Saturday, August 31, 2019
“The Great Gatsby†chapter 8 Essay
In the beginning of the chapter, we are made aware of Nick’s discomfort and anxious attitude regarding Gatsby and what is to become of him, suggesting that he should get away for a week, but naturally, Gatsby refuses. He then goes onto describe the way that he and Daisy had first met and their relationship that had ensued, before Gatsby proposes he and Nick use the swimming pool for the first and last time that summer; Nick has work to attend, and so declines his offer to leave, but not before paying him the only compliment he gave to him. Towards the middle of the chapter, we are given an insight into George’s life just after Myrtle’s death, who realised he had nobody to go to and was desperate to know who had done such a thing to his wife, eventually coming to the conclusion that it must have been Jay Gatsby. We then meet the climax at the end of the chapter as Wilson not only murders Gatsby, while he waited for Daisy’s phone call, but also himself. Fitz gerald writes the chapter, as in the entire novel, through the persona of Nick, in a first-hand narrative. This aids in the telling of the entire story, in this chapter in particular, because Nick’s true devotion and loyalty to Gatsby as a friend, is evident in the respectful way and non-descript depiction of Gatsby’s death- â€Å"The chauffeur†¦ heard the shots†. In comparison to the description of Myrtle’s gruesome death in the previous chapter; â€Å"her left breast was swinging loose like a flap†; it can be argued that Nick’s self- conscious narrative may actually be quite biased, choosing to withhold information from the reader and, contradicting the way he claimed not to be judgemental in chapter 1, by deciding which characters deserve to be respected and free to die with their dignity intact, despite each of their individual mistakes. Despite Fitzgerald writing the chapter with aspects of tragedy, I do not believe the form of the chapter can be described as being so, but rather, as being tragic. For example, Gatsby’s hamartia is recognised completely in this chapter as his love and adoration of Daisy that hadn’t been returned, the way he takes the blame for Myrtle’s death without any sort of known gratitude, and his relentless trust and faith in her and the fact that he believes she is the key to his happiness and success in his life, eventually lead to his untimely demise while he still held onto the hope that she would return his feelings for her. This helps to tell the story because it is representative of society at the time, allowing Fitzgerald to portray it as having provided a barrier between classes which could never be crossed, as Gatsby had attempted and was expecting of Daisy. An additional feature that makes the chapter tragic would be the catharsis experienced by the reader through Nick’s realisation of Gatsby’s mistakes; this is because the reader desperately hopes that Gatsby himself will somehow come to the same conclusions that seem so obvious to everybody else- â€Å"They’re a rotten crowd†¦ You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together†Throughout the chapter, Fitzgerald constantly makes connections between weather and the emotions within the novel, giving the impression that the setting of will somehow foreshadow and represent the outcomes later in the chapter. An example of this would be, â€Å"the night had made a sharp difference in the weather and there was an autumn flavour in the air†. This use of pathetic fallacy could be used to foreshadow the â€Å"sharp†pain that Gatsby, will later feel as he is shot; James Gatz represented by the â€Å"weather†in general as he had typically been a driving force in the events throughout the novel, having lots of influence over mood and behaviour. Autumn has many connotations, some of which could be the falling of leaves, which symbolises the decay of Daisy and Gatsby’s relationship, which has not yet become totally obvious to Gatsby at this point in the chapter. Meanwhile Gatsby stops his gardener from emptying the pool that he hadn’t yet used, In the same way that he is attached to the hope of making Daisy love him the way she used to, he insists on swimming in the pool as though it were still the summer that had just passed, seemingly overnight in contrast to the hottest day of the year in the last chapter, showing his incapability of forgetting the past, constantly trying to hold onto the memori es they shared and to relive their time together. Regardless of the fact that Gatsby’s past had been shared with us in chapter 6, in a relative time scale to the novel, Fitzgerald writes from Nick’s perspective, telling the reader that it is at this point in Gatsby’s life, that he had actually shared it with Nick. Nick describes the reasoning for this as being because â€Å"’Jay Gatsby’ had broken up like glass against Tom’s hard malice†. Irony is used in this to tell the story as, throughout the novel, Gatsby had been an enigma to all and now, suddenly he is seen as transparent and easy to see through. Also, the use of the word â€Å"glass†gives the impression that, as glass, though it may seem strong on the outside, is weak and easily shattered, the pieces of which can never be put back together perfectly, Gatsby is finally portrayed as a human with real emotion, showing that he is easily broken, foreshadowing his murder at the end of the chapter. The author uses Doctor T.J Eckleburg’s eyes to represent the increasing meaninglessness of religion over time, particularly in the 1930s as, in the materialistic world between West Egg and East Egg nobody had turned to religion but instead, thrive off of materialism and wealth, and so Eckleburg portrays the eyes of God and his omniscient nature- â€Å"God sees everything†- which been left and forgotten by the wealthy, and fallen victim to the valley of ashes, yet still embodies a moral standard of which all are expected to follow, no matter their stature within society. As a result of this, the story is able to advance through the chapter as Wilson believes that by seeing the crime committed, God demands revenge and so, he leaves in search for the owner of the car who killed his wife.
Friday, August 30, 2019
A Strategic Report on Emirates Airlines Essay
It is important to study of any business, particularly in a global environment of rapidly changing contexts. In this regard, there are several core strategies that management need to consider and monitor in reviewing the ongoing performance of their business. In order to respond to change effectively, management must regularly assess its efficiency in several different areas of the performance of within company life. Management strategists need to identify their competitive advantages, properly position themselves and clearly identify their competitiveness in the marketplace. Therefore, management must constantly analyse and respecify their business objectives as well as setting new strategic goals to keep up their operations in a dynamic environment. Airlines Industry We live in a global world that is more interconnected than at any time in history. In combination with enormous changes to the communications industry and the rapid spread of information via the Internet, the world constantly experiences 24 hour a day movement of data, goods, services, and people traveling every corner of the world in less than one day. As quoted by Oxford Economics, â€Å"every day in the skies above us; our globalized world has long been woven together by a web of flights, creating ever-expanding social and economic networks across the planet†. (Aviation: The Real World Wide Web 2008, p. 7). In 2011, for example, airlines transported 2. 8 billion passengers and 47. 6 million metric tons of air cargo and actively connected the world’s cities with 36,000 routes. (The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013, p. 7). In addition to the transport of goods, business travel has also grown as companies become increasingly internationally focused. As a result, airline industry is a strategic sector having a crucial role in other industries globalization. According to The airline industry, the outlook for the air travel industry is one of strong growth, but it will not be without challenge. Those airlines that would be able to deal with their cost and enhance their product would be successful. An example of the market threats for airlines was seen in 2009, when airline businesses faced global economic downfall and overall industry-wide losses of $9. 4 billion caused by high oil prices, long global recessions, falling demands, fierce price-cutting, collapsing yields revenue per mile and low consumer confidence. A result, the demand for air travel decreased, and the market contracted resulting in global bankruptcies and necessary shrinkage in networks and service levels. Although Emirate Airlines faced the same challenges as other airlines, it performed remarkably well against prevailing industry norms despite the worldwide increasing contraction (Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p471). This case study will further explore the strategies competitive advantages used by Emirates management team to perform in such a competitive market. Emirates Airlines Samthomasuae ‘s weblog post (2011) covers that Emirates Airlines, known as Emirates, is part of the Emirates Group which has become a reputation for aviation, travel and tourism. The group is owned by the Dubai Government. Emirates is connected to all continents in the world with one hundred and twenty destinations over six continents. Therefore, with more than 50 business units and associated firms, Emirates is one of the largest employers in the Middle East. Emirates is the seventh largest in the world based on the number of carried international passengers, and fourth largest in the world in terms of scheduled international passenger kilometre flown. Within the first 11 years of operation, it has doubled its size every 3. years (Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p485). History Emirates started its business in 1985 with two aircrafts, a Boeing 737 and an Airbus 300 B4, with start-up capital of $10 million. Emirates made history by generating of profit within nine months of operations, and It went on the further develop its international routes by adding new destinations such as Bombay, Colombo, Dhaka and Cairo. The result of this bold expansion strategy was that within two years, Emirates had added European destinations including the key city of London, as well as several other new key European destinations. The success of the global strategy of Emirates is not due to the fact that the airline is wholly owned by the Government of Dubai, or because they have received inadvertent government protection but is clearly a case study in the implementation of a successful global competition strategy, in particular taking advantage of Dubai’s open-skies policy which enables Emirates to benefit from the liberalization of international aviation rules and regulations. Emirates, therefore, received initial start-up investment from the Government of Dubai, but it now successfully operates as a wholly independent business entity. Emirates successfully carried 35 million passengers by 2012, representing 50% of total airport capacity (emirates. n. d. ). Emirates market share among regional competitors According to Articlebase weblog post (2010) Emirates Airlines has developed to become highly reputable in the Asian Pacific Continent. The company has pulled itself up very well in the region and as seen from the figure 1, it is the most successful company in the region. Figure 1-Emirate region market share Emirates financial highlights According to Emirates annual report (2013), Emirates revenue (including operating costs) in 2012-13, reached US$19. billion, representing a 17. 4% increase over the financial year of 2011-12. Net profit was US$622 million, reflecting the enormous impact that fuel prices continue to exert on the airline industry. Emirate airlines reported that their profit margin was 3. 1% and the companies’ cash in hand at the end of financial year 2012-13 was US$6. 7 Billion. The company also reports that more people continue to choose Emirates with the number of passengers flown in 2012-13 totalling 39 million, a 16% increase over the previous financial year. Figure 2, Emirate financial highlight/Source: Emirates Annual report 2013 Key Success Factors in the airline industry In order to be successful in the airline industry, various factors such as differentiation, alliances, strong brand name and relation with suppliers are needed to be considered. Differentiation Airlines tend to be differentiated by offering advanced services. For instance, latest technology, e-ticketing and wide seats which may distinguish the company among other competitors. Strong brand name Airlines build a strong brand name by means of different techniques like ffering prizes, frequent flyer programs. Alliances The airlines tends to establish alliances which enable them to share their resources through linking their network. it also helps them to share experiences which result in lower operating cost. â€Å"The Emirates has never joined to any cargo or passenger alliances as they see some anti-competitive elements in them and would be a brake on Emirates business plan. †(The public affair journal of emirates, 2009). the only recent partner of emirate is Quantas from Australia. Relations with supplier Airlines need to have long term contract with the suppliers to keep them safe in case of increasing prices. Environmental analysis of Emirates Macro Environmental Analysis PESTEL analysis of Emirates PESTLE analyse focuses on external factors and gives a strategic overview of the various macro-environmental factors that the company needs to take into account, the PESTEL analyse has been conducted on Emirates. The PESLE analyse is also a useful strategic tool to interpret market growth or decline, business position, potential, and direction for future operations. Political Emirates and most of the countries in the Asian continent have signed inclusive business agreements as well as with several countries in the Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the USA. Such relationships facilitate better political cooperation and trade opportunities between countries, including the growth of the aviation sector. These agreements have opened up several world markets and provided opportunities for Emirates to grow its network. Emirates is strengthened by the support of the Government of Dubai by providing infrastructure developments to boost the growth of Dubai and Emirates. Low fees and charges at Dubai Airport; same opportunities for all the air carriers provided by the open skies policy; the low taxation policy encouraging the companies and businesses which boost the economy in Dubai; and the easy immigration legislation of Dubai Government enabling companies to secure entry visas and work permits for foreign workers to fulfil their labour requirements are other beneficial policy for Emirates. In contrast, a potential problem for Emirates is the ongoing political instability in the Middle East region which has the potential to hinder for the further growth of Emirates. (Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p482). Economic The sustainable rate of a growing economy in the region, in particular the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has increased the overall level of household income and affordability of people to use air transportation. About 3. 5 billion people are living within the radius of eight hour flight from Dubai and , therefore, such a huge financially stable population generates an ever- increasing demand for air travel in the region. There is an exceptional shift in the aviation market demand, customer choices, and travel behaviour that is changing rapidly which has been evidenced by Nataraja et al (2011, p483). The reason Emirates has experienced phenomenal rise over the past few years is that the regional governments are streamlining their economic policies to suit the growth of the airline industry. This has reflected in growth rates, overall income and potential investments in Dubai among other companies in the tourism industry and the world business.  social Nataraja et al (2011, p483) state that well-designed strategic management system is sound in the Emirates Company, but this could be compromised if attention is not given to personnel development in the organization. Personnel issues are adversely affecting airline businesses globally and employees are becoming increasingly aware of their high market value and potential. An abundance of multicultural workforce having lower expectation in the region in which Emirates operates is a social advantage in comparison to the expectations of employees from countries namely the USA and UK, Emirates experiences a significant difference in labour costs. Most of the organizations in the UAE are using only 10 precent of their operating expenses to pay their employees and this trend includes Emirates, in comparison to more Westernized businesses which use up to 40 precent of their operating expenses for the same purpose. Consequently, the Airline has benefited extensively and made good profits on these grounds. Technology In response to the advances in technology over the past two decades, Emirates has been able to take the advantage of technology in its operation. Since Emirates has spread its wing globally to serve diverse customers who require global technology, it has invested more resources to place each individual market. Emirates is benefiting from a single global system that is distributed in 14 languages which supports payments in 42 currencies. (Nataraja et al,2011, p483). As it is demonstrated in figure 1, Emirates is interestingly positioned as the youngest and most modern fleets in worldwide commercial aviation industry. The company aims to be a pioneer in technological advances such as in-flight mobile phone coverage to develop and expand the use of mobile phones on-board. Figure 3 , comparison of Airlines’ average fleet age Emirates airlines has also invested in a trip planning system which allows the planning of trips that aim to achieve of time savings and fuel led which lead to obvious costs savings but also reduced emissions. Implementation of this new technology, called Flextracks, saves approximately 10 million liters of fuel as well as 772 hours in travel time in five years of operation. atwonline, 2011) Emirates airline has also recently used the latest airbus 380 aircraft which is known to be environmentally friendly because it consumes less fuel. Technology utilized by provides many time consuming benefits such as the development of online ticket purchase which increases customer convenience and satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat business. Environment Organizations have various obligations to formulate and implement strategies from an environmental perspective. Increasing numbers of firms are implementing tougher environmental regulations as they make economic sense because of conservation of natural resources and air pollution control in the region. They preserve and conserve natural resources and control pollution in the region making good sense from a cost saving perspective as well as a public relations perspectives(Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p484). Emirates reports a vision to make their company an environmental leader in the aviation and travel industries with a goals to make sustainable and eco-efficient operation in the air and on the ground. Interestingly, as part of a global trend towards environmental consciousness, Emirates considers their customers, staff and regulators to be increasingly aware of the environment and emission of greenhouse gases and the company has , therefore, committed to environmentally-responsible operations through the Group’s Environmental Policy. This policy is implemented through the ‘Environment’ programme (Emirates environment policy,2013) , which is communicated to customers, staff and stakeholders. The company also reports different environmental considerations to be advantageous from a business perspective because becoming an ecologically-efficient organisation enables them to become economically sustainable, when it comes to consumption of fewer resources and whilst using fewer resources and causing less pollution. These strategies in turn, reduce labour and overall company expenses. Legal In the past, most governments within the Asian continent and in the Asia-Pacific region operated under a paternal government policy and felt that they had to protect airlines against external factors. The recent changes in the economic policies of these governments have allowed airlines to compete more openly having their own economic model without worrying about government hindrances in order to preserve their competitive advantage. In addition, less government control allows the company to operate more freely in the region with less legal impediments in the region resulting in a positive growth and an exceptional performance (Nataraja & Al-Aali 2011, p484). Emirates-porter’s five forces Porter’s 5 forces model is used by businesses to evaluate the environment that a company is competing in. Strategies implemented by Emirates also are a function of environment in which it operates. (Elnamaki, MSS 2007). By using Five Forces Analysis we are able to identify who are the Emirates competitors and where are potential threats; which aspect in Emirates should be improved and focused on; and to analyse whether Emirates and its industry is attractive or destructive. Threat of new entrant There are many barriers that dissuade new entrants in the airline industry. Enter to the market depends on how many barriers exist. Airlines high capital cost positively affect Emirates Airline. Strong brand value is critical to compete. Emirates is a high brand value that cannot be copied because it is a long time it has been operating, and markets heavily depend on its services. Advanced technologies are kind of barrier for a new entrant as they need to develop and implement them before effectively competing Based on Emirates loyalty programs, customers are loyal to Emirates. Building a value brand needs money and time and it uses resources which not to be allocated to compete in the marketplace. Based on the above factors the threat of new entrant is weak. The bargaining power of customers Due to buyer price sensitivity, it is difficult to compete with competitive prices of budget carriers but Emirates compensates by offering world class food, services, comfort and in-flight entertainment, world class service, A380 aircrafts, choices of menu for the elite class, its own private terminal, and non-stop direct flights to various routes including some of the world’s longest non-stop direct flights. I suggest that this power is moderate.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Beliefs in the sanctity of life Essay
Explain how beliefs in sanctity of life may influence ethical approaches to abortion This issue involves the principles associated with abortion and involves the consideration of the act of killing and the ethical questions that this raises. The belief that life is in some way sacred or holy is widely supported throughout several different cultures and religions, and is traditionally understood as being given by God. Believers in the Sanctity of Life take a deontological position in which love and compassion for all human life has a significant role in their everyday lives. The sanctity of life argument is often put forward from a Christian viewpoint, and is also supported in the Roman Catholic Church. The Church of England also combines opposition to abortion with recognition that there can be â€Å"strictly limited†conditions in which it is morally acceptable to carry out an abortion. Members of this Church share the Roman Catholic view that abortion is â€Å"gravely contr ary to the moral law†, suggesting that life is precious and reinforcing their belief in the sanctity of life. The Church says that human life begins when the woman’s egg is fertilised by a male sperm. From that moment a unique life begins, independent of the life of the mother and father. The features that distinguish us from our parents – the colour of our eyes, the shape of our face – are all laid down in the genetic code that comes into existence then. Each new life that begins at this point is not a potential human being but a human being with potential, therefore abortion is wrong, because life is precious and created in God’s image. Kant gives the idea of the sanctity of life a non-religious perspective based on ethical grounds. He considers each human life sacred, and said that everyone has potential to have a good life, therefore against abortion as he believes life starts from conception. Abortion cannot be justified in Kantian ethics if it simply concerns itself because the foetus has intrinsic value based upon the principle of the sanctity of life. However Singer argues from both sides, and says â€Å"To kill a human adult is murder, and is unhesitatingly and universally condemned. Yet there is no obvious sharp line which marks the zygote from the adult. Hence the problem.†By recognising the problem of abortion and when a foetus becomes a person, in which killing it is punishable, Singer considers the social moral grounds of killing and the ethical questions it raises. Therefore by not coming to a full conclusion, we see that not all people have an absolute view on the sanctity of life in relation to abortion. Some relativists say that they are neither pro-life nor pro-choice, and it depends entirely on the circumstance. For example, if giving birth to a baby would put the mother’s life at risk, then an abortion would be acceptable because it could be argued that a foetus is not a person and that the sanctity of the mother’s life is greater than the foetus’, meaning that they may interpret the terms ‘life’ and ‘unborn’ differently. Whilst looking at these two interpretations, the sanctity of different stages of life are brought into consideration.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Law essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Law - Essay Example was carried in by the canon lawyers and then by the school of natural law leading to voluntarism, the leading lights of which were Domat and Pothier and which carried all before it under the French Civil Code during the whole of the nineteenth century. Conversely, in England, though not in Scotland, Roman law has not had the same influence. It took longer for the notion of contract to be worked out and voluntarism went into an almost immediate decline. The decline was hastened by the analyses of American writers, particularly following the famous article by Fuller and Perdue these went as far as proclaiming the death of the contract. Yet contract is alive, and it continues to constitute the basic legal instrument used to regulate the economic relations between natural and legal persons. It is, however, a concept which has undergone a certain evolution and which, from a comparative point of view, does not take the form of a uniform model. A contract under common law is not exactly the same as under the German or French legal systems. For that reason, it is necessary to begin with a study of the basic notion of a contract as it exists in the main legal systems with which we are concerned, in order to work out what it is that the various concepts with which we are concerned, in order to work out what it is that the various concepts found in those systems have in common. Once that has been done, it will be possible to determine the relationship between the notion of a contract, as thus defined, and the other sources of law giving rise to obligations, such as torts and quasi-contract/restitution. After that, it will then be necessary to move onto a higher plane, by considering what it is that gives binding force to a contract (Beale, 2002, KÃ ¶tz and Flessner, 1997). A contract is a voluntary agreement or promise between legally competent parties, supported by legal consideration, to perform or refrain from performing) some legal act. That definition may be easier to
Human resource- motivation at sales company Essay
Human resource- motivation at sales company - Essay Example Statistics indicate that sales persons are motivated by tangible rewards as well as cash rewards. They acknowledge that cash do help them get the bills paid but it does not keep sales people going (32%). In fact 79% respondents to an Incentive Federation survey indicate that they find non-cash rewards more effective in motivating them achieve sales and marketing goals than cash rewards. Tangible rewards increase performance by 22% while team incentives increase performance by 44%. Moreover, sales people are more enticed by incentive programs including give-aways, travel opportunities, privileges, club membership or be part of the company’s elite group. Although companies have the potential to improve their organizational performances, they are at times unaware of the tools available to them. For most organizations, motivation is compensation; it is cash rewards given out to employees as incentives. However, this is not the appropriate or effective strategy for increasing employee performance, changing their attitude or even motivating them, especially for a sales workforce whose motivational factors differ from other employees. Organizations need to focus on stoking sales team spirit according to Greco (1994). Compensation is not the only motivating factor (Smith 2008). The University of Michigan identified communication as the key to understanding employees motives and a means to responding to their needs (Ford, McLaughlin, and Newstrom, 2003). Representatives need statistics to boost their performance. Statistics to track sales and profits include traffic, average sale, closing ratio, inventory, pricing trends, prospects lists, client information, industry statistics etc. Cash rewards are unpopular as compared to tangible rewards. Positive incentives which can be integrated at the workplace to motivate sales team include recognition program, awards, and respect for contribution. Marchetti (2006) indicates
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Defining The Clinical Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Defining The Clinical Question - Essay Example Some studies have shown that education given to patients may be insufficient. Noncompliance with medication, diet, or symptom monitoring caused 15-64% of hospital readmissions. One way to combat these barriers is to design advanced practice nurse led heart failure clinics for outpatient management of heartfailure . Many studies have shown that heart failure clinics designed with advanced practice nurse post hospital follow-up improved patient education and compliance thus decreasing hospital readmissions (Paul 2008). The types of heart failure patient typically followed in advanced practice nurse led clinics are New York Heart Association Classifications II-IV. These patients were classified based on either echocardiography or radiography evidence of pulmonary congestion or signs or symptoms of heart failure. Background Despite advancements in the management of this debilitating condition, such as introduction of beta blockers, aldosterone antagonist, and angiotensin receptor blocker s mortality and morbidity among heart failure patients remain high. Generally 25-50% of hospitalized patients will be readmitted within 6 months of discharge (Gustafsson, Schou et al. 2009). The most cited incidents for readmissions are noncompliance with drug therapy, poor compliance with dietary restrictions, fluid restrictions, and inadequate medical therapy (Paul 2008). Thus, it appears that the readmission and mortality rates of heart failure patients maybe the result of less than optimal approach by the patient and provider. In terms of mortality the Framingham Study showed that once patient was diagnosed with heart failure the 6 year mortality was 85% for men and 67% for women . Heart failure puts a significant health and financial burden on patient’s families and society. Estimated cost of heart failure in the US is over $35 million according to the American Heart Association. As we all know the incidence of heart failure increases with age. According to the center fo r disease control 70% of the people over the age of 60 have heart failure and the number is expected to rise (Ferguson 2008) . For instance in 2000 approximately 12.7% of the American population was 65 years of age or older. It is estimated in 2020 this number will rise to 16.5%. In an effort to reduce 30 day readmissions, mortality, and overall cost a growing number of hospitals and medical groups are forming evidenced based heart failure clinics to combat this epic problem. The population to be evaluated in this project are patient diagnosed with heart failure with either systolic or diastolic impairment that have recently been hospitalized, The purposed intervention is one week follow up post discharge in a nurse practitioner led heart failure clinic. The patients will then be monitored by nurse practitioner and MD . A comparison will then be made to those patients followed by an MD only . The outcome that is proposed is that patients followed in a nurse practitioner and MD colla borative heart failure clinic will have a decrease in 30 day readmission rates to the hospital . Clinical Question Does the addition of a nurse practitioner to a heart failure clinic reduce 30 day readmission rates for heart failure patients? Keywords: A medline search was conducted using the terms â€Å"
Monday, August 26, 2019
Asian Film term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Asian Film term paper - Essay Example In the East, everything is bound by traditions and the ones revolting against this cruelty are either banished from the society or are abandoned or locked up. The purpose of this paper is to figure out and analyze about the lives of the women, to the modern concepts of individualism vs. the old traditional concepts. Following their identity how they are kept and what happens will all be described in the context of three of the Asian films Peking Opera Blues, Water and Rouge. Three of the films depict more or same the story of women, their loyalty, freedom followed by traditions. Let us take a look and analyze the story with supporting evidence and arguments. A. Peking Opera Blues: Directed by Tsui Hark Peking Opera Blues is one of the finest films one comes across of 1986 depicting the portrayal of a woman and her loyalty. The general’s daughter has been much in focus showing her loyalty and bonds with the customs and the traditions. She is always loyal, obeying her father, no t participating or standing with men and when tagged with betray, she still is on her father’s side (Tao ma tan, 1986). The director’s first bold step was to cast three women in a serious role. It was conflicting as no other director ever casted three women with the leading role other than stupid, foolish or jerk acts. The second step the director took against the traditions was the touching scene of the two women but they were not projecting their needs or greed as it was not a stereotypical role or image of the women. The third step was the impression people had for them as being women as a symbol of a lower status (Tao ma tan, 1986). Analyzing the above movie, what we see is that a woman as a tool to be suppressed, treated as a toy saying yes every now and then to either the right or the wrong. Her freedom lays in the hands of others either husband, his father or his brother, her decisions are to be taken by a man who is stronger in position and her fate is decided by them. She does not have her identity, feelings, and emotions. She has to be loyal, putting her head in front of a sword if commanded and still the men in these societies do not let them breath in fresh air. Quoted by Charlotte Bronte I am not a bird to entangle me: I am a human being, free of my will and independence. These people do not let their daughters, mothers, wives or sisters to live independently, with freedom of will, power and expression. They are bound to follow the customs and traditions followed by the society and their revolt leads them to a fatal life. The overall impact of the movie is reflecting how a positive, loyal, honest and truthful a woman could be. B. Water: Directed by Deepa Mehta the film holds the breath of a person to see what actually people do on the other side of the world. The role of the women portrayed in this film is very meek, worthless and a symbol of one’s pleasures. The director projected a woman being a worthless creature when her h usband dies and she has to be in a ashram for the rest of her life. The second thing was the forced prostitution. The third thing was the freedom in the end (Water, 2005). This is the male dominating society. Everything runs under his command. The traditions and customs have already made woman a worthless creature, living only to please a man, does his chores and sacrifice for him (Water, 2005). This is a true image of the society has been portrayed. However it has also been visibly
Sunday, August 25, 2019
English 1010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
English 1010 - Essay Example For me, my experiences in the gym are really exciting. In course of my doing exercises in the gym, I have just realised that there are several categories people who work out there. First of all, there is a category of people in the gym whom I can refer to as the gym rats who intentionally wear undersize T-shirts and flex muscles in front of others; this category of people are very busy and they move around in the gym like rats. Secondly, there are some people in the gym whose main preoccupation seems to be taking photos in the gym; this group of people constantly look in the mirrors and take photos longer than they actually work out in the gym. Thirdly, I have noticed that there are newbies whose main goal in the gym seems to observe others practise. Then, there is the fourth category of people in the gym who listen carefully to their trainers and ask their trainers a lot of questions; my friend and I fit in this fourth category. Another interesting fact that I have observed in the gym is that the majority of business people who come to the gym for practice do not turn their phones off while practising; for the business people, gym appears to be their second office. Another interesting category of people in the gym is a specific category of girls, whom I call â€Å"beauty queens†. I call these girls so not because they are really good-looking but mostly because they wear heavy make-up as if they are coming to a party. I have also noticed chatterboxes who visit gym only to talk with other people, but not work out. Finally, there is an interesting category of people whose main aim of coming to the gym is to pick girls. Frankly speaking, I don’t think that gyms are the places for men to find girls for dating. Such people should go to social gatherings to look for girls but not in gyms. Another interesting thing that I have
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Explanatory Synthesis Essay (phone dangers) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Explanatory Synthesis (phone dangers) - Essay Example m to connect to their offices, plus the young adults who use these gadgets for entertainment (Sutko and Souza 811), it is impossible to ignore how this gadget can play a big role in an individuals life. The dangers associated with dependence on the gadget is not necessarily a psychological one, but rather, a physical one. While it can be argued that mobile phones provide people with â€Å"the ease and comfort of being able to contact family members immediately, or even being able to use it during emergencies†(Sutko and Souza 813-4), there is still considerable danger in the use of these gadgets. More people nowadays are able to purchase the gadget, while networks try so hard to keep up with the number of subscribers they can accommodate. While this may seem to be merely a business issue, as consumers, people should also understand what dangers lie under the presumption that mobile phones can be used for emergencies when in reality, a network being more and more crowded in time may prove this impossible. While that may still be under considerable argument, accidents caused by mobile phones is something that has been happening for decades. According to statistics, cell phone use causes over 300, 000 vehicle-related injuries and over 2, 500 vehicle-related deaths annually. These figures are out of the estimated 7 million vehicle-related accidents in the country per year (Blettner and Berg 927). That means mobile phone use is responsible for around 4.5% of vehicle-related accidents in the whole united States. For such a small gadget, this is such a big number. And for such a widely-used and relied on necessity, this is such a bothering fact. While some may argue that hands-free phone may resolve the issue, one has to consider that the advent of hands-free phones did not significantly reduce the number of mobile-phone related motor accidents in the past years (Blettner and Berg 931). Furthermore, the hidden dangers of mobile phone use associated with radiation (Zur,
Friday, August 23, 2019
LEARNING STYEL ENGLISH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
LEARNING STYEL ENGLISH - Essay Example n easy job especially as it requires a lot of patience and practice but it can be made easier and the goal can be achieved quickly if the teaching style is made according to the learning style of an individual and this is what Strategic Inventory Learning Language is all about. Learning of language in the best way can be done by first recognizing our own learning style and then working on that pattern. Learning styles can be observed by an individual or simply by the learning style checklist. Mostly our learning styles are developed at very early stages may be at pre-school time or elementary school years. I found out from the learning style checklist that I am a Visual Learner meaning that my learning abilities are best with the aid of pictures, graphs and images. I believe this is because from the very beginning of my schooling my parents and teachers emphasized on teaching me through practical means rather than just reading books. Usually our learning styles are at sub-conscious level therefore before working to improve learning abilities it is important to recognize our style. A strategic inventory for language learning is a formalized tool that answers the question of what method is best for one particular learner, or group of learners, to learn a foreign language. According to the author Strategic Inventory Learning Language is grouped into five strategies which are memory strategy, cognitive strategy, compensation strategy, meta-cognitive strategy, affective strategy and social strategy (Griffiths and Parr 251). Usually we follow one or two of the strategies sub-consciously. To realize our strategy we can observe our learning and studying habits or simply fill the SILL questionnaire. I found out that my sub-conscious SILL is Cognitive Strategies; which is that I read for pleasure in English to increase my vocabulary and to ensure quick and right sentence formation, also I try to find patterns in English which enables me to easily converse in the language.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Diverse Families Essay Example for Free
Diverse Families Essay The modern society is marked with many challenges, which are transforming the traditional social way of life. For instance, the traditional two parent family seems to be losing the originality and substance which was associated with it in the past. This is evidenced by the increasingly high rate of divorce which has resulted to high number of single parented and remarried families. Clearly the challenge in this matter is encountered in appreciating that a two parent family is full of challenges which when left unattended can result into far reaching effects. Many people therefore find solution to these challenges in single parent and remarried families. This fact is underscored by sociologist Paul Bohannan who defines divorcees as people who have failed in their marriage but would also do not like to settle in a bad marriage (Gladding, 2002). This paper is written with an interest of discussing how single and remarried families differ from traditional Two-parent families as well as discussing their challenges and strength. How Single parent and Remarried families are treated differently from traditional two parent families. Single parent and remarried families are treated as failures of their original two parent family in the modern society. This is because the society still holds the sanctity and originality of a two parent family at esteem and as a command from their supreme being (Gladding, 2002). They therefore believe that any deviation from this command is a betrayal of their religion’s requirement and has a well defined punishment documented in their holy doctrines. Further to this, many religions hold that all men and women must marry and stay in their marriages irrespective of the challenges they meet. Single parent and remarried families are therefore depicted as non official and against the requirements of the Supreme Being (Harris, Abernethy, Smenta, 2000). Still to be noted here is the perception that single parents and remarried parents are sexually immoral. In the modern society, sexual immorality is still perceived to be more pronounced and associated with women than men. This compounded by the fact the number of unmarried single parents are women. To avoid being branded a feminist, I find it necessary to mention here that the considerable number of unmarried single parented men in the society cannot be ignored in this discussion. This perception is overstressed by the fact that human beings reproduce through sexuality which is believed by many members of our society to be legitimate only when it occurs during marriage and with only one partner in life time (Harris, Abernethy, Smenta, 2000). Based on this discussion, it is apparent that having children outside the wed lock or divorcing as well as remarrying another partner and having other children is treated as a form of sexual immorality which in the broad and normal sense of the word is not acceptable in the society. Strengths and special challenges associated with culturally diverse families Single parent families face a number of challenges in the society. Top on the list of these challenges is financial problems. Available statistical research results shows that single parent families have financial problems, which are more severe than in the case of two parent families (Gladding, 2002). As a matter of fact, the financial contribution of one parent cannot be compared to the contribution of two parents. This fact becomes worse if the family was rendered single parented by divorce. This is because the family might have been used to a given standard of living which changes all of a sudden due to lack of financial support from the other partner. As a result, a period of stress and depression follows before the divorced person adapts to the new ways of living. This challenge becomes more serious if the parent undergoing this traumatizing experience has the custody of the children. Remarried families have for long faced the challenge of neglect. This is evidenced in cases where one of the parents had children. It therefore follows that each of the parents has to appreciate each other as well as loving the children. It is believed that the biggest gift an individual can give to his or her partner is by loving the kids (Harris, Abernethy, Smenta, 2000). This undoubtedly shows that you where not only looking for a spouse but you were willing to join a family. However, available studies shows that in many a time, people find it hard to love kids whom they have not fathered or mothered. The desire to have a spouse can overcome the importance of loving the kinds and hence it can amount into another form of conflict of interest (Gladding, 2002). This problem is compounded by the possibility of getting in the present marriage what was lacking in the previous marriage or life. The effect of neglect is also evidenced in cases where the grand parents or either of the parents fails to recognize the step children and therefore they deny them their right of inheritance. One of the major strengths associated with the single parent and the remarried families is that they are put in a position to enjoy there life as well as to enhance the goodness of their children (Gladding, 2002). Some family relationships are marked with many challenges which can have negative far reaching effects and therefore detaching from a non satisfying marriage gives an individual an opportunity to restructure his or her life as well as the life of the children. Although it is argued that divorcees are marriage fails. It is also important to appreciate that they are people who are not willing to stick into a bad marriage. In conclusion therefore, single parent and remarried people are perceived negatively in the society as compared to the two parent family but this kind of family can be a solution to other problems which otherwise could be more hurting to the parent and the kinds at large. References Gladding, S. (2002). Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice. Michigan: Merrill. Harris, A. , Abernethy, A. , Smenta, J. (2000). Adolescent-Parent Interactions in Middle-Class African American Families: Longitudinal Change and Contextual Variations. Journal of Family Psychology, 14 (3), 458-474.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Influence of English on My Writing Skills Essay Example for Free
The Influence of English on My Writing Skills Essay I started learning English when I was 10. I found learning foreign language very entertaining, useful and, funny. In a very short time period I learned to speak English quite good and I was able to understand American movies without subtitles. As time was passing, my English was gradually improving and after couple of years I was able to speak it fluently. When it comes to writing, however, I was struggling from the very beginning. Even though I could speak English fluently, I never was really able to print my thoughts on piece of paper. When I was in high school, the English teacher thought that level of my English was among the highest in a class. However, she would never understand my poor performance on written tasks. She was very surprised that I can speak English so well, but still perform poor on essays. In the beginning, the professor though it is due my poor writing skills in general. But, on the other side, my essay grades in Bosnian very excellent, and Bosnian teacher would speak in superlatives about me. So one day, Ana, the English teacher gave me a very interesting task. She first told me to write an essay in Bosnian, and then to use a same topic, and write it in English. I did so, and difference was massive. The Bosnian essay was excellent, and essay written in English not even close as good. We finally found out what was the problem. Although, I was speaking English very well, the most of the words I knew came from different movies and TV shows. The English I was using was mostly made of slang words an terms. It was very good for easy conversation, but not that good for writing. This was a problem that I never completely solved. Despite my writing skills were improving all the time, my English essays were never that good and far away from those written in Bosnian. When it comes to writing the language barrier was insurmountable. The great ideas and thoughts were always coming to my mind, but I was never really able to write them down in English. However, I am pretty sure that I am not the only one with this problem. I think that there are many kids, especially in non-English speaking countries, which have same problems with overcoming language barrier. They all probably have great imagination and great ideas but cannot express them on piece of paper. Overcoming this language barrier was very tough task for me, and I have not finished it yet. Never less, I will keep trying and practicing until my English becomes as good as my Bosnian. I would strongly encourage all other internationals, with same problem, to keep trying and never give up. Because, one day, when we write an English essay and our teacher cannot tell that it’s written by an international; I will know that we made it!
Best Fit and Best Practice in HRM
Best Fit and Best Practice in HRM Today, many organizations are facing an increasingly competitive and hastily changing environment illustrated by various labor market, deregulation, globalization, improved information technologies, uninterrupted labor markets among other factors. For success in its operations, a company/firm should improve its performance through reduction of its operation costs, creation of new processes and products, increasing quality, productivity and speed market. Consequently, organizations have to center on their workforces capabilities. If a firm manages its human resources effectively, it will be able to generate and enhance commitment, synergy and motivation that will to a sustained competitive advantage. Studies have shown that human resource management is one of the avenues that an organization can use to shape her employees behavior and attitude. Human resource management practices form forums that ensure employees get highly involved in the activities of the organization and work hard to achieve her goals. The manner in which an organization manages her human resource institutes the conditions and tone that will govern the relationship between employers and employees. There are many ways of defining human resource management (HRM) practices. Bowman Swart (2007) looks at it as organizational activities directed at managing the pool of human resources and ensuring that they are directed towards fulfilling the goals of the organization. It has also been looked at as a set of internally consistent policies and practices that are developed and upon implementation, they will guarantee that the human capital of an organization add to the achievement of its business objectives. The approach to definition of human resource management practices may vary slightly but the bottom line of it all is organizing and managing the man power i n an organization. The connections between a firms performance and its human resource management practices are based on two approaches namely best fit (contingency) and best practice (universal) approaches. In best practice, a set of HRM practices are argued to be associated with improved firm performance in all types of organization and by allusion for al types of employees (Nahapiet Ghoshal, 1998). Conversely, the best fit approach argues that performance of a firm is maximized if the human resources policies are constant with the firms business strategies. Both the best fit and the best practice have an assumption that human resource policies take on will be implemented and as projected and have the same consequence on all employees that work in the firm. Researches on human resource management however show that that there is no consensus on which human resource management approach is looked at as suitable. Notwithstanding the inconsistence in both the best fit and best practice approaches, there is a momentous effect of human resource management practices on attitudes and behavior of employees based on the idea of social change. Studies reveal that employees of an organization infer organizational actions like human resource practices as indicators of how much an organization is committed to their welfare (Abraham et al., 2001). In response, the employees counter this gesture through improving their obligation to the organization. Particularly if the human resource practices of the an organization are professed as supportive, the employees will take it as their employer being committed to them through concern and high level of care , consequently they will work hard to and get very much engaged in the organization expressing their enthusiasm in hard work to achieve the goals of the organization. MANAGEMENT 4 The concepts of best fit and best practice are applied in strategic human resource management to the particular policy section of reward structures. Each of the approaches endeavors to explain the manner in which human resource policies generally and reward policies particularly can lead to better organizational efficiency (Zupan KaÃ… ¡e, 2007). Organizations can wok within the framework both the best fit and best practice. I agree with the best fit that suggests that a close alignment between organizational strategy and different systems that it employs like the rewards will go along way in improving the efficiency of the organization. The idea that pay should be linked strategy is not new but it got momentum from scholars in the 1990 talking about its merits as the â€Å"new pay†. It is evident tat all organizational systems have to start with a business strategy to achieve the goals it has set, failure to which it may face difficulties to carry on its operations. This is b ecause the strategy will clarify what the organization wants to achieve over a specified period of time. It will also set the conditions on the manner in which the organization will behave to achieve them; this means that the organization sets cope of standards on the way it is run (Boxall Purcell, 2008). Additionally the strategy will express the types of performance and the levels of performance it wants to employ to run in a organized and effective way. This is as a result of business strategy, organizational behavior and diving individuals being the benchmark for the reward strategy development. The contingent nature of a reward system should not be looked at as a set of compensation practices at all. Nonetheless, it should be treated as one way of thinking about role of a reward system in a complex organization setting. This goes against an assumption that is often made to mean that certain best practices have to be incorporated into an organizations approach to pay (Simons, 2002). Having looked at best fit, the attention now is on best practice. This premise has been popular in human resource management over the last decade. Studies show that this model otherwise known as high commitment was initially stimulated by work of some United States of America academics, although it was recently developed by those in Britain (KaÃ… ¡e et al., 2009). Although both the models of best fit and best practice are assumed to be complimentary, the later is arguably seen as not having an element of discussion on the organizations strategy at all. Its fundamental benchmark is that all organizations who adopt the best practice strategy will attract super human resources, competencies and talent. According to the views of its proponents, the super human resources available has an effect of influencing the strategy that an organization adopts hence acting as the source of its viable advantage. Consequently for this approach, the organizations policy precedes its strategy. Coff (1997) asserts that there are mutually compatible bundles of human resource policies that sustain high standards of motivation of employees and also their commitment that has a positive impact on the performance of the organization. This is the approach that advocates of best practice say it stands for. However, there is no common ground on which these practices are, on a general scale they are composed of: extensive training, selective hiring, and structure to encourage employees participation, employment security and pay policies which lead in relation to industry competitors (Lengnick-Hall Lengnick-Hall, 2003). There is apparent point of disagreement between in the sector of pay linked to performance appraisal. Researchers have criticized merit pay in a number of ways as: there is subjectivity and unpredictability that reward political skills instead of performance, there is no concern for performance of the organization, it encourages short term focus, there is an emphasis on the individual success that undermines teamwork and lastly there is a tendency of such like a system to create fear at work place. Those who support either side of the human resource management approaches argue that both approaches, hest fit and best practice, will help an organization to achieve its goals and objectives. There are several ways that an organization employs when it comes to organizing its human resources that will help it achieve what it was set up for. The methods of achieving the objectives are: attracting and retaining employees, motivating the performance of employees, promotion of skills and culture in an organization, contribution to corporate culture of an organization among other things There are differences in which the two approaches handle attracting and retaining employees. The capability of an organizations reward systems in attracting and retaining its employees is of cardinal concern to many organizations (Cullinane Dundon, 2006). During economic expansions, times when the labor markets are tight and organizations are struggling to fill vacancies at the same time trying very to ho ld on to hold on to their qualified employees, this becomes a very crucial issue. This also happens during recessions as organizations sometimes become keen on getting the services of qualified employees. To cope with this, the best fit approach boasts of the composition of its reward package attracting many and various kinds of applicants. This argument holds water because drawing example, an organization offering a straight base salary and no chance for incentive earnings, naturally attracts and retains quite different individuals that as compared to one that gives big amounts of incentive pay. Organizations rewarding their employees with different performance related pay incentives have increased chances of attracting employees who are more problem solving and entrepreneurial compared to those offering a base salary. The best fit proponents basically assume that it is in organizations where good performance is recognized and rewarded that good performers tend to seek or employment. This is a correct observation because skilled personnel will take pleasure in working where they will be appreciated as good performers. Systems have a way of identifying poor and a good performer as not all employees turn over is harmful to performance of an organization. To this effect, a reward system has to promote the retention of good performers at the same time aiding the decision of poor performers leaving the organization. According to Dowling Welch (2006), there is also an emphasis on the importance of external competitiveness of an organization for attraction and retention of employees. According to best fit advocates, for effectiveness, a reward system must distribute rewards such that the most valuable employees of the organization will feel contended while relating their rewards with those of individuals performing same jobs in organizations of the same nature as theirs. However caution must be taken here because some studies have shown that in some organizations, it is more cost effective in keeping the wages low and accepting high employee turnover, particularly if the cost of replacing them is low as it is the in unskilled labor. Despite the fact labor markets are far from being perfectly efficient, it is evident that there is some relationship between the quality of a work force and organization attracts and how it pays its employees. This is quite true and it is convincing for the best fit a pproach as it gives the facts on the behavior of employees and pay. Looking in the manner in which the best practice deals with attracting and retaining the employees, it emphasizes on employees that will assist an organization in gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. It achieves this through externally competitive pay levels. According to this however, a combination of a number of a number policies that are interrelated are responsible for highly qualified individuals apply and remain in an organization. The recruiting procedures which provide a huge pool of qualified applicants, coupled with a dependable and valid routine has a significant influence on the quality and type of skills the new employees will have. The thorough process of selecting employees will make the selected candidates feel that they are joining privileged organization with elevated prospects. The best practice approach advocates for positively value low turnover with no cautions whatsoever as opposed to the best fit approach. This happens so as other related procedures a nd policies make sure that the employees chosen are the right ones for the job and are taken in at first instance (Galpin Skinner, 2004). The best practice takes into consideration todays global business employment to be of key importance in attraction and retention of employees as opposed to the other approach which that claims that employment security does not reflect the realities of todays competitive global business. This is due to employees being unlikely to make suggestions to increase the productivity whenever they fear that it will make them loose their job. Researchers assert that the cardinal concern in the design of a reward system is the plan works in employee motivation. There are various theories of employee motivation and there is no one particular that has been accepted universally. The different theories that exist handle different types of reward systems. The best fit approach believes that the payment system of an organization should reflect individual employee contributions (Fitz-Enz, 1993). Employees may at times cut down their efforts to look for employment in highly paying jobs in other organizations due to dissatisfaction originate from negative inequity and some other consequences. It is observed that highly dissatisfied companies are more strongly attracted towards an external market orientation. On the other hand, organizations that are based on a single industry or technology will naturally find themselves much calm with an internal-equity basis. Both types of inequity in an organization have serious consequence for an organization but the implications for external equity like absenteeism and turnover are more rigorous for a particular organization and should be given chief consideration (Lepak Snell, 199). This is clear evidence that the best fit approach in human resource practice has support for the contribution principle. It therefore has an implication that employees who remarkably contribute to the success of an organization ought to be able to compare themselves with significant others form both outside and inside the organization and still get contented with the pay they get. The best fit practice for that matter looks at it as an obligation of the design to promote development and make use of employee inputs that will promote the organization. The best fit approach also makes use of expectancy theory of behavior. The theory utters that individuals make choices depending on some factors like: there expectancy that th ere efforts will make them achieve certain standard of performance, believing that their performance will result significant upshots and the scale of value they place on those upshots (Intagliata, et al., 2004). It is line with best fit thinking as it gives a design framework for each element of a reward system to utilize to its best advantage. The best practice advocates depend on the content theories of motivation as the foundation of their system of reward. It is apparent that factors that get drawn in to produce job satisfaction and motivation are different from those ones that lead to job dissatisfaction. Motivators are the source of job satisfaction and are intrinsic to the particular encompassing recognition for the achievement, the work itself, responsibility and advancement or growth. The potential source of job dissatisfaction is extrinsic and is made up hygiene factors like salaries. The approach does not advocate for incentives for as it results to spiralling of wages and employees who search for the next pay increase. Research has shown that firms block the development of some behavior that front competitive advantage by picking on incentives. Looking at the above discussion, it is apparent the both the best fit and best practice approaches as employed in human resource management practices are all directed towards ensuring that an organization achieves its goals and objectives through organizing its strategies and man power. Through striking a balance between the contingent and universal approach, an ideal or more comprehensive model can be developed by looking at their limit ations and merits. The value of the universal (best practice) framework depends in the demonstration of the strategic significance of human resource management. High rates of significance in their tests were achieved by its proponents but it has limitations in both its methodological and theoretical domain. There is compatibility between the two approaches as the contingency approach comes in handy here to complement the universal model encompassing the external relationships
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Moral Hazard in Banking Essay -- essays papers
Moral Hazard in Banking Moral hazard is an asymmetric information problem that occurs after a transaction. In essence, a lender runs the risk that a borrower will engage in activities that are undesirable from the lender's point of view, making it less likely that the loan will be paid back. Gary H. Stern's article, "Managing Moral Hazard with Market Signals: How Regulation Should Change with Banking", addresses the moral hazard problem inherent to the financial safety net provided by the government protection of depositors. Interest rates do not reflect the risk associated with bank activity, which in turn causes banks to finance higher-risk projects with price tags that are not parallel to the risk level. A solution to the moral hazard problem lies within government supervision and regulation. In the article, Stern challenges the assertion that proposals that rely exclusively on government regulation will satisfy the problem of moral hazard, especially for TBTFs (Too Big to Fail banks). Stern states several factors to support such assertions: The ability of regulators to contain moral hazard directly is limited, due to the exploitable tactics of regulatory reform. Limited confidence that regulation and supervision will lead to bank closures before institutions become insolvent. The limited ability of regulators to asses bank risk due to asymmetric information and reliance of internal bank models that may be inaccurate. &...
Monday, August 19, 2019
John von Neumann :: Computer Science
John von Neumann ---------------- Von Neumann, a mathematician designed the architecture model for a CPU. This model was a single storage structure to hold both the set of instructions on how to perform the computation and the data required or generated by the computation. He designed it by treating the instructions in the same way as the data, a stored-program machine can easily change the instructions. In other words the machine is reprogrammable. Von Neumann’s archtectre is still used it todays modern CPU’S. The CPU ------- This diagram represents the structure of the Central Processing System. Arithmetic Logic Unit --------------------- The ALU performs addition and subtraction, logic operations, masking, and shifting (multiplication and division). Control Unit ------------ The Control Unit is the heart of the computer. It controls and co-ordinates the systems operations. This contains the system clock, program counter and the instruction register. It also manages the signals from the control bus. Registers --------- This is a form of high-speed memory which is contained inside of the CPU. All data must be represented in a register before it can be processed. Information is stored temporarily in the registers in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use. Buses ----- A bus is a channel or path between the components in a computer. Having a high-speed bus is important. A bus lets you connect computers components to the processor. The advantage of a bus is that it makes parts more interchangeable. If you want to get a better graphics card, you simply unplug the old card from the bus and plug in a new one. If you want two monitors on your computer, you plug two graphics cards into the bus. And so on. A PC usually has two buses. The first connects the CPU and the system memory. This is the fastest bus in the system. The second bus is the slower and it connects other devices, like the hard disk, CD drive,
Sunday, August 18, 2019
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg Essay examples -
"I Never Promised You a Rose Garden" by Joanne Greenberg Schizophrenia has long been a devastating mental illness and only recently have we begun to see an improvement in our capabilities to treat this disorder. The development of neuroleptics such as, Haldol, Risperidal, and Zyprexa have given psychiatrists, psychologists and their patients great hope in the battle against this mental disease. However, during the 1960s, drugs were not available and psychologists relied upon psychotherapy in order to treat patients. I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, is a description of a sixteen-year-old girl's battle with schizophrenia, in the 1960s. Deborah Blau’s illness spanned three years, in which she spent her life in a mental institution. The book itself is a semi-autobiographical account of Joanne Greenberg’s experiences in a mental hospital during her own bout with schizophrenia. She presents her experiences by relating them to Deborah. The novel was written to help fight the stigmatisms and prejudices held against mental illness. In the late 1960s, reactions to mental illness generally fell between two polarized attitudes. One, popular with the counterculture generation, romanticized mental illness as an altered state of consciousness that was rich in artistic, creative inspiration. The protagonist of this myth was the tortured artist who poured out his or her soul in writing or art between periods of mental breakdown; Sylvia Plath, Vincent Van Gogh, and Virginia Woolf are only a few such individuals whose artistry is practically inseparable from the idealized myths of their mental instability. Often their periods of mental breakdown were a source of inspiration, but before one romanticizes their mental illnesses, it necessary to remember that all three committed suicide. On the other end of the spectrum, mental illness was stigmatized as a weakness or fatal flaw on the part of the sufferer. Even today, many uninformed people regard mental illness as a stigmatized condition, shrouded in shameful secrecy and negative stereotypes, to be described with frightening or belittling euphemisms. In the late 1960s, when Greenberg's novel was published, mental illness was even more misunderstood and feared. The reading public had absorbed centuries of inaccurate information about mental illness, all based on prejudice, ignorance, and fear. Because of he... ... is sufficient to treat schizophrenia. Still, these new findings certainly do not invalidate the importance of empathy and understanding in the treatment of schizophrenia. Greenberg's desire to garner sympathy, respect, and understanding for sufferers of mental illness is still a valid concern, and her novel remains valuable as a sympathetic portrayal of mental illness. Although this novel uses outdated treatment methods, it does succeed in allowing the reader to see into the mind of a mentally ill person. Greenberg portrays the problem of mental illness from different perspectives. She details Jacob and Esther Blau's struggle with self-doubt, blame, and the stigma of their daughter's sickness. The novel also portrays the difficult, stressful work required of the medical professionals and the staff who work with mentally ill patients. However, most importantly, Greenberg portrays the experience of mental illness from the patient's point of view. Struggling with mental illness is not glamorous or easy. The road to recovery is lined with setbacks, doubt, and fear. It takes a great deal of courage and perseverance on Deborah's part to face her illness and fight it through treatment.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Economics of Organizations Essay
Introduction Coca-Cola is one of the world largest beverage companies in the world. The company offers its consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands. The company is best known for its flagship invention of the product coca-cola which was invented in the in 1886 John stitch Pemberton. The management of the company has committed efforts toward ensuring that the company continues to offer quality products to its consumers. The company has managed to grow and expand where it now operates in over 200 countries worldwide with a customer base of approximately 1.7 billion. In this case the coca cola company mainly produces the syrup concentrate, which is later sold to the various bottlers company worldwide. The company has engaged into many corporate social responsibility projects globally (CSR). The CSR projects are economically important to the company as they improve business relation between the management and the stakeholders. The company has established numerous globalization policies which are in line with the company mission to refresh the world both in the body and in the spirit. In addition, the management of the company aims at ensuring that the company create value and make a difference everywhere they engage. Most importantly, the company also aims at ensuring that they introduce brand that help to satisfy the needs of all people. The company has been one of the most prominent companies in the beverage industry worldwide. Corporate Social Responsibility Coca-Cola operates in more than 200 countries globally. Ultimately, there is need for the company to engage in many activities which have economic benefit to the communities around their business. Ultimately, organizations are expected to observe economic components that are they should conduct their business in such a way that they are consistent maximizing earnings per share (Asongu 84). Coca-cola is not unexceptional, hence the company should determine perfectly how they conduct their business so that to remain in the competitive edge hence maximizing the amount of profits they make. It is economically important to for companies in this sector should ensure that they maintain strong but health competitions for a common objective of the shareholders.  Evidently, the only possible means to maintain a healthy relationship with the stakeholders is by engaging them through corporate social responsibilities projects (Asongu 84).  In addition the company should be defined by its consistent profitability of its total output productivity. The objectives behind the coca-cola company engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility activities it to guarantee sustainability. Basically, the company bases it operations on the business ethics such as initiating development projects, contribution to training, facilitating economic growth among others (In Idowu 201).  It is evident that is if a company is economically stable it offers many benefits to the shareholders and the larger country in general. For instance, if a company is economically stable it will employ people and it will greatly contribute towards building a stronger economical country.  Coca-cola Company is always keen to ensure it has followed the due process and theories concerning how it operates corporate social responsibility projects or activities. Ultimately, Social responsibility has four dimensions that the company should be socially responsible. These include, legal, economic, voluntary and ethical. Coca-cola Company is more focused to create profits but should aims to ensure the wellbeing of the society at the same time ensuring the set laws and regulations by the legal systems. Voluntary responsibilities for a company entail the ability of companies to initiate programs and other activities that aims to ensure wellbeing of the surrounding community. In business context, companies which ensure ethics and social responsibility in all levels of their operations are likely to have better outcomes than those which do not ensure social responsibility and ethics. For many years now, coca-cola company has followed and maintained the basic economic rules governing the manner at which Corporate Social Responsibility is carried out. Many of its activities and programs are long term which has the aim to affirm the sustainability of the company (Idowu & Leal 46). Basically, the company has established many measures which ensure they are in line with the rules and model. Analysis of the company organizational structure and its modus operandi it is evident that the company has managed to achieve their objectives. This is because the despite the fact that the company is organized into several regions the top management has implemented control measure of ensuring that the company in all the regional groups produce the same brands. According to the report released in 2008 there is an indication that the company is performing stunningly in the corporate responsibility sector. The most areas which the company performs perfectly are issues concerning water issues carbon dioxide emission and product packaging. Corporate responsibility or sustainability is the key factors for companies to achieve good productivity (Idowu & Leal 46). Good ethics and social performance go hand in hand in ensuring that the company achieves good performance. The fact that the company engages in many social corporate responsibility activity helps the company to enhance its brand image and reputation. Evidently, customers habitually are attracted to brands and companies having good reputations in corporate responsibility areas. The tables below show the performance of coca-cola in relation corporate social responsibility activities. In this context, the company uses appropriate social accounting procedures which help the company to handle properly all matters concerning accountability. The company uses annual audits from credible firms and inspections to ensure success of these programs. For instance the statistics indicates a positive growth in the green house project footprint. Ultimately, this project has many economic advantages to the people and world in general (Asongu 86). Reduction of green house gases helps to eliminate harmful gases which are the major threats to the economy of all countries in the world. As a matter of fact, Coca Cola Company appears to have good strategies which guarantee long term CSR programs irrespective of the mother country. Conclusion From the above discussion it is evident that, Coca-Cola operates in more than 200 countries globally. Ultimately, there is need for the company to engage in many activities which have economic benefit to the communities around their business. The fact that the organization more than 500 sparkling and still brands gives it a better chance to engage in many activities which tend to benefit the society where they operate in. These projects are economically important to both society in general and the company. Basically, voluntary responsibilities for a company entail the ability of companies to initiate programs and other activities that aims to ensure wellbeing of the surrounding community. In business context, companies which ensure ethics and social responsibility in all levels of their operations are likely to have better outcomes than those which do not ensure social responsibility and ethics References Asongu, J.J. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Practice. Lawrenceville, GA:   Greenview            Publishing, 2007. Print. Idowu, Samuel O, and Filho W. Leal. Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility.       Berlin: Springer         Berlin, 2008. Print. Idowu, Samuel O. Professionals Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility. , 2009. Print.
Friday, August 16, 2019
W.H. Auden speech
Aden was not only a great poet during his life but an author as well as a playwright. An Interesting fact about Aden was that he was most well-known for his Hamilton-like ability to write poems in almost every verse form. This talent was one of the many reasons that he will be remembered as one of the leading literary influences in the 20th century. Sense of Loss He has left behind a legacy of work that has the ability to touch on and give written account to thoughts and emotions that, at times seem too difficult to express in our own words.One such time would be at a funeral, where one would be hard pressed to convey their emotions in a way that is clear but beautiful in the way that it is conveyed. I would believe it is only proper to quote a portion of Addend's own poem hat deals directly with this subject; its title being Funeral Blues. â€Å"He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song: I thought that lo ve would last forever; I was wrong.The starts are not wanted now; put out every one, Pack up the moon and dismantle the Sun, Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good. †Humorous stories/ Recollections In High school, many of us were, to put it bluntly, forced to read poetry that all in all seemed boring, dealt with feelings and meanings we didn't care to comprehend ND had a rather gloomy or outright obsessive focus on love and relationships.I was one of those people who rather hated reading poetry and verse like Romeo and Juliet let alone spending an entire class trying to discuss the deep meanings pertaining to love and things of the like. Love Is great and all but does poetry about It need to be so Enter the poetry of W. H. Aden as a lovely shot of reality in the world of poetry on the subject of love. There is a quote from Aden that seems to summarize perfectly his approach to poetry, specifically poetry pertaining to love.  "Thousands have lived thou love, not one without water. This quote not only summarizes his approach but his tone with his poetry about love as well as other topics. Addend's ability to write about love without breaching the wall of dreamed fantasy or idealistic perfection is what truly set his apart. While love is important, as any emotion is, it is not a life sustaining forces as many Romantic poets' writings would lead people to believe. It is in his poetry that Addend's dry, blunt and sometimes sad sense of humor would shine though. Perhaps some found it a little strange and difficult to understand as humor, but it was uniquely him.Encourage the Living W. H. Aden was an artist the likes of which only comes around once in a great while. Even though he is no longer with us we can still experience him through his words and ideas. Through the ages his poems will continue to inspire people through his unique approach on poetry topics and humor. His poems have helped many to see Romant ic poetry in a different light and with a more realistic view point and a bit of humor. In closing I would like to leave you with one of his quotes, â€Å"We are all here on Earth to help others; what on Earth the others are here for, I don't know. â€
Thursday, August 15, 2019
For and against
This essay will also consider three broad areas in support of the statement mentioned such as validity, convenience and privacy and will explore arguments against the statement such as amusement, audience rating and riots. It is undoubtedly the case that media is a crucial approach for people to obtain the social information immediately. The validity of this information must include accuracy and practicability (Brigit, 2003). In other words, people secure the news useful and helpful for themselves. Because news is direct way to receive the data providing not only policy but also employment.In fact, most people tend to read the newspapers to gain the up-to-date news, when having a breakfast. If the news is unreliable or unavailable, nobody will trust it and news indeed lose its meaning. In addition, media brings us convenience in the routine, especially providing advertisement and entertainment. Contemporaries, people can Just stay at home and receive what they want, such as shopping and booking goods on the television. At the same time, people can receive the pleasure when watching some comedies and cartoon. Besides, paying more attention to expose the personal lives of famous people in the public is immoral.Walks(2013) states that everybody has the right to keep the privacy. To over concern their privacy is possible to make celebrities gloomy or stressful and this might lead to they get psychological disease. Although the favorable points of media reporting the relative news are apparent, its drawbacks can also be frustrating. Initially, famous people in magazine are the highlight when people read it. It is obvious that people in the developing rapidly society undertake numerous stresses come from live and work and they need relax.Therefore, amusement in media has become an essential factor when reading it in leisure time. Furthermore, if the news from media is totally about policy and employment, the readers must feel monotonous and annoyed and this probably leads to the audience rating is decreasing and affect the benefits of media. If media broadcasts the whole actual political issue on governments as negative, it is easy to cause mass rioting. People need the real and positive news to support contemporary government and to make a contribution to the society, but over-passive news will cause conflict and complaint to government.From what has been discussed above, the arguments in favor of media reporting the relative news are stronger than those against, on condition that appropriately putting some stories of famous people to increase the interests of reading or watching news. In conclusion, broadcasting relative news for media is necessary in order to deliver the news with reliability and practicability. This measure would not only bring convenience in routine life, but also protect celebrities' privacy.
High School and Graduation Essay
Graduation is a goal that everyone wants to accomplish in life. Whether it is from daycare, middle school, high school, or college, it’s a major accomplishment. Graduation from high school was something that I always looked forward to. The fact that it took twelve years of grading school to get a diploma made it more exciting and made me more anxious. Graduation also comes with an emotional impact. Especially when you’ve spent half of your life growing and learning to love your fellow classmates. From making best friends in kindergarten, to making pointless enemies in middle school. We never know how big of a deal it is until high school. That is when we realize that it starts the countdown of how many days that we have left with each other. We never really realize how much we will miss everyone and everything until the closer we approach graduation. Cherish every moment! The actual day of graduation contains the most emotion for some and most excitement for others. For me, it was both. I remember the exact feeling of waking up that morning. The smell of a huge breakfast meal aroused me. It was my day. I was beyond anxious and excited. Almost so anxious to the point of an anxiety attack but so excited to the point of a panic attack. Waking up and realizing that this was my first official day of a graduate was so amazing. I was going to college. I was getting the chance to fulfill my dreams. I remember walking into the kitchen and seeing the meal and looking at my momma and crying. I sure was going to miss this. The home cooked meals and family gatherings would be missed the most. After graduation, the summer before my new beginning, was different. I felt like an adult. My parents treated me more like an adult. Going out with friends and staying out late was great. I still remember going to Orientation at Ole Miss. Meeting new people and learning the campus. Not having to worry about high school and going to meet teachers was wonderful. Life was beginning for me! Graduating from high school has changed my life dramatically. I am now a freshman in college and I love it. My first week was amazing, everything was crazy. My legs are still sore as I type this. The University of Mississippi should be named the University of Hills. There are hills galore! It seems as if everything is always busy on campus. People running around like headless chicken. I also enjoy the freedom of college. No curfew is great! As far as family goes, I miss them like crazy! Phone calls from my mother comes in seem to come like every ten minutes. So, as far as graduating goes, it’s a great experience. Comes with many different emotions. Some good emotions and some bad emotions. We realize how much we actually care for your peers. It is always fun and a great learning experience to begin a new chapter in life. I will never forget my graduation day, from beginning to end. Walking across the stage with the biggest Kool-Aid smile, hearing loved ones scream and chant my name, and looking my principal, Mike Martin, in the eyes as he hand me my diploma telling me congratulations. I’ve learned to cherish every moment I spend with my peers. I never knew I’d miss something that I hated doing so much. As I said before, cherish EVERY moment!!
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Capital Allocation Competency on Business
This study has highlighted the marketing behaviour of Wesfarmers Limited. In this connection, this study has highlighted stakeholder’s perceptions regarding the performance of the organisation. In addition, this study has provided the reputation, mission and corporate service responsibility of Wesfarmers. On the other hand, in this study the annual ranking of Wesfarmers would be mentioned. This study has also identified the stakeholders of the organisation. The business objectives of Wesfarmers would be discussed in this connection. In this section, Wesfarmers Limited is a renowned Australian conglomerate and the head quarter is in Western Australia. Wesfarmers is famous for its retailing business. In addition, Wesfarmers is also famous for the production of chemicals, fertilisers, coal mining and other safety products. As opined by Ohata & Kumar (2012), it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers has earned highest revenue in the year of 2015 within the industry. Wesfarmers has earned AUS$ 62.7 billion revenue. Moreover, it can be added that Wesfarmers overtook it’s rival Woolworths Limited. The number of employees in this organisation is approximately 205000 and therefore, it can be identified that Wesfarmers is the largest private organisation of Australia. On the other hand, it can be mentioned that the number of shareholders of Wesfarmers are approximately 530,000. Wesfarmers cooperative limited was developed in the year of 1914 as a cooperative organisation. In the year of 1919, more than 65 cooperative org anisations were treated as the agents of Westralian farmers association. On the other hand, it can be stated that after becoming a renowned public organisation, Wesfarmers has aimed to acquire other businesses. In this context, Wesfarmers has acquired Coles group, departmental stores, Kmart automobile organisations, chemical, energy and the fertilisers companies. In the words of Arrfelt et al., (2015), the objectives of Wesfarmers can be discussed briefly in the following: This study also highlights the mission statement of Wesfarmers. In this connection, Haar & White (2013) opined that Wesfarmers aimed to deliver a satisfactory return to the organisational shareholders. Moreover, it can be stated that Wesfarmers has aimed to develop and maintain a disciplined business culture. Furthermore, it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers has focused on four core values such as openness, integrity, boldness and accountability, with refer to the appendix 1. As per the concept of integrity, Wesfarmers tried to do right thing, whereas the openness mission is helpful to work together as one team. The boldness mission highlighted that Wesfarmers always aimed to improve their business performance to earn more revenue compared to it’s competitors.  The accountability factor aimed to the cost structure of the organisation. Mehta & Gupta (2014) added that Wesfarmers aimed to follow end to end relationship with the stakeholders and aimed to manage each of the phase of partner’s work wear cycle. Wesfarmers group has also aimed to the entire systems and processes to meet the organisational passion for the business. According to Benn, Dunphy & Griffiths (2014), it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers is at thirteenth position as per the ranking of corporate reputation index of 2015. The shares of Wesfarmers Limited are higher by 1%. On the contrary, Jia et al., (2014) argued that over the last 12 months the performance of Wesfarmers is not at all impressive along with the gaining of the share price by 3.6%, compared to the 8.1% gain in the index. As per the review, it can be added that the retail market offer the investors of the organisation a steadier growth profile. Therefore, it can be opined that the return on earnings from the business has increased. As a result, the overall profitability of the organisation would be increased ( As per the statement of Kim, Lee & Prideaux (2014), it can be stated that Wesfarmers used to listen and understand the necessity and requirements of the stakeholders in order to make the business of the organisation successful. This stud has identified the employees, consumers, shareholders, suppliers, media, government and the non government organisations as the stakeholders of the company. As per the recent study, it can be noticed that Wesfarmers has employed 220000 people in the year of 2016. Cosby (2014) mentioned that the employees of Wesfarmers seek to be a part of the decision making procedure and provide their valuable review, which would be helpful for the business restructuring. The organisation has also aimed to receive feedback from the employees to improve the performance of the organisation. In this connection, the whistle blower process is benefitted to receive the reviews of the subordinates annually (Ellinger et al., 2012). Wesfarmers always tried to communicate with it’s consumers in order to identify the satisfaction of them. In this connection, the organisation has tried to contact with them through emails, letters, telephones and also trough official websites. After collecting the information and consumers’ feedback, the management supervise the feedback of the consumers based on the collected information. The main issue, which the shareholders of Wesfarmers increased, is connected with the balance sheet and the industrial competitiveness. This would be helpful to operate the dividend policy and portfolio management. Wesfarmers aimed to maintain a long term relation with the suppliers. In this context, Shen et al., (2013) cited that the long term business sustainability would be improved. Wesfarmers is able to return the investment of the suppliers from the business. With refer to the appendix 2, the seven dimensions of corporate culture figure depicted that corporate competency is helpful to analyse the connection between the corporate communication strategy, organisational stakeholders’ position and the performance of the organisation. In the point of Killingsworth & Flynn (2016), it can be mentioned that although there are some small inconsistencies within the model, these minor shortcomings would be reflected in case of the application of seven dimensions of corporate personality scale. On the other hand, it can be added that this corporate connection can be discussed with the help of seven following dimensions, which are benefitted to achieve the mission and the vision statement of an organisation. As per the concept of agreeableness, it can be mentioned that agreeableness is depending upon four dimensions such as social justice, sustainability, and openness and employee engagement. Wesfarmers has aimed to maintain the open arm business culture and follow the corporate social responsibility to improve the business performance and also increase the satisfaction level of the consumers. In this context, Ohata & Kumar (2012) opined that the Wesfarmers also looking for the product innovation in order to improve the performance of the organisation. In addition, the organisation has planned to implement strategic plans to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Core competencies are helpful to develop the organisational strategic management. Strategic development would in turn help Wesfarmers to set the business goals. In addition, it can be mentioned that knowledge would provide the managers of the organisation relevant information. This information is required to recognise the opportunities within the business environment. In the words of Haar & White (2013), this dimension is able to control the inward looking, aggressive and the arrogant corporate personality of Wesfarmers. In this purpose, the managers of Wesfarmers need to monitor the performance of the employees significantly. With the help of this dimension, Wesfarmers would be able to overcome the challenging situation in the business. As opined by Mehta & Gupta (2014), it can be mentioned that the management of an organisation can maintain a stronger relationship with the external stakeholders. This dimension of corporate characteristics refers that Wesfarmers only recruited the efficient and skilled employees. Moreover, it can be added that the employees, who have experiences in this field get the opportunity to recruit. The performance of the skilled employees would in turn increase the overall productivity of the organisation. In order to develop the corporate communication strategies of Wesfarmers, this study has mentioned some relevant approaches. It is necessary to achieve the organisation’s goal to meet the business objectives. According to Benn, Dunphy & Griffiths (2014), these corporation strategies can increase the reputation of the organisation. In this purpose, Wesfarmers could improve the relationship with the stakeholders. The stakeholders also will willing to maintain a long term relationship with the organisation. Moreover, the corporate competencies are aimed to implement product innovation strategy in order to improve the business strategy. Therefore, it can be inferred that core competencies of the business would be increased. In addition, Cosby (2014) mentioned that it is necessary to develop the trust of the stakeholders. This is also important to make a business successful. On the other hand, it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers requires to improve the brand image and the brand valuation. This would increase the consumer purchase intentions and consumer loyalty. The consumers also would like to purchase goods from the organisation. Therefore, it can be inferred that the revenue earning by the organisation would be increased. This would in turn increase the profitability statement of the organisation. The business by the organisation would be expanded in the global market. On the other hand, Killingsworth & Flynn (2016) cited that based on the SWOT analysis, the strength and weakness of the organisation would be identified. This would in turn help the organisation to improve the performance by identifying the shortcomings in their performance. Therefore, these approaches can significantly improve the performance of Wesfarmers. After analysing the overall study, it can be recommended that seven dimension of competency is required to implement within the organisation. This can effectively increase the performance of an organisation. Moreover, it can be stated that the organisation also requires to follow corporate social responsibility program to achieve the business objectives. The performance of the organisation would be successful. This study has highlighted the importance of corporate communication. In this context, this study has described the background of the organisation. In addition, this study has mentioned the position of Wesfarmers as per the RepTrak review. This highlights the financial performance of the organisation. On the other hand, this study is important to identify the stakeholders of the organisation and how they reflect the business of the company. The mission and the vision statement of Wesfarmers has described in this connection. In this study, the importance of seven dimensions of corporate competency has discussed which has enhanced the essence of the study. Arrfelt, M., Wiseman, R. M., McNamara, G., & Hult, G. T. M. (2015). 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