employer association in Britain is the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). Like TUC, CBI does not directly participate in collective bargaining. Its major work is to lobby to British government for employers interests. In the last three decades, employers association gradually lost their regulative power. Since 1970s, the decentralized trend was shown in private sectors. A range of operational jobs were distributed to lower departments while head office only had strong control on certain key issues. The employer power and freedom was greatly strengthened in the last few decades. There were many causes contributed to the situation. More competitive globalization in product market and governments policies in weakening union power let employers have more power in labour field. Employers focused on performance improvement, cost reduction in labour filed. Employers play an important role in employment relations management. They formulate the management policies and style which are different in every organisation. Employers also have the rights to decide whether or not recognize unions. During the period, employers have sought to manage industrial relations with HRM techniques. They became to purse employee commitment, teamworking, and work hard in improving communication with employees. In terms of pay determination, their measures have been extended. Performance-related pay, profit related pay and employee share schemes were adopted in most workplaces. As the maker and performer of these policies, employers decision and behaviors considerably influence industrial relations management. In workplaces, employers choose certain styles of employment relations management. Non-unionism prefers Soft HRM or bleak house management style while unionism prefers partnership at work. The role and influence of government Government plays a key role in industrial relations. Its attitude towards industrial relations can largely change the current situation. It is mostly related to governments role in law. Governments polices and legislation determined employers and trade unions attitudes and conduct of employment relationship. Since 1979, The Conservative Government canceled support for collective bargaining and attempted to decrease collectivism and regulation. The government published laws to regulate equal pay and opportunities at workplaces. When Labour Party took the government, they regulated National Minimum Wage, and were more concerned about employees rights. These actions made contributions to written equality policies in organisations and to some extent influenced pay system. On the other hand, government legislation reduced the power and ability of unions to control on industrial action, closed shop policies directly reduced trade unions membership. The role and influence of trade union In Britain, there was one trade union: Trade Union Congress (TUC) and many affiliated unions. TUC dont have the rights to make industrial relations laws, their major work is to lobby government and employers on behalf of employees interest and benefits. For many HR specialists, dealing with trade unions issues was once an important work in their jobs. However, since 1979, the Conservative Government took part the government, a series of anti-union legislation dramatically weakened union power. It was calculated that union membership declined to about 7 million b from1979 to 1997. The cause was not only the political change and economy recession. Metcalf (1991, p.22) noted that the result was interacted by five factors: the economic climate, workforce market, government policies, the attitudes of employers, and union themselves. Studies show that larger organisations have more chance of Trade union presence. 64% union density was shown in public sectors. White-collars are more likely to be union membership. Labour partys return in 1997 has brought some changes, but the union power still towards a fall trend. The Employment Relations Act 1999 aims to promote union recognition. And Labour Government spent more efforts on employees interests. In the last three decades, trade union changed a lot to attract new employees. Except proving legal advice, training for representatives has been developed. And TU try to build a partnership with employers. According to E.D.Ewings study (2005), trade unions have five major functions: a service function; a representation function; a regulatory function; a government function; a public administration function.(Ewing, 2005) A service function means trade unions plays a role of providing service and benefits to members. It takes twos forms. One is more traditional, comprising health and unemployment benefits, and even insurance. The other is more professional. Trade unions provide legal advice and representation to help workers. Trade union needs to recruit new membership for survive, the service functions are usually used as a recruitment toll as they provide a variety of service such as representation to those who has grievances at workplaces, which is much more important than collective bargaining now. Representation function has gained much concern in recent years. A representation function means that trade union is responsible for employees interest and benefits. Different from service function, representation function offer much more professional support to employees. And also trade union can take the form of collective representation to assist employees. Collective representation has two major forms: consultation and bargaining. Regulatory function is the most important role of trade unions. A regulatory function means that trade unions is responsible for making rules for union membership. The role can be achieved by two ways. One is directly performed through multi-employer collective bargaining, such as Joint Industrial Councils. Another way is indirectly performed through legislation. Because decentralized organisations increased in the past few decades, the role of trade union in collective bargaining in pay and conditions has declined. By contrast, regulatory legislation is more prevalent. Government function means that trade union are involved in cooperating with government to ensure they can perform their functions under governments legislation and policies. And public administration function is similar to government function they are all engaged in implementation and delivery of government policies. Trade unions attitude towards management has changed in recent years. Many trade unions now focus much on business. They attempt to develop flexible, motivated workforce and partnership not only equal treatment. Conclusion There have been great changes in UKs industrial relations. During the 1979-1997 periods, Britain suffered a great recession. The proportion of manufacturing industry declined. Unemployment problem is dramatically severe. The competitive labour market worsens the unemployment problem. The structure of economy and labour force also changed as well. Public service sectors grew quickly during this time. and increasing number of women, self-employment, part-time worker and temporary workers grow were engaged in workplace. Besides the economic changes, government restricted trade union power. And a series of legislation was carried out in order to control the activities of organized labour. The interaction of economic and political factors reduced the trade union membership density. In workplaces, employee relations specialists and line managers replaced traditional managers role. They become responsible for handing employee relations issues. Compared with traditional responsibilities, it was reported that employee relations mangers pay much attention to individual grievances, particularly related to legal proceedings. Employees support for trade union and support from management both declined. Finally, when the collective representation decreased, the management in industrial relations transferred to focus on communication with employees. Direct forms of communications were more prevalent at workplaces. In post-1997, Labour Party took the government; they attempted to enhance union recognition despite the gradual decline of union density. But they were increasingly concerned about employees rights, such as National Minimum Wage. Managers were more likely to determine pay level by diverse pay system: performance related pay, profit-related bonuses, and employee share schemes. Managers worked hard on improving employer-employee relations. Direct communications was widespread at the time. Managers actively listen to employees suggestion and questions. Management scheme covered more issues than before, such as work-life balance, flexible working arrangement, and equal opportunities. Due to governments support and the weaken power of trade unions, employers have more freedom and power. Employers can decide whether or not to be union members at workplaces and also can choose management style in industrial relations. Government as a law-maker plays a crucial role in industrial relations management. Trade unions represent the interests of employees, have five major functions: service function; representation function; regulatory function; government function; and public administration function.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Twelfth Night Essays: Three Types of Love -- Twelfth Night essays
Three Types of Love in Twelfth Night    In the play "Twelfth Night," Shakespeare explores and illustrates the emotion of love with precise detail. According to "Webster's New World Dictionary," love is defined as "a strong affection or liking for someone." Throughout the play Shakespeare examines three different types of love: true love, self love and friendship. "Twelfth Night" consists of a large number of love triangles, however many of the characters who are tangled up in the web of love are blind to see that their emotions and feelings toward other characters are untrue and based merely on falsification. They are being deceived by themselves and/or the others around them. There are certain instances in the play where the emotion of love is true, and the two people involved feel very strongly toward one another. Viola's love for Orsino is a great example of true love. Although she is pretending to be a man and is virtually unknown in Illyria, she hopes to win the Duke's heart. In act 1, scene 4, Viola let's out her true feelings for Cesario, "yet a barful strife! Whoe'er I woo, myself would be his wife (1)." That statement becomes true when Viola reveals her true identity. Viola and Orsino had a particularly good friendship, and making the switch to husband and wife was easy. Viola was caught up in another true love scena... ... Toby's company because he always lifts his spirits and makes him feel like a true knight.  Love is a ubiquitous theme within literature. Love plays a major role in "Twelfth Night," and Shakespeare addresses true love, self love, and friendship in a very compelling and interesting way. "Twelfth Night" helps the reader form their own definition of love, and Shakespeare does a great job of explaining a topic with many dimensions. Work Cited and Consulted: David, R. W., ed. The Arden Shakespeare: Love's Labour's Lost. London: Methuen, 1951. Shakespeare, William. The Norton Shakespeare. Edited Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Plato’s Laches
During his lifetime Socrates’ various interactions with his fellow Athenians left his intentions debatable. Popular belief in Athens seemed to be that, â€Å"he [Socrates] was an evildoer, and a curious person, who searches into things under the earth and in heaven? and makes the worse appear the better cause†(Plato, pg. 5) as stated by the unofficial charges against him in The Apology. After discussions, his interlocutor’s were left confused in a state of aporia, with no conclusion.And so while negative views of Socrates became increasing popular in Athens right up until his death, Socrates was, on the contrary, serving as Athens’s benefactor, opening up their eyes to the truth of world in which they lived in. In Plato’s Laches, Socrates does in fact tear down his interlocutors’ claims but only to prove to them that they don’t know what they claim to know by exposing holes in their fundamental thoughts and to redirect them on a path to finding true knowledge.Through a method of elenchus, Socrates aimed to prove to his interlocutor that the ideas they held about certain topics were in fact false. When a person would come to him with a question, as Laches and Nicias do in Laches, Socrates would first direct the conversation in such a way that the question lying before the men is a foundational one, and not necessarily the original question.In his explanation of this Socrates states, â€Å"So, in a word, whenever a man considers a thing for the sake of another thing, he is taking counsel about that thing for the sake of which he was considering, and not about what he was investigating for the sake of something else†(Plato 185D) and redirects the question of whether or not young boys should learn the art of fighting in armor to how to care for the souls of young men. By doing this Socrates is able to expose the very source of his interlocutors’ belief system and demonstrate that if the basis of the s ystem isn’t true nothing built on it can be true.Socrates goes on to have the men discus virtue, because they are trying to discover what virtue could be added to their sons’ souls to make them better men and because virtues are the basis for the moral ethics by which they live.. He then invites them to define a virtue: courage. When Laches gives a less than sufficient answer, Socrates rephrases his question and asks for a true definition of courage, one that would encompass every sort of courageous act. Eventually Laches gets to a point where he is unsure of how to proceed, saying, â€Å"I am really getting annoyed at being unable to express what I think in this ashion. I still think I know what courage is, but I can’t understand how it has escaped me just now so that I can’t pin it down in words and say what it is†(Plato 194B). By admitting that he is unable to concisely express the definition of something he considered himself knowledgeable abo ut, Laches allowed Socrates’ method to have a reflective effect on him. The dialogue ends in an aporia, or a state of unknowing, leaving Laches and Nicias still without an answer to whether or not young men should learn the art of fighting in armor and more importantly without what a proper definition of courage.They leave the conversation confused, realizing, that they don’t know what they thought they knew, which is what Socrates had originally intended for them to eventually understand. Coming out of a Socratic dialogue usually left the interlocutor feeling one of two ways. Laches, after conversing with Socrates and Nicias, is aware that he isn’t as informed on the idea of courage as he would have like to think, but still agrees to go Lysimachus’ house the next day to continue the discussion in hopes of revealing an answer.Being made aware of his shortcoming, instilled in him a desire to further explore it. Leaving the Socratic dialogue left Laches wan ted more; because it ended in aporia, the only piece of knowledge he got of the conversation was that his definitions were wrong. Instead of giving Laches the answer, and having him just accept it as true, Socrates invited him to search for it, because in searching for an answer to the definition of courage, Laches would gradually begin to question and search for other pieces of knowledge relevant to his life, and it would become an ongoing process.However, other Athenians eventually grew tired of Socrates’ extensive questioning and can be seen in The Apology putting Socrates on trial for it. Instead of taking Socrates’ conversations for what they were worth, they labeled him as argumentative and a man who was corrupting the youth of the city. By breaking down his interlocutors’ various thoughts, ideas, and theses, Socrates was trying to reveal to them that they were not in fact wise and that the knowledge they thought they possessed was not true knowledge.Socra tes himself was only considered wiser than his fellow Athenians because he considered his one piece of knowledge to be that he didn’t know anything. By breaking down, piece by piece, the arguments of those he conversed with, he intended for them to realize that their knowledge was relative and therefore meaningless in the grander scheme of things. By recognizing this, only then could they begin living a life in search of finding true meaning. In searching for meaningful things they would have to learn to question things.While he is on trial in The Apology, Socrates tells the jury that, â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living†(Plato pg. 24) Living life without asking questions, and without inquiry, is not living life at all, and is therefore worthless. As an Athenian himself, Socrates wants to help the fellow men of his city led â€Å"examined†lives and is quick to let them know, if they do away with him, there might never be someone else who does for the m what he is attempting to do. In conclusion, Socrates is
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Chief Seattle Oration Analysis
Seattle Chiefs Ovation The arrival of the European colonists in New England in the 17th century pushed the Native Americans to the west and eventually sparking their demise. Intensive logging impacted their environment, epidemic diseases from Europe claimed lives of thousands of Native Americans, and the Euro-Americans simply took over regions and the land of the native community. The Native Americans were outraged by their inferiority and on the colonist’s treatment of the environment.The Chief Seattle’s 1854 Oration is a speech in response to a proposed treaty in which the Indians were persuaded to give up thousands of acres to the US government for a sum of 150,000 dollars. The Chief Seattle’s Oration is considered to be the most profound environmental statements in history. The Chief Seattle was the leader of the Dkhw’Duw’Absh, and a prominent figure in the Indian-American relationship of the time. At this time, numerous Native American’s were being scattered out of their tribes by the American’s and it was believed that they would be extinct.In the speech, The Chief Seattle attempts to convince the American conquerors that they should treat them fairly despite their inferiority to the American people. Through figurative language and his respect for nature, the Chief appeals to the Governor of their decision to take over Washington making of their time. Prior to the colonisation of North America by the Europeans, the Native Americans lived peacefully and they saw their environmental as communal. Their low-impact technologies saw them live in harmony and respecting the environment.Their religion revolved around the belief that animals, plants, rocks, mountains, rivers, and stars had souls. Upon arrival, the European colonists immediately began take natural resources for European trading and usage. Large forests were cut down for firewood, trading, and agriculture; animals were killed for skin, the girdling of the trees prevented the leaves from growing and eventually killing it. For every person added to the population, one or two hectors of land was cultivated.This trend continued on until the beginning of the 20th century, and to this day, 1/3 of America’s forests have been cut down causing devastating environmental disruptions. The land which was once peaceful and quiet, home to the Native Americans who respected and loved it had changed horribly. Throughout America’s history, the capitalist Americans viewed the natural resources as a possibility for economic growth. The formation of a free market meant that government legislation and fiscal policies were inadequate to prevent environmental demolitions.From the Colonisation up to the 20th century, the United States government failed to apply sustainable growth. This reflects on how our world economy is working. Governments fail to advocate environmental issues in order to boost the economy. The Chief Seattle underlines t he value of the environment. He chief treats nature as a living thing. â€Å"Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change. Today is fair. Tomorrow it may be overcast with clouds. This use of personification in this line relates to how the rain is coming from the sky, but with the incursion of the Americans, nature’s natural course is twisted, thus a cloud will overcast the compassionate tears of the sky. The Chief is sympathetic towards his people; he states that â€Å"my people are few. They resemble the scattering tress of a storm-swept plain. †The Chief underlines the value of the trees, and whilst most of the mass logging occurred during America’s colonisation, the biodiversity was badly affected during this time period.This relates to how the Native American race is slowly coming to an end and it resembles the logging of the trees cut down by the Americanâ€⠄¢s. Hence, the Chief emphasises that his men are part of nature therefore they are dying with it. Furthermore, the chief argues that the Euro-Americans never appreciated nature. â€Å"Our dead never forget this beautiful world that gave them being. They still love its verdant valley’s, its murmuring rivers, and its magnificent mountains. †The Chief highlights that his race valued nature, and the love of nature goes on after their deaths.The tone of the speech suddenly becomes more aggressive in the 9th paragraph. He argues that â€Å"your time of decay may be distant, but it will surely come, for even the White Man whose God walked and talked with him as a friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny. †The chief states that there will come a time, when their civilisation will come to an end and God will be unable to help them. This can be related to the damage we are doing now with climate change.Global warming is now considered a threat to our world, with growing average temperatures; the climate is changing and can cause devastating natural disasters. Global Warming has been scientifically proven to be all caused by human’s destroying the world’s biodiversity and harming the earth’s atmosphere. Logging contributes to global warming, by deregulating the oxygen in the atmosphere. Therefore at this time, the logging of trees destroyed the biodiversity, and the Chief contended that whilst the Euro-Americans cut down trees, it will backfire on them and destroy their civilisation.In the last paragraph, the Chief quotes that â€Å"these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children’s children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude. †The Chief describes that the legacy of his tribe will live on. This describes how the Natives have so much respect for their land, and they will value it forever, and live on with for eternity.Moreover, The Euro-Americans and the Native American had contrasting views on the environments. The Natives had a belief that the environment is sacred and should be preserved, whereas the Euro-Americans preferred to economically benefit from nature. During this era, the industrialisation of America was booming, and the timber industry was at its peak. Nothing was known of the consequences for destroying the environment, however the Native Americans had their tradition to respect the environment and preserve it forever however this belief was uncommon to the European settlers.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Allusion vs. Illusion vs. Elusion
Allusion vs. Illusion vs. Elusion Allusion vs. Illusion vs. Elusion Allusion vs. Illusion vs. Elusion By Mark Nichol It’s natural that many writers confuse the similar-looking, sound-alike terms allusion and illusion, as well as the rare elusion, and their verb forms: They’re all related. These words all stem from the Latin root word ludere, meaning â€Å"to play,†which also forms the basis for ludicrous. Meet the other members of this frolicsome family: Allusion: An allusion is a reference to something, but with a special sense: The reference is implied, or indirect. (The verb form is allude.) If you think of an allusion as coy or playful, the etymology makes sense. Illusion: An illusion is something misleading or open to misinterpretation. (The Latin term illusio means â€Å"mockery.†) Again, the root word is apt if, in this case, you think of an illusion as something that occurs when your mind plays tricks on you. Elusion: An elusion (from the Latin word for â€Å"deception†) is an act of eluding, and â€Å"to elude†means â€Å"to avoid or evade.†(This term is not to be confused with elision verb form: elide which means â€Å"to delete or omit,†as in contractions or missing words.) That’s not all: There’s also collusion (verb form: collude), literally meaning â€Å"to play with†and referring to a conspiracy, and delusion (verb form: delude), which means â€Å"to trick.†Three related nouns that lack the -sion suffix and look like the other verb forms are prelude (literally, â€Å"before play†), interlude (â€Å"during play†), and the rare postlude (â€Å"after play†). Prelude refers to a performance or action that precedes a more significant event, an interlude is an intermission, and a postlude is a closing piece of a musical or literary composition. The words include, conclude, exclude, occlude, preclude, and seclude and their noun forms, by the way, are unrelated to the -lude family, stemming from a Latin word meaning â€Å"to close.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should Avoid7 Tips for Writing a Film ReviewShow, Don't Tell
Monday, October 21, 2019
Save That $ So You Can Have That $ Professor Ramos Blog
Save That $ So You Can Have That $ Anything is obtainable you just have to come up with a plan. You want to be a straight-A student study more, want to be good at a sports practice it that simple. A big problem for most people is being broke. There are multiple reasons for people not having money nowadays, reason like bills and jobs are the major reason and people sometimes can’t overcome those circumstances. The ones who don’t have that problem have no excuse. A lot of people complain that there always broke but won’t change their habits. They spend their money on things they don’t really need like going out to eat, jewelry and expensive clothes. Then when they truly need something they don’t have the funds. When I was a child my parents would buy almost anything I wanted clothes, shoes and fast food but they would always hesitate when it came to video games. They would only buy games for me on special days like birthdays and Christmas. One day I wanted a Pokà ©mon Emerald video ga me, but my mom said I’m not paying for that with my money. You see I really wanted this game all my friends at school had one I had no choice but to do it myself. I had to come up with a plan because if not I wasn’t going to have that game until Christmas, it was March. My dad would give me money for lunch every day. So I decided to put up half of that money for saving. I would do extra chores for money from my mom. While all this was going on I was learning how to save. Learning that I don’t need to spend money on items I don’t need like candy and snacks. Since I wasn’t spending money on junk food I was losing weight too so this was a win, win situation. I realize too that it was going to take sacrifice in order to gain so that meant I could get certain things. That something I think most people at that age don’t realize until later in life so I think I was getting a head start. I had a plan which was to save money for a video and I was goi ng to accomplish it. As the time went on my piggy bank was getting heavy like a bodybuilder during blocking season. Mom my asked me one day â€Å"where do you get all that money from†. I told her that I saved it all. My mother was so impressed she made a deal with me, the deal was that if I saved up 40 more dollars she’ll pay for half. Obviously, 40 dollars is not a lot of money, but for a 9-year-old that’s a lot of money. As the time went on I saved even more and then my dad saw how much money I was saving. He stopped giving me money for school lunch because I had so much. I had no choice but to double down on chores and weekend fun money. Finally, at the end of the month, I had the money and was about to buy the game. When I bought the game I felt so accomplished I saved, I did it myself. At school, I was able to my game with my friends at recess. I had a deep appreciation for that game because I worked hard to get it. I would play that game every chance I got , you can say I got my monies worth. Even after I bought the game I would continue to save now I would always have money. I learned the more you saved the more your money will grow. I learned that being cheap and frugal is a good thing not a bad. People at my age now don’t even know how to save, they spend their money the first chance they get. If it wasn’t for my childhood lesson, I would be the same way. Don’t go and spend all of your paychecks at once, put some money way to the side. For myself now if I want something I look ahead and put money away for that item without breaking the bank. Being finical savvy is part of being an adult. There are full grown adults who are bad with money and do not know how to manage. Millionaires such as athletes and lottery winners are quick to go broke because they gained all this money but still have their old habits. Even throughout high school, I was learning how to save in the classroom and my home life. At school there was a class called living on your own that would teach students the aspects of becoming adults, money management was one of the topics. In high school for a year I lived with my best friend, his parents were very well off. They would like the most modest and cheap lifestyle. At first, I was confused by asking myself why do you have all this money and drive old cars, shop at discount stores and Aldi’s. Then I realized that how they saved by not shopping at expensive places and driver the most luxurious cars. They showed me things like stocks, bonds, and savings accounts. This made me more intrigued with saving and learning how to be financially savvy. Learning about money will help you make money. Even the famous rapper 21 Savage teamed up with NBC News to have a special segment on saving and money trips. He said, â€Å"everyone in their life at one point is going a substantial amount of money that could change their financial stability it’s up to them on how he or she wants to use it†. He decided to trade his chains for bonds and business ventures. In closing I want everyone to know that if a 9-year-old could figure out how to save so can an adult. So the next time you think about spending your money on unnecessary items think about saving it.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Best AP US History Textbooks, Reviewed
The Best AP US History Textbooks, Reviewed SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What are the best AP US History textbooks you can buy? Which ones should you use in your course and exam studying? We’ll cover the most popular books, as well as books to consider if you’re self-studying or on a budget. Read on if you’re looking to get your own AP US History textbook! First: Don’t Rush to Buy Your Own Textbook There are many textbooks that College Board has approved for AP US History. Even if your teacher is using a less popular textbook, as long as it’s on this list, it will still have the info needed for AP US History. I also highly recommend getting an APUSH prep book in the early spring to help you study – the prep book will review everything on the APUSH test but with less detail than a textbook, which will help you remember the most crucial facts, dates, people, and movements. The prep books will also help you prepare for the time periods and themes that appear on the APUSH test. That said, if you’re self-studying for the test, or your class doesn’t use a textbook and you want one, or you’re an instructor, these are some great AP US History textbooks you can consider. Most Popular: The American Pageant When I got to Stanford, whenever AP US History came up in conversation (an occurrence that happened more than once, since we were nerds!) everyone around me would start reminiscing about this textbook. It seemed like everyone but me had read this textbook in high school! My high school didn’t use it, so I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Turns out, The American Pageant is known as one of the most well-written, readable textbooks on any subject, and it’s a favorite among high school teachers for AP US History, with by far the most buzz online. One of its main criticisms is also one of its benefits: it’s written almost like a novel, rather than a textbook, so people who prefer something more straightforward don’t always love it. To take a brief example, this is what The American Pageant section introducing Christopher Columbus reads like: "Onto this stage stepped Christopher Columbus. This skilled Italian seafare persuaded the Spanish monarchs to outfit him with three tiny but seaworthy ships, manned by a motley crew. Daringly, he unfurled the sailors of his cockleshell craft and headed westward. His superstitious sailors, fearful of venturing in the oceanic unknown, grew increasingly mutinous. After six weeks at sea, failure loomed when, on October 12, 1492, the crew sighted an island in the Bahamas. A new world thus swam within the vision of Europeans." It reads like a novel! A more straightforward textbook introduction of Columbus (from Making America) reads like this: "Eager to capitalize on the new technology and knowledge, Christopher Columbus, an ambitious sailor from the Italian port city of Genoa, approached John II of Portugal in 1484 and asked him to support a voyage westward from Portugal, to the East Indies. The king refused when his geographers warned that Columbus has underestimated the distance. Undeterred, Columbus peddled his idea to various European governments over the next several years but found no one willing to take the risk. Finally, in 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella's defeat of the Moors provided Columbus with an opportunity." So even though The American Pageant certainly comes off as a bit flowery, it reads more smoothly and memorably than the more straightforward textbook version. But beyond the language, Pageant has all of the facts, and helps you make connections between different periods in US history. The connection-making is really useful for the APUSH test. The essays will ask you to make connections between time periods and trends, so just knowing the basic facts of what happened when won't help you. The American Pageant will prepare you by explaining and analyzing those connections and trends throughout the book. (If you want a quick, straigthforward overview of the events, by the way, you can get it from a APUSH prep book later in the year.) In short, this is a solid pick for any student or if you’re a teacher trying to decide which textbook to use for your class. Best Bet for Self-Studying: Making America This was the textbook I used for my AP US History class back in high school, and I got a 5 on the AP exam (read more about AP scoring here). This isn’t as novel-esque as the American Pageant (see the quote above), so it’s less fun to read, but I still found it very readable, detailed, and clear. Plus, it's sometimes used for college courses about US History, which speaks to its quality. You can also get it in a slightly abbreviated form (meaning fewer pictures and maps) but with all the same content, for a decent price given it’s a textbook. You could also consider an older edition if you want to save more money. If you’re self-studying, this is a great choice because of how clear the chronology is. Since you won’t have a teacher to explain the different periods in US history and why the chronology is divided up like it is, a textbook that lays all of this out quite clearly will be crucial to help you understand American history. If you can get a solid understanding of what happened when (for example, "the Constitution was ratified in 1788"), it will be much easier to start connecting events to a larger discussion of historical themes in an essay ("the ratification of the Constitution ended a period of uncertainty following the Revolutionary War"). I also really like the summaries at the end of each chapter as well as the discussion questions. Both tools help the info sink in. Again, if you’re self-studying, this built-in review is a great feature. This is a really clear book that has all the info and solid tools to help you review. Best Budget Choice: The Unfinished Nation The Unfinished Nation is a solid, readable textbook that you can buy for between $20 and $30 used (including shipping!), which is amazing deal for a great textbook. While it’s chronological, it also clearly emphasizes social and political movements, which is really helpful for APUSH essay questions, which require you to make connections across time periods. The book also includes a pull-out timeline and map which you can use to help get places and dates straight in your head. The Unfinished Nation has a clear narrative voice, and while it isn't as novel-like as The American Pageant, it is also really interesting to read. If you need to buy an AP textbook for yourself, this is a great one to consider. Best for the Recent AP US History Redesign and Exam Prep: America’s History If you’re going to be teaching AP US History or just want a textbook that matches up with College Board’s specific course goals, this is a great choice. This textbook matches up with the new APUSH objectives from College Board and uses the same chronological divisions, which is really helpful for when you’re studying for the exam. While, as we mentioned above, while there is a long list of APUSH textbooks College Board has approved, this one was written specifically for the AP US History course. Many of the other textbooks on the list are also used for general US History courses – both at the high school and college level – and the authors feel free to use time period divisions that make the most sense to them, rather than the ones that match up exactly with the AP US History course guidelines. So teachers often have to bridge the small gaps between their textbooks and the AP US History guidelines. In contrast, this book was written specifically to match up with the AP US History guidelines, including the new course objectives College Board came up with as of 2014-15. This edition also features many first-hand documents (like the founding documents and supreme court decisions) to give you more practice at using primary sources, which is emphasized heavily in the new AP US History course description. America’s History also comes with an online quiz feature which will help you prep for the APUSH's exam multiple choice section. To sum up, this is a great choice if you’re worried about being ready for the AP test in May (or getting students ready!). What’s Next? Did you know many colleges also require you to have taken SAT subject tests as well? Learn which colleges require SAT subject tests – if you’re taking AP US History you should take the US History Subject Test! Also taking the SAT/ ACT? Find out when you should take the SAT for the first time (ACT version here), or whether or not you should retake the SAT/ACT. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Co-ordinating report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Co-ordinating report - Assignment Example According to Goleman (1996), it is necessary to be able to learn the emotions of others so as to be able to respond to their needs. This makes it easy for a team to work together. Students also tend to learn more when they are happy and relaxed as compared to when they are angry, depressed or anxious. The general environment of a student determines how much the student can learn as well (Goleman, 1996.) According to Mintzberg (1973), the manager has the leadership task to set a favourable environment for the organizations to work. The manager should use their position facilitate a flow of information, make binding and progressive decisions as well as consider individual and organizational needs to set plans that will enable both achieve their targets. By so doing, the manager will be in a position to keep the team motivated. Mintzberg (1973) feels that there should be deliberate effort to understand individual behaviour so as to fast track the progress of determining leaders in a team. Learning is the core driver of change. To make learning more conducive, it is best practice to make it more engaging and interactive. According to Tuckman (1965), groups of whichever setting must strive to accomplish a set of goals. Working to achieve these goals will enable group members to interact with one another. Tuckman (1965) feels that groups follow some stages to achieve a stage of stability and mutual respect. These are normal occurrence and it’s only the most resilient groups that manage to reach the level of stability. According to Belbin (2000), it is best to stipulate group functions of a team as well as roles. These roles and functions also need to be revised over time to give equal chance for all members of the team to take a certain responsibility. According to Mintzberg (1973), teams will work effectively when there is structure in place. A manager in the team should
Friday, October 18, 2019
International business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International business law - Essay Example A contract and an agreement do not have equal status in the eyes of the law because the former is used in a legal context whilst the other is normally employed in a generic, non-legal sense. A contract is a term used to refer to the coming together of the minds (in other words, an agreement) of two or more parties, the terms of which are binding upon them, and is enforceable in a court of law. It necessarily denotes accompanying obligations and duties of the parties. An agreement, on the other hand, is not legally enforceable and does not create binding obligations on the part of the parties.1 The word â€Å"contract†indicates a much deeper and broader implication than an agreement because of the requirement of certain essential and formal elements to constitute, features not required in an agreement. To legally constitute a contract, the elements of offer and acceptance, consideration, legality of subject, intention to create legal relations, form, and definite terms, among others, must be present.2 An agreement, which necessarily refers to offer and acceptance, is only a part of a contract, but does not make up all of it. An agreement does not need consideration, definite terms, relevant form, and an intention to create legal relations for its formation. ... Moreover, the implication of a contract’s legal enforceability is that whenever one of the parties to it have breached any of its terms, the other can seek recourse in a court of law to recover remedies in accordance with law. Thus, an injured party to a contract can apply for damages, discharge, specific performance, injunction, rescission and reformation.†4 Since agreements are not legally enforceable, the aforesaid remedies are not available to it. B. Kingsley Limited Paul’s dilemma falls into fitness of the goods for the purpose for which they were bought. This topic is dealt both by the Convention on International Sale of Goods (CISG hereinafter) and the Sales of Goods Act 1976 (SOGA hereinafter). The CISG, however, is applicable to contracts of sale of goods that take place internationally, or between a buyer and seller who live in different countries, which are contracting states of the Convention.5 The condition stated in the present problem does not seem to contemplate multi-jurisdictions, but is purely domestic, which makes the CISG inapplicable. Nonetheless, the relevant CISG is discussed without taking into consideration this particular aspect. Article 35(2) of the CISG enumerates the four specific instances when a seller delivers good, which do not conform to CISG. It is understood that non-conformity occurs under the following conditions: the goods are not fit for the purposes of their ordinary use; the goods do not fit the purpose made known to the seller by the buyer at the time the contract was concluded, except when the buyer did not rely, or it was not reasonable for him to rely, on the judgment or skill of the seller; the goods do not possess the qualities they are supposed to have as indicated by the seller, and; they are not adequately
Advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Advertisement - Essay Example In this paper, the effects and purposes of an advertisement will be analyzed. The analyzation will be based on a fragrance advertisement from the international fragrance and designer clothing producer, Calvin Klein. In this advertisement there are various themes which have been put into consideration and have been considerably used to put forward the message intended by the seller to the probable buyers. Some of these themes include love and romance, relationships, and beauty or overall physical appearance. The purpose of these themes is to pinpoint and draw in an audience, one that is interested in the thing being advertised. The advertisement is meant for a new product in the market from the Calvin Klein chain of companies. The product in this case is a fragrance which is meant to be advertised in a magazine based on fashion, one that both sexes would read, such as Osmoz.. In this advertisement, the target audience is both sexes. According to the photographs on the advert, we can clearly see that both these people are young, so the advertisement is meant for the young generation.
Evidence relating to family issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Evidence relating to family issue - Essay Example The understanding of major concerns impinging upon these families: interactions or relationships with healthcare providers and social support are improved when they are defined as family weaknesses, resources, and evaluation within the perspective of the family systems theory. Of these models, family evaluation emphasises the essence of observing the family from the point of view of the family itself (Bengston, Acock, Allen, Dilworth-Anderson, & Klein, 2004). This approach will be used in the assessment of the single-mother and her family as well as the potential stress she may experience due to the demands of motherhood, work life and care giving. This particular assessment will be used in identifying the best strategies for coping and managing time that she and her family can apply. Involvement in the treatment procedure could be difficult for healthcare providers and families for various causes. Nurses supporting adults with dementia showed dissatisfaction working with elderly caregivers and sensed that these caregivers were more doubtful than others they assisted (Smith, Coleman & Bradshaw, 2002). Furthermore, nurses observed parents were opposed to adjustments when it was, in the belief of the nurse, are for the benefit of the client (Hanson, 2001). The single-mother, being in her early forties and being the primary caregiver of her father, may have problems dealing with support service providers. Furthermore, being a single-parent to three children she may resist proposed family adjustment strategies from the nurse/s. She will more likely refuse to change her coping strategies and time management because these adjustments mean adjustments in the entire family systems and processes. In addition to that, her mother refuses to acquire healthcare support for her father for the reason that her mother believes that it is her responsibility to take care of her
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The essential features of prokaryotic replication or Transcription in Essay
The essential features of prokaryotic replication or Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes - Essay Example The essential features of prokaryotic replication Cells are mainly differentiated into two classifications namely prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. There are many differences in these two types of cells as well as the genetic processes that they undergo. Much research has been done on analyzing the genetic process in the prokaryotic cells and this paper will focus upon the prokaryotic cells with regard to the important features of replication in these cells. The prokaryotic cells are small in diameter and their size ranges from 1 till an average of 5 micrometer. The genetic material of prokaryotic cells is distinct in its own way. The DNA of these cells does not lie within a nuclear envelope and this DNA is also not bounded to histones. A distinct structure where the DNA is present in the prokaryotes is present which is known as nucleoid. These cells also possess only one chromosome which is folded many times for it to fit into the prokaryotic cells. Mitotic division is absent and thus mitosis is not a feature of prokaryotic cells. Specialized cell structures which are surrounded by membranes like mitochondria and lysosomes are also not present in the prokaryotes. The size of the ribosomes in these cells is small and is 70 S. The cell wall of prokaryotic cells is stiff due to the presence of peptidoglycans. Replication is a process whereby new genetic material is formed with the copying of the parent genetic material. It is basically the formation of daughter DNA from the parental DNA strand. It is considered to be a process for the production of offspring and this process needs to be carried out in a much regulated manner to maintain the stability of the gene line so that mutations do not occur as they can serve to produce grave consequences. Prokaryotic replication has mainly been studied and understood by carrying out extensive research on the organism E. coli which is a bacterium. This replication has served to open ways for understanding the mechanis ms that occur during the process of replication in eukaryotes as this process is more complicated in the eukaryotic cells. The DNA in prokaryotes is basically round and it has two strands. The initiation point where the replication begins is termed as ori which stands for origin of replication. In different prokaryotes there are different oris which are basically the points where certain double stranded DNA specific proteins attach to certain DNA sequences which are repeated. In E. coli the DnaA which is a specific protein comes and binds to the oriC which is the origin of replication. It is at this point that the unwinding of the double stranded DNA starts to occur. There are many important steps that are required during the separation of the two strands of DNA for replication and the formation of the
Discussion board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8
Discussion board - Essay Example Factors such as socio-emotional, cultural, personality, family background and learning environment are some of those that can largely change a learner’s attitude towards education. A study done in South Australia as reported by Hattie, indicated that learning is much more pleasurable when the social upbringing of a child is effective and enriched such that values, social skills, confidence and self-esteem among other are built early enough through right healthy nurturing. As the school system emphasizes the spirit of responsibility, the family socialization puts a strong foundation to it such that when these children go to school these virtues automatically synchronize without much struggle. It is worth pointing out that humans need to be reinforced to make most of the moves in the real world contrary to Willingham’s conception that they are naturally predisposed to automatic functioning. It is my stance that not all learners hate school or that they undergo through the process through coercion. It is, however, notable that owing to above-mentioned factors, a child may develop hatred for education. Scientific research has proved that to hold that all students hate school is a flawed premise as there are clear
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The essential features of prokaryotic replication or Transcription in Essay
The essential features of prokaryotic replication or Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes - Essay Example The essential features of prokaryotic replication Cells are mainly differentiated into two classifications namely prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. There are many differences in these two types of cells as well as the genetic processes that they undergo. Much research has been done on analyzing the genetic process in the prokaryotic cells and this paper will focus upon the prokaryotic cells with regard to the important features of replication in these cells. The prokaryotic cells are small in diameter and their size ranges from 1 till an average of 5 micrometer. The genetic material of prokaryotic cells is distinct in its own way. The DNA of these cells does not lie within a nuclear envelope and this DNA is also not bounded to histones. A distinct structure where the DNA is present in the prokaryotes is present which is known as nucleoid. These cells also possess only one chromosome which is folded many times for it to fit into the prokaryotic cells. Mitotic division is absent and thus mitosis is not a feature of prokaryotic cells. Specialized cell structures which are surrounded by membranes like mitochondria and lysosomes are also not present in the prokaryotes. The size of the ribosomes in these cells is small and is 70 S. The cell wall of prokaryotic cells is stiff due to the presence of peptidoglycans. Replication is a process whereby new genetic material is formed with the copying of the parent genetic material. It is basically the formation of daughter DNA from the parental DNA strand. It is considered to be a process for the production of offspring and this process needs to be carried out in a much regulated manner to maintain the stability of the gene line so that mutations do not occur as they can serve to produce grave consequences. Prokaryotic replication has mainly been studied and understood by carrying out extensive research on the organism E. coli which is a bacterium. This replication has served to open ways for understanding the mechanis ms that occur during the process of replication in eukaryotes as this process is more complicated in the eukaryotic cells. The DNA in prokaryotes is basically round and it has two strands. The initiation point where the replication begins is termed as ori which stands for origin of replication. In different prokaryotes there are different oris which are basically the points where certain double stranded DNA specific proteins attach to certain DNA sequences which are repeated. In E. coli the DnaA which is a specific protein comes and binds to the oriC which is the origin of replication. It is at this point that the unwinding of the double stranded DNA starts to occur. There are many important steps that are required during the separation of the two strands of DNA for replication and the formation of the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Tiffany com Essay Example for Free
Tiffany com Essay In what way(s) is Tiffany exposed to exchange-rate risk subsequent to itsnew distribution agreement with Mitsukoshi? How serious are these risks?Answer: About 15% of (1992) sales of $492mln or ~ $75mln will now be earned inYen, but will have to be reported in $. At a Net Income (1992) of $25mln, the risks caused by this exposure are significant. Data from exhibit 6 shows that ina 6-month period (Apr-Sep) exchange rates fluctuated as much as 10%. (from 133.30  ¥/$ to 120.07  ¥/$). A 10% downward fluctuation like this would translate into a third of a drop in net results ($25mln -/- $75mln x 10%) to . 67mln, assuming everything else stays the same (e.g. all costs incurred in $, prices to consumersremain unchanged).1.In what ways is Tiffany exposed to exchange-rate risk subsequent to its new distribution agreement with Mitsikoshi? How serious are these risks?Tiffany is exposed to foreign exchange risk by selling directly to the Japanesemarket. When they sold wholesale to Mitsukoshi, Mitsukoshi bore all the foreign exchange risk. Under this new agreement Tiffany is now exposed to the volatile fluctuations in the yen-dollar exchange rate. Since Tiffany is making profits in yen they have to convert the yen to dollars to take back to their home country. Since the yen is thought to be overvalued in comparison to the dollar, the future exchange rate can decrease Tiffanys profits. Also, the extreme volatility in the exchange rate creates significant uncertainty in what the future exchange rate and profits will be if left unhedged. The most important foreignexchange risk facing Tiffany is2. Should Tiffany actively manage its yen-dollar exchange-rate risk? Why or why not?Answer: Tiffany should actively manage its  ¥/$ exchange rate risk for the following reasons:1. The possible impact on its result as described in the answer to question 1is significant;2. There are strong indicators (on a PPP-basis the Yen is highly overvalued) that a correction will occur, which might mean even larger exchange-rate fluctuations than have occurred in the past.The way Tiffany manages its  ¥/$ exchange-rate risk is of course a function of how exchange-rate development scenario  s relate to the cost involved in [the instruments used in] managing this
Monday, October 14, 2019
Impact of Medication Therapy on Diabetes
Impact of Medication Therapy on Diabetes For Doctors and Patients Studies show that intensive medication therapy to control glucose levels may not be the most effective treatment approach for type 2 diabetes. Insulin therapy results in weight gain, which can be excessive, worsening cardiovascular risk profile. Reversing Heart Disease Excess caloric consumption causes the buildup of cholesterol and plaque inside of the blood vessels. Lowering your cholesterol with cholesterol-lowering drugs does not decrease the risk of fatal strokes. Lowering cholesterol with nutritional excellence, however, can offer more protection and disease reversal than drug therapy can, without the risk or expense of prescription medication. The goal is a low body-fat percentage, which is best achieved by prescribed regular exercise and nutritional excellence. Nutritional interventions are effective for: Lowering cholesterol and lipid risk markers Losing weight and glucose intolerance, reversing the diabetic process Reducing inflammatory and clot-promoting tendencies Reducing the tendency toward arrhythmia, sudden cardiac death, heart attack, and stroke Managing Insulin Use for Type 1 Diabetes Early onset heart disease in people with type 1 diabetes is linked to insulin resistance. That means excessive amounts of insulin is dangerous for type 1 diabetics because it can cause heart disease. But when type 1 diabetics follow the nutritarian diet approach, they require substantially less insulin, reducing the risk of heart disease and hypoglycemia. Diabetes During Pregnancy Gestational diabetes is a pregnancy-related condition affecting over 5 percent of pregnancies in which women develop high blood glucose in the diabetic range. Gestational diabetes develops when the pancreas cant produce sufficient insulin to keep up with the bodys higher demand during pregnancy. Overweight women are more prone to gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes poses an increased risk to both mother and child. Elevated glucose level increases the size of the baby resulting in delivery complications. It also increases the risk of the baby having underdeveloped lungs and respiratory distress after birth. Gestational diabetes is characterized by very strong insulin resistance, so if insulin is prescribed to treat the condition, the dosage must be high. High dosage of insulin is dangerous because it can induce neonatal hypoglycemia and preterm delivery. So an aggressive antidiabetic protocol is needed to reverse gestational diabetes quickly without the use of risky drugs. A Sample Phase One (Aggressive) Diabetic Reversal Diet for Newly Diagnosed Gestational Diabetes This is also a version of the phase one diet plan to follow if you are on diabetic medications, yet still have a fasting glucose level above 150. Your glucose level will drop quickly under this strict diet. Once your numbers are more favorable, and you are reducing medication, then you can move on to phase two of the program. Make sure you reduce or eliminate mediations to prevent hypoglycemia. Follow this plan until your blood sugar is favorable. Breakfast Because insulin resistance is the highest in the morning, eat low-glycemic plant foods for breakfast. Avoid grains, beans or fruits, except some berries. Use one of the below suggestion per meal. A green salad with a creamy hemp seed herbal dressing. Half cup of berries. A roasted eggplant casserole. Half cup of berries. Lunch Choose two of the below suggestions per meal A vegetable-bean soup made with low-salt tomato and celery juice base. A bowl of shredded lettuce and raw spinach. Roasted tufu slices wrapped in raw collard green leaves. Zucchini-cauliflower casserole. Spicy beans or lentils (1 cup) served hot over a bed of shredded raw vegetables. Dinner Include all three below per meal Steamed green vegetables, crushed raw walnuts, and toasted almond slivers. Raw vegetable served with a humus or salsa dip. One fresh fruit, or two kiwis or some berries for dessert.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Cultural Materialism Essay example -- essays research papers
When it comes to anthropological theory the combination of several established ways of thought often result in a completely new and independent way of thinking. Cultural Materialism is one of these children theories that resulted from a coming together of social evolutionary theory, cultural ecology and Marxist materialism (Barfield). The goal of cultural materialism is to explain politics, economics, ideology and symbolic aspects of a culture with relation to the needs of that society. From a cultural materialist point of view society is indisputably shaped by the factors of production and reproduction. From this all other facets of society, such as government and religion, must be beneficial to that society’s ability to satisfy the minimum requirements to sustain themselves (Harris 1996). An example of this would be the invention and continued use of industry because it increased the ability to produce needed materials and food. One important aspect of the cultural material istic approach is that it operates completely from the etic perspective. Marvin Harris, one of the founders of cultural materialism, believed that a holistic approach is vital to correctly analyzing culture and believed that the emic approach failed at providing a wide enough scope. Harris tried to employ the scientific method and incorporated it into his theory. The result of this is that cultural materialism focuses only on events that are observable and quantifiable and replicable (Harris 1979). Cultu...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
College Should Not be a Playground :: College Admissions Essays
College Should Not be a Playground University students today have it pretty good. At decent-sized schools, students have access to any number of low-cost services that civilians would donate organs for. We get gyms and fitness centers for free or close to it. We have computer labs, lounges and more clubs and societies arriving every semester. With little or no fees, on-campus coffee bars and pick-up basketball games make traveling into the real world increasingly ludicrous. Sure, we pay more in tuition rates to help off set the cost, but college students these days shouldn't sweat the bill's bundled-in activity fees - it's simply worth it to fork over a little extra cash for the added convenience. Besides, with college rates continually on the rise, these resource charges amount to a drop in a very large bucket. On the other hand, shouldn't a University provide for its students without bleeding them dry? After all, without the learners, the educators and administrators would be jobless. So why should students pay for access to increasingly basic and common services? Students have come to expect these tasty perks, as if our Universities owe us for passing through their hallowed halls. But have we come to expect too much? Do we truly deserve extravagant bonuses? My own school has for years given students free, unlimited, high-speed access to the Internet. All rooms in all dorms have long had an Ethernet port, intended to help us with our studies. Any student can plug in, call up the library's extensive database subscriptions, and hunt for journals, articles and other information on a boundless range of topics. Of course, with such power comes responsibility, for students can also visit the seedier and less, shall we say, academic nooks of the World Wide Web. In light of this, UMD began cracking down on Internet access and Networking capabilities on campus last year. First, the students' file-sharing capabilities were restricted. Many students grumbled, but the administration remained firm. Most recently, filters blocked the transfer of certain controversial file types. Student outcry led to a scaled-back version of the sentinel software, but the students haven't finished crusading. The school, they say, has infringed on our rights by installing restrictive programs between the Internet and us. University literature promises "free, unlimited" Internet access, and
Friday, October 11, 2019
Significance Study of Kanlda Port
S I G N I F I C A N C E O F S T U D Y O F K A N D L A P O R T 2. 1 R e s e a r c h P r o b l e ms Statement of the problem I have chosen this topic to study about economic pattern of Kandla & Non Major Ports with socio economic conditions and port development in Saurashtra and Kutch region. The study is mainly focused on various types of ports that are developed in the said region. This study highlights the problems during the development of ports and on other side gives suitable suggestions to improve their performance. 2. 2 O b j e c t i v e s o f R e s e a r c hTo study the income and expenditure statement of Kandla Port. To study how port facilitate foreign trade volume. To study about the cargo traffic of major and non major ports. To study the ports infrastructural development. To find out the income and expenditure pattern of Kandla port. To identify the benefits and problems of ports. To study future prospects and SEZ development of port. To give suggestions for the improveme nt of ports. 2. 3 A r e a o f R e s e a r c h – G u j a r a t , K a n d l a . Kandla port plays a major role in the country's international trade.Having notched up a string of success, it has emerged as a forerunner, and has carved a niche for itself, by its steady growth and economy of operations. The Port of Kandla was declared a major port in 1955. The Kandla Port Trust was created by law in 1963 to manage the new port. The Port of Kandla Special Economic Zone (KASEZ) was the first special economic zone to be established in India and in Asia. Established in 1965, the Port of Kandla SEZ is the biggest multiple-product SEZ in the country. Covering over 310 hectares, the special economic zone is just nine kilometers from the Port of Kandla.Today, the Port of Kandla is India's hub for exporting grains and importing oil. This self-sufficient port is one of the highest-earning ports in the country. Major imports entering the Port of Kandla are petroleum, chemicals, and iron and steel machinery, but it also handles salt, textiles, and grain. Figure 2 Kandla Port, a national port, is one of the eleven most important ports of India. This port is situated on Kandla stream. The first investigation of this stream was undertaken by the British Royal India Navy in 1851 and a detailed survey done in 1922.This port is developed by Joint project of Maharao Shree Khengarji-III and British Government in the 19th century. The Kandla port came into existence in the year 1931 with a single Peir construction. Later on with the loss of Karchi port to Pakistan during partition, after independence the government of India chose Kandla as an ideal sea outlet. Thus the Kandla Port was developed and since then Kandla port has played a pivotal role in enhancing country`s maritime trade. Standard dry cargo treatment capacity of Kandla Port is 24,000 metric tons per day.The port is under Ministry of Commerce and is managed by a Port Trust with a Chairman as its head. The Kandla Port Trust is run by a board of trustees. There is an administrator – representative of the ministry of Commerce – appointed for the management of a free trade zone known as the Kandla Free Trade Zone placed near the port where hundreds of small and international companies are also sited. Owing to fast progress of Kandla port close city like Gandhidham also developed faster. Kandla port plays a major role in the country`s international trade.Having notched up a string of success, it has emerged as a forerunner, and has carved a niche for itself, by its steady growth and economy of operations. Kandla port is well equipped with infrastructural. It has 10 berths, 6 oil jetties, 1 maintenance jetty, 1 dry dock and small jetties for small vessels, which can accommodate from large to small vessels. Near all these terminals and jetties there are storage facilities for cargo from containers to petroleum. The port is also outfitted with Sixteen Wharf cranes. Apart from this, the po rt also provides for additional facilities for international traders.Due to its strategic location it is the connecting hub for Northern, Western and Central India. Kandla also has the country`s only Free Trade Zone Kandla Port, the foundation stone for which was laid by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, has 1800 metres of dry cargo berths where in a straight line, ten ships could easily be accommodated. It has berths for a tanker also where chemicals, vegetable oil etc are handled. Kandla today has become the hub of India`s foodgrains and oil imports. Kandla is a self sufficient, self enhancing Port.It is also among the highest revenue earning Port of India. The Port is the nearest, most economical and most convenient for handling imports and exports of the highly productive granary and industrial belt stretching across Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pardesh, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Kandla Port is the most economical major port in terms of tariff and operational expenditure. The efficiency and all requisite user facilities nevertheless confirm to international standards. The Port is up to date with the latest technological innovations.Happy labour-management relations and economical handling of heterogeneous cargo is considered the key element to the success of the Port of Kandla. The port has floated a global tender for a two-year capital dredging contract of 20 million cubic metre at an estimated cost of Rs 100 crore. Kandla Port attained new levels of performance in fiscal 2006-07, establishing a new record by handling a cargo volume of 52. 98 million tonnes, in the process entering into the select league of ports that have registered a throughput of 50 million tonnes or more.Excellent infrastructural facilities, well-connectivity with the rest of the country by road and rail networks, all-round services provided with efficiency and transparency, lowest port tariff and the envious cost-effectiveness are the major strengths of Kandla Port. LOCATION The Ma jor Port of Kandla, situated about 90 km off the mouth of Gulf of Kachchh in the Kandla Creek at Latitude 23 degree 1 minute North and Longitude 70 degree 13 minutes East, is the lone Major Port on the Gujarat coast line along the West Coast of the country.Amongst the 12 Major Ports in the country, Kandla occupies an enviable position, both in terms of international maritime trade tonnage handled and financial stability and self-sufficiency attained year after year. A gateway to the north-western part of India consisting of a vast hinterland of 1 million sq. km stretched throughout 9 states from Gujarat to Jammu & Kashmir, the Port has a unique locational advantage. The Port's hinterland is well connected with infrastructural network of metre gauge and broad gauge railway system as well as State and National Highways.HISTORICAL LEGACY: As a humble beginning in the year 1930 by the great visionary, the late Maharao Khengarji III of the princely State of Kachchh, for a deep-draught cl osed port in his kingdom, the Kandla Port on, with the loss of Karachi port to Pakistan during partition, independent India was deprived of a sea outlet in its North-West region. In order to offset this loss, the Indian government chose Kandla Port as an ideal sea outlet to be developed as a Major Port on the West Coast for arrying on the international maritime trade of the country and thus, Kandla Port was developed as a Major Port. Port of Kandla, since then, has been playing a pivotal role in the country's international maritime trade, contributing its mite for the growth and development of the national economy. The Port has grown and matured itself not only in age but also in creating infrastructural facilities in and around the Port, handling volumes of import and export trade year after year and attaining a very sound financial status ahead of a number of other Major Ports in the country.Thus, Kandla Port has been playing a pivotal role in the national economy and contributing a handsome amount of foreign exchange earnings to the national Exchequer every year. THE EVOLUTION Due to the loss of Karachi Port to Pakistan after independence, the onus of entire Indian trade was shifted to the Mumbai Port putting tremendous strain on its facilities.Under the inspirational and able guidance of the great visionary and the Iron Man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Indian government on 17th February, 1948 constituted an Expert Committee known as the West Coast Major Port Development Committee to explore the possibilities of establishing a deep-sea port to cater to the vast hinterland comprising the north-western states of the country. The Committee submitted its report on the 30th April, 1948, recommending that a Major Port should be sited at Kandla.Accordingly, on January 20, 1952, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India, laid the foundation stone at Kandla for the new port on the western coast of India. It was declared as a Major Port on April 8, 1955 by Late Lal Bahadur Shastri, the then Union Minister for Transport. The Kandla Port Trust was constituted in 1964 under the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963. Since then, this Major Port of Kandla has come a long way in becoming the ‘Port of the New Millennium'. V I S I O N â€Å"To be Asia's Supreme Global Logistic Hub†M I S S I O N To transform the Port of Kandla into a most globally competitive logistics hub with nternational excellence leaving imprints in the international maritime arena by exploring its fathomless growth potentialities. S T R A T E G I C & C L I M A T I C A D V A N T A G E All-weather port. Tropical and dry climatic conditions to handle any type of cargo throughout the year Temperature varying from 25 degree Celsius to 44 degree Celsius. Scanty rainfall facilitates round-the-year operations. Uninterrupted and smooth port operations on 365 days a year. No adverse wave effect, being a protected and sheltered harbour situated in the Creek.The only Indian Major Port nearest to the Middle East and Europe. T H E P O R T L O G I S T I C S NAVIGATIONAL FACILITIES: Round-the-clock navigation. Permissible draught 12. 6 mtrs. Ships with 240 mtrs. length overall and 65,000 DWT are accommodated presently. Safe, protected and vast anchorage at outer harbour for waiting and lighterage purpose. 22 lighted navigational buoys with solar lights, as per IALA system, are provided in the navigational channel. Light house as an aid for night navigation. Fully equipped signal station operational round-the-clock. Four lighted shore beacons. STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCK:
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