Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Why Minors Shouldn’t Get Tattoos.
Why Minors Shouldn’t Get Tattoos & Body Piercings! The more popular and mainstream tattoos and piercings become, the more teenagers want them. The problem is, it's not legal for minors to get tattoos in many states. The other problem is, most parents don't go for the idea at all. This puts teens in a position where they feel they have to make a decision for themselves, and they go seeking someone to tattoo and/or pierce them without the consent of their parents. This is where things can go terribly wrong.The fact is, any tattoo or piercing â€Å"artist†(I use that term very loosely) who is willing to break the law and disregard the wishes of parents in order to tattoo or pierce a minor is already proving they have no concern for their â€Å"client†. How can you trust someone with your health and safety who is already a criminal? Do you really want to get a tattoo by some scum with a â€Å"gun†and some ink just because he he'll do it cheap and not tell yo ur parents? If you don't want to listen to me, listen to one of your own peers. Lucky Star†is 17, and she felt compelled to share her story and explain why she has decided to wait until she is of legal age to get a tattoo. Before I begin my tale of horror I have one thing to say. Wait ‘til your 18, because it'll be so much greater if you do. That's going to be your right of passage. Trust me. I’m going to be 17 in July and its killing me that I'll have to wait just one more year to get a tat. I've been wanting tattoos since I was 10 – no joke. And I've already planned out the ones I want and where they’re going to be on my body.But I know when I'm finally able to have a professional put that beautiful piece of artwork on my body that I've craved for so long, the feeling will be so sweet. Ok enough of that on to my scary story. At the beginning of June my friend met this guy at work who said he would tattoo us at his home because he was an apprentice and he had the tools to do so at his house. I was so excited and so was my friend. So that weekend while we were driving over to his house I started thinking about all the things that have been said about tattoo artists who are willing to tattoo minors.I became torn†¦ the â€Å"should I or shouldn't I? †began a battle in my head 'til we pulled into the guy's driveway. My friend turned to me and said â€Å"are you ready? †and I was like â€Å"No, I'm not. I'm not going to go through with this. I'm just going to wait till I'm 18. †My friend then called me a baby and we went into the guy’s house. The house was disgusting and the bathroom was even worse, and that’s where the dude tattooed a hibiscus flower on my friend’s pelvic bone. I sat on the couch and cried my eyes out because I thought I blew my chance to get inked. Boy, was I wrong.After not seeing my friend for 6 days I went to her place to return some clothes I borrowed from he r. As soon as I walked into the house she grabbed me and ran to the bathroom and showed me this disgusting blob that was once her hibiscus flower tattoo. It had become infected and patchy. She ended up having to go to the hospital because the infection got really bad and she didn't want to fess up to her mom that she had gotten a tat underage in some dude's bathroom. I had to explain to her mom at the hospital about what went down. My friend is doing much better now and we've both learned a good lesson.This hasn't scared either of us from getting tattoos. It just taught us to wait till we're of legal age. Well, to all of you who are still reading I say thank you and hope that you learned something from my experience. Lucky Star's experience is just one of many where young people find themselves in a dangerous situation simply because they can't wait a few months or years to get tattooed or pierced legally. Is it really worth risking your life for? Is a piece of jewelry or a picture on your skin worth dying for? If you think it is, that is exactly why you are not mature enough to get it. Grow up and come back later.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Has the raise in the tuition-fees rule affected student’s degree choices?
Introduction The underlying aim of this research is to identify the impact of the changes suggested and implemented as part of Brown Review of Funding, in 2010, and to establish whether this has changed the overall funding approach to be taken by higher educational establishments, while also approving the raising of the fees’ cap up to a maximum of ?9,000. The previous maximum was ?3,375; therefore, the increase in tuition fees was potentially going to have a dramatic impact on the overall desirability for higher education and the degree choices that are made by students. This research paper aims to ascertain the decisions made by students and the impact that these fees have had on the industry, as a whole. Literature Review Issues relating to the funding policy of education, with the fees charged to students arguably being one of the more high-profile elements of the policy, are many and complex. Existing literature in this area has therefore looked at various different aspects of the funding policy, all of which may be relevant when it comes to determining how the student body is likely to react to the changes, at ground level. Research by Chowdry et al., 2010, suggested that the complexity of the repayment system was in itself a potentially negative factor, although this did create a situation whereby the burden of these increased fees does vary, depending on underlying factors among students, such as parental income and the eligibility for grants and loans. Research by Chowdry indicated that the average debt for students when graduating is likely to be approximately ?59,100. Given this dramatic change, it is unsurprising that there is a relatively large amount of literature looking at student uptake of a university education, although historically this has largely been focused on the links between family background and university participation. For example, research by Blanden and Machin, in 2004, looked at the link between university participation and the achievements of students, based on parental income, both before and after the year 1998, where withdrawals had had a dramatic impact on the way in which university life was funded. This work was then updated in 2008, yet no direct impact was found, creating a gap in the literature. Research in this area also exists within the United States, with researchers such as Kane, 1994, using variances across the states and within the states to monitor and track student participation, based on tuition fees. This research was undertaken in a quantitative fashion, on the grounds that an increase of $1,000 in the tuition fees being charged could ultimately results in a decrease in attendance of approximately 3.7%. Other research has taken a slightly different approach when looking at the impact of financial support, rather than necessarily considering the impact of increased fees, with Dynarski (2000) finding that an increase of $1,000 in aid increased the level of participation by 4%, thus showing a greater sensitivity to assistance than it does from increasing fees. Research does, however, suggest that both the availability of assistance and changes in tuition fees are having a direct impact on the willingness of individuals to participate in higher education, yet the precise impact of the new UK reforms in 2010 still remain relatively unexplored. Research Philosophy, Strategy and Methodology The purpose of this research is to look at the substance of quantitative changes and the impact that these have had on an individual, to make decisions in relation to participation in higher education. Type of ResearchAs the key issues at the heart of the research are to look at the thought patterns and behaviours of individuals, the appropriate research philosophy is interpretivist and phenomenological in nature, ensuring that the researcher takes into account the conscious decisions of the individual. The reasoning behind the decision to adopt this approach is based on the recognition that human decision-making is controlled by a variety of factors and not simply based on quantitative, rational and objective decision-making. The research will be a combination of quantitative and qualitative, as it is anticipated that an analysis of participation, such as that within the existing literature can be undertaken to determine the figures behind the change, yet it is also necessary to loo k for a descriptive element to the research, so that the thought patterns of students can be analysed. This phenomenological approach is much more humanistic in nature and recognises that opinion will be central to the ultimate findings within this research; however, this should be undertaken with a quantitative support structure, where appropriate.Research Approach and StrategyThe underlying research approach is inductive in nature and involves taking a particular situation, in this case the increase in tuition fees, and developing general ideas and theories as to how this is likely to impact on various different elements of higher education. This will include not only looking at overall levels of participation, but also at the impact which this has had on decision-making in relation to which degree should be studied. This research being inductive enables the researcher to start by looking at the factual basis of an increase in fees and then to spread out from this point, in order to gather ideas and theories. MethodologyThe chosen methodology therefore will be to look at the precise nature of the changes and to identify any trends in participation between the two previous increases in fees and the year after the increase in fees, something which can be achieved by looking at the figures and facts from various institutions, before then going on to take the humanistic approach by undertaking questionnaires, interviews and focus groups with students and potential students, to determine whether the increase in fees leads to changes in decision-making in relation to the choice of course that can be attributed to the figures that have been identified. Ethical Implications There are several key considerations when it comes to ethical concerns during research of any nature and, in particular, in this case many of which are identified by Saunders et al., (2003). Some of the ethical considerations which have potential implications for this research have been identified, and the researcher is mindful that other ethical considerations may arise, on a case-by-case basis. The main concern at this stage is linked to the fact that information needs to be gained directly from the student in relation to their financial status and, as such, the privacy of those individuals is crucial, with individuals having to be confident that the information being provided will be maintained in confidence, although the research is going to be objective in nature when dealing with the information the participants provide. Participation in the research must necessarily be entirely voluntary, with any participant being free to leave the study at any point. Participants need to be clear on the purpose of the research and the role which they play, as well as offering them the opportunity to make changes to the responses and to gain access to their responses, at any point, to check that they have been reported accurately and make changes, if they deem appropriate. Data Collection Data collection from primary sources, i.e. students and potential students, will be gathered through the method of questionnaires, interviews and focus groups and will target existing students and those students who are making their higher education decision, at the moment, or in the foreseeable future. On the whole, therefore, this will focus on the age category of 17 to 20 years old, although where possible, some more mature students will also be interviewed, as they may have different perspectives in terms of their higher education decisions. The most appropriate form of data collection for the questionnaires has been determined as being online, as this is likely to encourage the greatest response, due to its flexibility and the likelihood that the majority of students and potential students will have at least an acceptable level of IT experience to be able to complete a questionnaire online. As interviews will also be conducted, the fact that the questionnaires will be on closed-end questions that can provide quantitative analysis does not present a particular limitation. A copy of the enclosed questionnaire will be contained in the appendix to this proposal and the format of the interviews and focus groups will be the same as questionnaires, but encouraging longer and more open ended responses, in order to obtain a better feel for the thought patterns behind the responses. A test pilot of 10 questionnaires has been undertaken and the responses are contained in the appendix. Analysis of Pilot Data The data collected as part of the pilot is contained in the appendix and it is concluded that the questions are appropriate when it comes to meeting the aims and objectives of the research. By asking the respondents about their current position in terms of their education and whether they are currently considering a university course as well as looking at the factors that are likely to influence the decision, a broader understanding of the influence of the increased fees can be ascertained. This questionnaire will also form the basis for the interviews and open-ended answers are expected in relation to these questions, offering explanations as to why certain answers have been given by the broader questionnaire sample. For example, all the respondents stated cost as an influence on their university choices and 6 respondents stated that it was their main factor when it came to the decision-making process, suggesting that there is on the face of it a strong indication that this factor is going have a direct bearing on university choices. This questionnaire will then lay the foundation for the broader analysis and in order to determine the precise impact that the increased fees are likely to have, and not simply determining that they do in fact have an impact, but rather, it is the nature of the impact that is going to be the formative part of this research. Overall Evaluation The research strategy, on the whole, is appropriate to the underlying aim of the research, as it combines quantitative information relating to the number of students and the choices in relation to courses. This is then to be combined with the thoughts and ideas of students entering into education, to ascertain the reasons behind these quantitative changes. This issue is, however, likely to be personal to individuals and, as such, there will be limitations in the fact that it is not possible to gain responses from every single potential students simply cannot be obtained on generalisations which are likely to be present during research of this nature. References BLANDEN, J., GREGG, P. & MACHIN, S. (2003) Changes in Educational Inequality. CMPO Working Paper Series No 03/079. BLANDEN, J & MACHIN, S. (2008) ‘Up and Down the Generational Income Ladder in Britain: Past Changes and Future Prospects’ National Institute Economic Review 2008; 205; 101. BROWNE REVIEW (2010) Securing a Sustainable Future for Higher Education in England. CHOWDRY, H., CRAWFORD, C., DEARDEN, L., GOODMAN, A. and VIGNOLES, A. (2010) ‘Widening Participation in Higher Education: Analysis Using Linked Administrative Data’, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) Working Paper W10/04.
Monday, July 29, 2019
What It Tkes to Be an Successful College Student
What Does It Take To Be A Successful College Student? By: Vera Ioveino-Swett Some might say good grades and attending class is what it takes; however success is roe than just good grades and attendance. Success within life, education, or within anything we do comes through hard work and dedication. In our lifetimes we all have learned from our experiences as well as our education; success is one’s desire to become a better them, in addition to committing themselves to the path/journey which take them to their success of dreams and goals, something I like to call our finish line.We hold the key to succeed in our hands, as well as whether we succeed or fail lies and depends on us. Becoming a successful college student can be challenging at times and very frustrating. Many students attend college not fully knowing what it takes to be successful within their education, as well as that journey. Students who might have been an ‘A’ student in high school come to then fin d themselves just sot stressed and struggling with the challenges academically in college. Here are some strategies that will help you to achieve becoming the most successful student you can be.These are tips in which I follow, as well as only work for you as long as you dedicate yourself to them, and achieve what it is out of your education and life journey you seek. (If you can see it, you can achieve it). Strategies for College Success Strategy #1 – never be afraid to seek out help if and when you really need it. Strategy #2 – Create/develop a strategy plan that works within your learning style and preferences; in addition that will keep you focused and motivated. What might work for one, might not for another. Everyone is different. Strategy #3 – Make and set S. M. A. R.T Goals for yourself to ensure you reach what you would like to gain and achieve out of your term, semester, calluses, etc. They can consist of long-term, short-term or both. However, donâ₠¬â„¢t make too many because it can become overwhelming, and distract you from achieving any or beginning them. You should also write your goals out on paper as well or on a sticky note so it is not just in your mind. This way seeing your goals in front of you on paper daily, will help you in becoming successful in accomplishing what it is you want to achieve. This can also help you not forget that you made a goal list.You can even reward yourself after each goal you accomplished/achieved to keep you motivated on knocking out the next one. It also helps develop goal-setting habits that will contribute to success within your life. Strategy #4 – Manage your time. Having good time- management, is key for success in college, but also adds a plus within your personal life as well as career. You can make a To Do List each day either for the week, month or both to help assist you remain, and stay on track. You also may want to after creating this list to find and delete/reduce your b iggest time-wasters.Example – Instead of having a quick study session: create a 1 hour bock time to study that gives you 5-10 min breaks. Another would be – examine how much time you need for each class. So for let’s say an 3 credit hour class, you would want to give yourself around 6 hours of outside time each week; instead of trying to do it all at the last minute You will also gain a plus in this as well by remembering material effectively and longer. Another thing is to make sure to say NO to those who keep you away from your studies as well as activities like Facebook, or X-box, etc.Strategy #5 – Make sure to attend class as scheduled. Attending Seminar’s/class as scheduled will ensure you succeed in your classes because your professor can go over questions you may have as well as will go over material that just learning from your textbook doesn’t cut it or ensure remembering material or clarifying it. Being a part of an active class ca n also have you gain access to classmate’s questions or concerns which may be on a homework assignment or quiz in which your professor will go over and even may provide the answer to, or steps to how the answer is reached which is always a plus.Strategy #6 – Take notes. One way you may want to take notes is within a way that is systematic and becomes beneficial for exams, projects quizzes, etc. make sure to always date, and place the name of the class, Unit, Chapter, as well as titles and subtitles in your notes that are being discussed, and shown. Write down terms, definition’s, key points, examples, graphs, and diagrams; this will come in handy for review on/for tests, quizzes, projects, and studying later on. Do not write word from word as I do.Summarize discussions your professor is explaining in your own words except for terms and items mentioned above. Strategy #7 – READ! READ! READ! Make sure to preview the chapter rubrics, projects, assignments, e tc. beforehand. It’s the same as when you preview a movie or a video game before purchasing it. This way you can get an idea of what the chapter, etc. will focus on. Then read the Introduction, and learning objectives in the chapter. This will give you a purpose to what you will achieve. One thing I found easier is to read a section first then go back to highlight the material.This will not just help with looing your spot, but also help to consume the material from your STM to your LTM since you will be reciting the material again as you highlight. You can then read out loud, important points, ideas, etc. , to ensure you understand the material and even have a family member or friend test you. Strategy #8 – Preparing for your Midterms/Finals. You are being prepared for your big tests from the very start of the first day of class. So everything from there on is to prepare you for what’s to come.First day I would open and copy the rubrics to Midterm, Final, exams then view each of them. One to two weeks before exams, consolidate all your notes (textbooks, seminar, discussions etc. ), review, and even place your rough draft threw the Writing Center for suggestions, and advice on grammar, formatting, citations, and sentence structure. The Writing Center pap0er review is a great way to ensure success for your finals, midterms, projects, as well as all written papers. When it comes to your tests/finals/midterms, make sure to always be prepared.Read all instructions and follow each one according to your professor’s rubrics. Don’t spend a lot of time on one question, you can always come back to it later on, and remember to always stay calm, though some anxiety is completely normal. Have Fun! Being organized, focused, and determined as you find your strategy plan, will bring you 100% success within and along your educational journey. Here’s a quote I live by and that helped me to get here today: In order to succeed you must fai l, so that you know what not to do next time. – Anthony J. D’Angelo-
Case Study 6 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
6 - Case Study Example First, the major attracting aspect in the television industry is content, contrary to common knowledge to many that a majority are attracted by money. It would therefore, most appropriate that the content aired is made that which attracts to both the new potential employees and the clients. This would ideally attract a substantive number of highly qualified individuals into the industry. Second ideal and very important idea on how to become more attractive to highly qualified personnel for a television industry in the current global market is to establish a media school in television broadcasting. Such a school would enhance the interest among individuals who complete their studies in the school to get attracted into the industry. The third idea on how to enhance attractiveness of the television industry for qualified personnel is through increased advertising. Advertising enables the outside world to know more about an industry and an organization, thereby becoming more attractive to the potential and highly qualified personnel. Indeed advertising is considered one of the most effective ways to enhance
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Formal analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Formal analysis - Essay Example Thus, the author used the traditional canvas; however, his choice of the materials that he put on it is quite interesting. The first layer consists of platinum leaves. Upon them the artists put acrylic pain. In other words, the very medium is a combination of rather different approaches towards expressing one’s creative energy. As a result, the message that is sent by it is mixed one as well. Speaking of the size one might suggest that the painting is neither small, not extremely big. It is of medium size so that the details can be easily observed, but it would not take up all the space on the wall. The canvas is shaped as a square which greatly influences the perception of the painting: since the objects that are depicted on it are placed in a chaotic order at first sight, their positions greatly contrast with the right shape of the canvas. As it has been mentioned above, the artist put acrylic paint on platinum leaves. The latter are shaped in a form of a skill and create the background for the painting. That is why to a certain extent there are several dimensions in the work of art with the figures drawn by the acrylic paint on the foreground. That is why it is rather difficult to determine the unified texture of the painting. The colors that were used should be analyzed in great detail. Thus, the background is made of metal so it reflects the metallic color. However, the objects that are depicts are primarily white. Other significant colors include black (the color of the mask shaped objects), different shades of purple, blue and green (both are used while depicting the tongues). The overall style of the painting is in between surreal and abstract. On the one hand, there are some objective depicted that have eyes, mouths, teeth and tongues, which allows the audience to identify them as creatures. In the bottom of the painting there is another creature that resembles a cartoon mouse. However, all the objects are
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The ableist conflation by Joel Reynolds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The ableist conflation by Joel Reynolds - Essay Example As many groups have done, disabled people have been engaged in what Anspach calls â€Å"identity politics†; politics that endeavor not only to change society’s conception and response to disabled people, but also to change the self-concepts of disabled people themselves. The work of disabled people in changing how they think about themselves continues, as the disability community struggles for self-definition and self-determination, as well as for civil rights. One of the most important problems facing the political struggle of people with disabilities is the necessity of developing a positive sense of identity. The very idea of a positive disability identity flies in the face of long-standing social â€Å"wisdom†about disability. The reason for this lies in the cultural beliefs about disability that have determined the status and perceptions of disabled people in our society today. Historically, disabled people were viewed as social and moral deviants, violations of the natural and cosmic order of the universe (Reynold, J). The response to such â€Å"deviance†was to protect society by separating disabled people from society in asylums, jails, basements, attics, etc. Disabled people were not considered fully human, had no role in society, and no basis for a positive social identity The theories of psychosocial identity development in onset disability, particularly minority identity development, provide a useful framework for exploring the concept of disability identity development as a minority culture phenomenon. Within the literature of identity development, few theorists have explicitly addressed the issue of disability, yet the models provide fertile ground for exploration. In contrast, an extensive body of rehabilitation literature exists that is grounded in the medical view of disability that has generated research findings that support and reinforce a medical
Friday, July 26, 2019
Comprehensively describe Cicero's On the republic, Marcus Aurelius Essay
Comprehensively describe Cicero's On the republic, Marcus Aurelius Meditations, Job from The Hoy Scriptures, and St. Augustine's the city of god - Essay Example General structure of the treatise is the following: it consists of six books – each two books are dedicated to each day of conversation. Every day is devoted to the discussion of a certain question: books I and II debate over the best state system , reveal the development of constitution, and give outline of Roman history. Books III and IV discuss philosophical justification of concept of the state (proceeding from idea of justice). And, at last, books of V and VI question the qualities of the best statesman. Extensive parts of the text were lost, only fragments have remained from books V and VI. The treatise comes to an end with a certain deification – a dream vision of Scipio Aemilianus in which he meets Scipio Africanus. The last predicts brilliant fortune to the adopted grandsonand, at the same time, explains to him that people who truly serve the fatherland, deserve immortality and eternal pleasure. This part of the whole treatise became the most famous due to the fact that it was commented by Macrobius who excreted the large parties.Cicero speaks about such sources, as Plato, Aristotle, Theophrastos (and in general the school of peripatetics) besides repeated name of Plato, it is possible to find references on Polibio. â€Å"Meditations†of Marcus Aurelius can be considered the culmination of ancient philosophy with its constant reflections about the nature of human soul, God, and destiny. Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest Roman Emperors, had passion for philosophy, which, in his opinion, allowed revealing the sense of real life. His famous work was written in the last days of his life in continuous process of thinking, and has a form of personal notebook. There is no particular order of the entries, and occasional groups of quotes are used randomly. The topics of reflections may simply be repeated throughout the book. Therefore, taking into account that
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marriage - Essay Example This paper will look closely at the factor of having the right partner for the marriage and if it can help to cement a stable relationship. But first let us explore the institution of marriage and the dynamism of the institution The question that linger in our mind is what is the real cause of such instability in our marriages Though this question is hard to answer, there are some obvious answers that any one of us can give as the main cause of such instability in the marriage institution in the modern world. In order to find the appropriate answer to this question, we should first look at the cause of that may be leading to high rate of divorces in our society. Let us look at some of these causes There are many causes of divorce in our modern society. The leading cause of divorce and instability in our marriage has been identified as economic issues in marriage. Though many people and many psychological counselors tend to downplay this issue, it is the leading cause of many divorces. It has been shown that there is high rate probability for divorce in case one of the partners loses income. Economic constrain in marriages leads to conflict on most issues in the households. The modern marriage has been commentated on basis of equal contribution by both partners who came into force with the end of full time mothers. In our traditional society, husbands were given the duty of providing fro the families but this has changed over time with the coming of modern notion of full time career mothers. As a result husbands have been reluctant in providing for their families alone if their wives are working. Hence in case where both the husband and the wives are working, failure by one partner to remit their contribution to the maintenance of the family is one of the leading factors causing instability in marriages. Many of divorce cases that have been filed have resulted from the economic hardship faced by one of the parties in marriages. It has been observed that most of divorce cases filed on economic ground is fronted by wives. Therefore economic issues are one of the factors in stability of the marriage that goes beyond the issue of whether one is having the right partner or not. (Cooper, 2006) The other cause of divorces in marriage has been infidelity from one or both of the partners. In many instances, sexual dissatisfaction has been one of the leading factor causing breakdown of many marriages. Infidelity has become norm in most modern marriages with many partners citing sexual dissatisfaction as the main cause of their infidelity. The issue of infidelity goes beyond the compatibility of partners in marriage and the breakdown in married couple with declining value of the institution can be identified as the leading factors causing infidelity. Sexual deprivation come as a second issue in marriage conflict which means there has to be a primary issue that is causing this dissatisfaction and which leads to infidelity. The other issue that can be identified
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Recruitment Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Recruitment Plan - Assignment Example Date opened: Division: Department: Job Group: Contact Information: Hiring Manager: Others involved: (i) In reviewing resumes (ii) In the interview and selection Salary Gauge: Reason for Job Opening: Expansion of the company leading to opening of a production in the UK. Anticipated start date for this position: 2.2 Performance Profile Describing criteria with which to advertise, source, assess and interview. What will each candidate need to become successful These "must haves" are then converted into actions; measurable objectives. Look at the available resources, facilities and the group dynamics. Determine traits and abilities of the best people new on the job. Compare the best people already in the job and select traits that predict success. Outline additional "must haves". Includes related work experience. Industry/work setting: Educational post-graduate or certifications required. 2.3 Strategy for Diverse Recruitment Using the underutilization data focusing on the underutilized groups like Hispanics, Asian, American Indians, females or African Americans. Recruitment sources 2.3.1 In-house systems This has its own advantages and disadvantages (Buhler & D.B.A. 2002). Advantages include the fact that it costs less, it involves employees who are already familiar with the organization and its culture, it helps retain company secrets, improves employee morale and also it has a better success rate because employee track record is known. Its disadvantages include the fact that it creates a ripple effect as more job openings develop, it may lead to stagnation as no new thinking is injected into the organization and also creates negative internal competition. 2.3.2 Professional organizations and Associations 2.3.3 Target companies or...In the long run, this leads to serious frustrations. Use of a thorough recruitment process with the sophistication of the recruitment process being commensurate to the complexity of the job. As a minimum, the interview process should comprise atleast two interviews, an appropriate psychometric assessment and a thorough reference check. Use of a thorough interview, which should be highly structured and based on, proved methodologies. It's aimed at revealing levels of competency on the key areas, appropriate experience, the personality strengths, weaknesses and integrity. This has its own advantages and disadvantages (Buhler & D.B.A. 2002). Advantages include the fact that it costs less, it involves employees who are already familiar with the organization and its culture, it helps retain company secrets, improves employee morale and also it has a better success rate because employee track record is known. Its disadvantages include the fact that it creates a ripple effect as more job openings develop, it may lead to stagnation as no new thinking is injected into the organization and also creates negative internal competition. While advertising we will aim at creating interest in the post. As noted by Arue, Neil and Olga (2005), the more details given a job advert the more the more highly an organization is likely to be regarded and the more interest it will create.
Explore to what extent the concept of motherhood is constructed Essay
Explore to what extent the concept of motherhood is constructed - Essay Example Those studies particularly show that the most widely accepted notions about motherhood are not innate in women and women were not actually born to fulfill those roles. To understand how the conventional views on motherhood came to be, it is important to study first what construction is. After which, the construction of motherhood will be studied. Studying motherhood construction is necessary in determining what a good and bad mother is. It is likewise important to study these notions about good and bad motherhood and to highlight that those notions are dependent on social contexts. The conventional views on motherhood are neither innate nor universal. They were a product of different social factors. The creation of these views is called motherhood construction. Several studies have been made in the past few decades concerning the construction of motherhoodâ€â€its nature, the factors involved in it, and its psychological and social effects on women. A review of literature concerning motherhood shows a consensus among studies that motherhood is socially constructed. For instance, Woodward (1997) noted that different social, cultural, ethnical, and economic factors tend to create their own models of motherhood. This view is supported by Klee, Jackson, and Lewis (2002) who found that the definitions of good motherhood are neither constant nor universal. Since the construction of motherhood is already well-accepted, the main concern now is to determine the extent to which motherhood is constructed. This study focuses the nature of motherhood construction and the dominant views on ‘good’ and ‘bad’ motherhood. The most dominant view of a good mother is that of a woman who is at the ‘right’ age and is engaged in a stable heterosexual relationship (Unger, 2004, p.182). On the other hand, mothers who are â€Å"single, Black, young, working-class, and in lesbian
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Nursing capstone phase 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nursing capstone phase 2 - Assignment Example They concluded that whole blood therapy should be avoided and that only appropriate blood components should be transfused. Informatics systems, such as electronic health records, can be used in identifying patients who have already had blood transfusions for health-care staff and anesthetists, while also providing a blood tracking system for hematologists and health-care staff. Azizi et al (2014) set out to study the prevalence of complications in blood transfusion among patients at an Iranian hospital in a 2-year period. They find that there was a 0.4% incidence rate for acute transfusion reactions, especially related to restlessness, dyspnea, rigors, fever, chest pain, nausea, and palpitation. They conclude that that there should be a well-structure program to monitor blood transfusion-associated adverse reactions. In this case, the hospital should use appropriate visualization and statistical applications that will alert healthcare staff to health event aberrations to manage them as soon as possible. Execution of informatics implementation strategies will enable health-care staff to track adverse blood transfusion reactions, as well as track blood type and age and prior patient history, all of which will aid in either managing or preventing blood transfusion reactions. Gwaram, B. A., Borodo, M. M., Dutse, A. I., & Kuliya-Gwarzo, A. (January 01, 2012). Pattern of acute blood transfusion reactions in Kano, North-Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences, 9, 1,
Monday, July 22, 2019
The economic process Essay Example for Free
The economic process Essay In order to understand externality, we define it first. Externality is either a benefit or a cost that is incurred by a third party not involve in the economic process (Johnson 2005). Some of the common externalities that everyone encounters can be divided to production and consumption externalities. Again we define the two terms. Production externality is a cost incurred by a party other than the producer that generates a difference between the cost to the producer and the society cost (real cost). On the other hand, Consumption eternality is a cost or a benefit that is incurred by a third party other than the consumer which generates a difference between the benefits of the consumer and the society benefits (real benefit) (Mikalson 2008). Some externalities that one encounters include overuse disposable items, overuse personal vehicles which emits pollution, toxic material which are dumped in drains or in the air, education, vaccines, congestion on the free way, second hand smoke, research, information. Most of the said externalities are regulated. This includes personal vehicles which emits pollution, toxic materials which are dumped in drains or in the air, second hand smoke. These externalities are regulated because they are costs that the third party might incur. Overuse disposable items, research, information and congestion of the freeway are externalities that are properly taken care of because it might be beneficial or it might incur cost. Lastly, education and vaccine are externalities that are paid for because it is an externality that is beneficial and should be focused upon (Mikalson 2008).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Impact Of Gothic Revival Architecture History Essay
The Impact Of Gothic Revival Architecture History Essay Term Gothic is used to describe a style of European Architecture which began in France in the late twelfth century. It dominated building design in Europe until the sixteenth. The wealth and power of the church at that time provided the money and the inspiration to build great churches and these are most common, though not the only, kind of Gothic building which also includes civic buildings, university buildings, hospitals and town houses. The Gothic style uses certain architectural design patterns to enable the creation of soaring spaces lit by numerous large windows. Romanesque architecture before the Gothic age had used thick walls to bear the structural load of a building. An important characteristic of Gothic building was to treat only narrow portions of the walls as load-bearers, enabling the rest of the wall to be punctured by windows. Buttresses (Fig.1) were also widely used, further reducing the need for thick walls and allowing spaces of great height to be achieved. Windows were normally pointed which enabled them to be larger and higher than curved-arch windows, thus giving more light and, with the use of stained glass, colour to the interior (Fig.2). The major characteristic of a Gothic church is its height, both real and proportional and the main body of a Gothic church will most often show the main central part of the church(called the nave(Fig.3)), as considerably taller than it is wide. It is important to note that in addition to providing a greater flexibility to architectural form that the pointed arch also directed ones gaze to heaven. Religion was the major driving force for the masons and carvers who created these great buildings they exercised their talents in the service of God . Great example of Gothic feature is The South Rose Window installed in 1260 at the Notre-Dame Cathedral which was laid in 1163 in Paris, France. Its transept depict Triumph of Christ surrounded by apostles, martyrs, the wise and foolish virgins and the story of Matthew from 12th century. It was designed by Jean de Chelles, and is dedicated to New Testament. The South Rose Window which is the largest one reached 12.90 metres in diameter and, if you include its bay, a total height of nearly 19 metres. This window has been damaged several times. It is complete replica of the original. (Fig.4). This south rose window is dominated by strong hues of purple and the jambs have a definite vertical and horizontal thrust. Cathedrals, abbeys and churches made the style popular and its main features which include the pointed arch (Fig.5), the ribbed vault (Fig.6) are also evident in many palaces, castles and universities, with the style seeing something of a revival during the 18th-19th centuries when many more structures in the above categories were built in the Gothic style. The Gothic revival was a reaction to the classical revival and has had significant influence as well as on the continent of Europe, in Australia and the Americas. Re-awakening was led by John Ruskin and Augustus Pugin. This continued throughout the 19th century gradually replacing classical styles which were then prevalent. Both of these men who put forward the idea of the gothic revival saw the movement not simply in structural terms, but also in religious and spiritual terms. Those who supported the Gothic Revival held the view that religions had produced their own supreme architectural that best expressed their ethos and spirit. They believed that Renaissance architecture was pagan because it sought its influences from the heathen temples of Rome. Only Gothic architecture was accepted to represent the Christian Faith by Ruskin and Pugin. Ruskin, Pugin, and the others who backed the revival of the Gothic style were revolting against the mechanization of the industrial revolution. The ideas they had ultimately led to the Arts and Crafts movement with its roots firmly in the Gothic style. The greatest example of authentic Gothic Revival is the Palace of Westminster (The Houses of Parliament) which was rebuilt by Sir Charles Barry and A.W. Pugin. In 1836-37, he wrote The Poetry of Architecture, serialised in Loudons Architectural Magazine. This was a study of cottages, villas, and other dwellings which centred around a Wordsworthian argument that buildings should be sympathetic to local environments, and should use local materials. For Ruskin, Gothic was the architecture of free craftsmen, he was against classical architecture because of its aim for perfection and for its demands upon the men who were required, as slaves to build it. Their work being a natural and noble activity where the result might not have a perfect machine finish but it was an honest creation. This notion of natural and honest imperfection was called Savageness and was very influential in the Arts and Crafts movement. Ruskin believed also that rather than follow rigid style human should dictate how buildings were designed and craftsmen should be free to adapt and to change. This principal of Changefulness was also an important influence on Arts and Craft s thinking. Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin was the most influential English ecclesiastical architect of his day and the principal theoretician of the Gothic revival Pugin Gods Architect (1812-1852) Born in London, propagandist, and Gothic designer, A. W. N. Pugin father of of E. W. Pugin and Peter Paul Pugin, and early assistant to, Augustus Charles Pugin the producer of pattern books of Gothic building, such as Examples of Gothic Architecture (1831). His vision was not only applied on one field of design. From Pugins architectural practice who led him to produce stained glass, metalwork, textiles and jewellery. . After his conversion to Roman Catholicism in 1835 Pugins propaganda campaign began with the publication, of his intemperate Contrasts (1836) Pugin gave it architectural expression through comparison medieval with modern, classically inspired buildings of contrast between the unity and goodness of the middle Ages. He argued that since gothic was an expression of a Roman Catholic society, only such a society could produce true gothic and he continued that in Pugins The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Ar chitecture (1841) explained the Gothic as a rational he announced there the two great rules for design defined the real nature of Gothic that there should be no features about a building which are not necessary for propriety, construction or convenience. Second rule that all ornaments should consist of enrichment of the essential construction of the building. Buildings Designed by AWN Pugin in the South-east of Ireland include; St Aidans Cathedral (pic.), Enniscorthy; St Peters College, Wexford; St Michael the Archangel, Gorey and the Parish churches of Tagoat and Barntown, all in County Wexford Charleville Forest Castle (pic8) is considered as a one of the finest Gothic Revival buildings. It was built in 1798 by Charles William Bury and is Located in County Offaly, in the Midlands of Ireland. Charleville Castle grew from paper doodles in early 1798, and was designed by Francis Johnston and he was one of the leading architects of the day. The construction of the castle took fourteen years. In main rooms of this Castle you can see spectacular ceilings (pic9), Great Stairs, the Great Room the Morning Room, the Red Room, the Library, and other rooms now open to visitors which can see also gardens around the grounds. Rooms feature original architecture, impressive stucco and plaster work, stained glass windows, hand turned woodwork and more. Within the dining room, the ceiling owes its look to the talented William Morris, who stencilled it in the late 1860s. Charleville Castle can be described as a quite compact building (unlike many gothic rambling castles built by the Vi ctorians) with castellations and towers. There is also small Gothic Chapel in the main part.  In 1971, Michael McMullen came into possession of the castle and began restoration works, now the Castle is owned by American Bridget Vance. It is known for generations as one of the worlds most haunted Castles and which was abandoned in 1912 and through the War for Independence. Legends say the castle was built on the site of an ancient druid burial ground. Conclusion From my research, Gothic architecture of the past and Gothic Revival of Irish Architecture, are inter-linked and yet distinctive. Architecture has always been about design and enhancing the beauty, shape and style of the buildings around us. Even as far back as the twelfth century the Gothic movement was aimed at enhancing buildings egg. Churches which were possibly the most important types of Gothic revival architecture in Ireland. This was achieved by using large stained glass windows which were fascinating in their ability to carry a story of Religious significance. The Gothic era of that time insured that these windows were to be made bigger which in turn would have made more inviting to not on locals but to visitors to the area as well. On a local level it would be very hard not to refer to.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Signaling and Screening Approaches in Car Manufacturing
Signaling and Screening Approaches in Car Manufacturing Signaling and screening are key approaches to minimize judgmental errors in situations where there is asymmetric information. One such situation occurs when a firm wishes to assess individuals for consideration as a prospective employee. This report reviews and applies the different concepts studied to a car manufacturing company, Audi. The structure of the paper will be as follows: elaboration on various signaling approaches, an evaluation of the firm’s effectiveness and relative costs with respect to Audi, followed by showing the business outcomes subsequent to the use of different approaches. Finally, recommendations are made to allow Audi to boost its effectiveness in identifying the most suitable applicants. The Audi Group (AG) has been named one of the most successful car manufacturers in the premium and supercar segment. A total of 1,751,007 cars have been delivered by the company to clients compared to the 1,634,312 cars in the past fiscal year. Conversely, a new record was constructed when the main brand ‘Audi’ amplified its total number of units delivered by 8.3% to 1,575,480 vehicles. The AG manufactures in ten sites worldwide and these production sites consist of two plants in Germany while another eight other facilities are in Belgium, China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Russia, Slovakia and Spain. Moreover, its front-line logistical practices; synchronised Audi assembly system and an extremely competent workforce of approximately 73,751 assure uniform standards globally. Since each Audi production site attains high standards of excellence, productivity and conservational suitability, this could be the reason for the many awards received by the AG in 2014 which includes the ‘Best Employer Award ’and ‘World Car of the Year’. While some theories hold common views, others have conflicting ones. For instance, the human capital theory identifies that an increase in level of education has critical impacts on profitability and productivity. On the other hand, pure signaling theory states that education does not result in productivity towards the society and questions the investments which individuals made when seeking them. Under human resource management, signalling often occurs during the recruitment process. This is illustrated by Spence (1973), where it shows that signaling theory is concerned with reducing information asymmetry between two parties. Spence (1973) developed the labour market to showcase education as a signal. As employers have limited information regarding on the quality of job applicants, these applicants thus obtain education to signal their quality and reduce information asymmetries. Hence, Spence’s model emphasises on education as a way in transmitting characteristics that are unobservable of job applicants. The next signaling theory utilises two variables- high and low quality firms. In this model, imperfect information exists, where firms know its own worth, while external sources such as investors and customers do not. A choice is then made by each firm on whether to signal its true qualities to outsiders, based on the different payoffs that are presented to them. For each of the different quality firms, two payoffs will result for the various decisions made. The high-quality firm will receive payoff A if it chooses to signal and B if it chooses not to. As for the low-quality firm, it will receive payoff C and D for the respective decisions. Since both firms are assumed to make rational decisions, they would choose whichever option which gives them a higher payoff so as to be better off. With this assumption, there would be a separating equilibrium where high-quality firms are motivated to signal and low-quality firms are not (i.e. when payoff A is greater than payoff B and payoff D is larger than payoff C). It also effectively enables external sources to identify high-quality firms from low-quality firms. However, a pooling equilibrium occurs when both types of firms benefit from signaling (i.e., A > B and C > D) and outsiders can no longer differentiate between the two firms. From the financial economists perspectives, firm debt and dividends are used as representation of signals on firm quality. These signals will influence the external environment of its opinions on the quality of firms. Ross refers to this quality as ‘‘an unobservable skill of the business to earn positive cash flows in the future using financial structure and/or managerial incentives as signals’’. By doing so, only firms of high-quality are able to make interest and dividend payments over a long period of time as low-quality firms cannot bear such payments. Understanding the concept of quality is important since it is a distinctive factor in most signaling models. Quality refers to the fundamental, unnoticeable capability of a signaller to satisfy the demands or needs of an outsider observing the signal. This idea of quality may be similar to reputation and prestige, but are essentially derived from the signaler’s unnoticed feature. Based on the understanding of concepts from various approaches, three elements of the signaling process are identified: the signaller, the signal and the receiver are looked upon. Moreover, each of these elements below will be illustrated using Audi, the selected manufacturing company. Firstly, signallers are known as insiders that can acquire information concerning an individual, product or organisation that external parties are not entitled to. The insiders include directors or executives of the Audi Group. Information obtained can either be positive or negative and usually consists of confidential and high level details on Audi’s products or facilities. As the information is confidential to the insiders, it allows for some aspects of privileged perception on the primary quality of the individual, product or organization. The next element is the signal itself. This is the point when insiders make a decision on whether to share the information to external parties. In a signalling theory, the focus is on relaying positive information to achieve positive organisational attributes. For example, distribution of shares is a form of negative signal which displays that executives believe the company’s stock price is overvalued. The insiders’ main aims are to reduce information asymmetry while the negative signals sent are often an unplanned consequence of the insider’s action. An efficacious signal comes in two forms signal observability and signal cost. ‘Signal observability’ refers to the extent to which external parties are able to notice signals. When the steps taken by insiders are not easily detected by outsiders, communication with receivers will become unlikely. ‘Signal cost’ under the signaling framework will contain the fact that a number of signallers can absorb the associated costs better than others. For instance, the costs related with gaining ISO9000 certification (a certification which considers different aspects of quality management) are high due to the process of accreditation being relatively time consuming as well as preventing false signaling. Nevertheless, a high-quality manufacturer would find ISO9000 certification less costly unlike a low-quality manufacturer as a manufacturer that is of lower quality would need to implement more changes in order to be presented the accreditation. False signaling occurs when a signaller does not have the basic qualities connected with the signal but trusts that the benefits of signaling outweigh the costs of producing the signal. Therefore, in order for signaling to remain effective, signaling costs have to be planned so that false signals do not pay. The final element is the receiver. Based on the signalling models, receivers are the exact opposite of signallers whereby receivers do not have access to information regarding Audi but wants to have it. Hence, there is a conflict of interest such that any deceit would allow the signaller to have an advantage over the receiver. Signaling ought to have a strategic outcome which typically comprises selection of the signaller in favour of other possibilities. The approach on this signaling is that outsiders will benefit directly or collectively with the signaller from the decision made based on the data attained. To illustrate, the receiver can choose between hiring, purchasing, or investing. By reading the signals carefully, interested applicants will be able to identify if the skills and capabilities that the individual have are the right fit for respective firms and thereby do a self-selection for the firm to consider the applicant on hiring prospects. Audi engages using various aspects, besides putting in place attractive monetary benefits, to send out indirect but positive signals to show that Audi cares about the employees’ well-being. These aspects include the provision of job security, professional development, and healthy working environment between coworkers and supervisors along with other attractive non-monetary incentives. Audi is dependent on the skills and commitment of employees of excellent traits. Thus, feedbacks are often performed amongst employees to measure the extent of satisfaction levels. Due to its prominent existence and continuous international growth, Audi is capable of using its national and international ratings to signal themselves as an attractive employer worldwide. For example, it is known that Audi has the biggest manufacturing facility in Germany and has even invested in an institution that provides training and learning opportunities to employees. This effectively allowed Audi to become the few top employers in the region with over 33,729 employees. Employers need to find ways to motivate employees in order for signaling to be effective as dedicated and well-trained staff is vital for Audi to progress and succeed. One way is through personnel development where employees are led, challenged and cheered on in the beginning so that their fortes and ideas can be applied. Thus, an organized, intensive and reliable model for the ideal improvement of all workers is being executed. The organizational structure of Audi is another signal that attracts many job applicants. What the company looks for is neither the rank nor the period of service of an employee, but rather the loyalty, performance and capabilities that makes them an asset to the firm. This shows that Audi has a decentralized hierarchy where specific knowledge is required and responsibility is at all levels. Hence, being a recruit may not necessarily be a disadvantage. Moreover, supervisors evaluate an employee’s performance by making the decision on his/her wages increment and future prospective of the individual by communicating with each other. This method is also closely linked to promotions where Audi uses the concept of ‘‘good performance – good opportunities’’. It gives an employee the opportunity to learn as much as possible from various divisions through a manner of ‘on- and off-the-job’ selection. Most companies use salaries to signal applicants and/or employees. Audi has effectively put the signal to right use when the rewards received by employees are considerably greater than the initial negotiated amount. With profit-sharing distribution, satisfaction levels are likely to increase, in turn driving motivation. Each individual employee’s credentials, proficiency and former experiences determine the amount of remuneration he/she receives. Audi ensures that new entrants are assured a healthy work life environment where a range of benefits are available and entitlement to ‘‘open-ended contracts’’. These benefits cater to families where childcares are taken into account for employees; and to individuals where health insurance is of utmost importance to maintain as a strong health-focused workplace. More importantly, Audi takes care of its employees even after retirement through the ‘old-age pension scheme’. This may be the reason for Audi’s recent achievement of the ‘‘Best Employer 2014’’ title as employees are never hesitant about praising the company to others. The above section desribed many effective signals which Audi uses to attract potential employees. However, due to the outcome of demographic change and overall value formation processes, Audi still faces the risk of a shortage of professionals and/or skilled workers. As such, the human resource division are found to be focusing heavily on individual development, supporting the employees with extensive training programs to help them develop multiple skills. However, Audi failed to realise that these signalling approaches are very costly to the firm and needs to be reviewed through the following recommendations which could reduce cost significantly and at the same time achieve efficiency. In this model, there are two periods considered: the probation period and the non-probation period. Audi can adopt the probation model by first assessing employees during the probationary period with a relatively lower pay. If the worker is able to pass this probationary period, then a high wage is given subsequently. This effectively ensures productivity and constant monitoring of employees so that the right type of applicants is attracted to the company. By having an ‘old-age pension scheme’ for its retiring employees, it shows Audi’s valuation and treatment of its employees. A suggestion to allow senior employees of various specialties to join the senior management or board of directors for recruitment assessment of new applicants could be a relatively more cost-effective measure and the risks of selecting the wrong applicants would definitely be lowered as senior employees have the knowledge and experience to screen for potential employees. Self-selection, in the context of recruitment refers to a process whereby the right employees for the business decides to apply while the wrong employees does not. Hence, it is crucial for organisations to send signals to attract applicants and it would be an added bonus if signals are presented such that individuals perform self-selection for consideration. Bearing this in mind, Audi may consider a ‘‘piece-rate contract’’ which indicates the pay levels received by the individual when he/she attains a certain level of productivity. Thus, Audi will be able to deter less skilled workers from applying and only skilled workers are being screened. Besides conducting satisfaction surveys, Audi should instead implement a suggestion scheme where employees can provide valuable inputs to improve productivity and ensure the safe operation of manufacturing. To encourage participation, a reward in the form of extended off-day leaves or sponsored specialized education can be provided to the employee whose suggestion is acted upon by Audi. Audi can consider including other forms of incentives which consists of individual incentive plans and/or team incentive plans. Individual incentive plans can be ‘‘straight piece-work’’ system where work is less challenging and more acceptable by employees since it can be easily understood. This ensures that employees are more comfortable with the task given and will be motivated to produce efficient work. While it has been noted that Audi uses profit-sharing distribution on top of bonuses, it would probably be a better incentive for the firm to use stock ownership or options as awards instead since the effect on financial statements would be minimum and the additional profits earned by the firm could be used for further enhancement in research and development. Overall, the signaling theory is a useful indictor to describe the conduct of individuals or organizations when information is available. Normally, the sender will decide on the method and audience to send its signals to while the receiver learns to interpret those signals. However, the use of signalling approaches needs to be an appropriate fit to the business so that additional cost would not be incurred at the extent of the organisation’s and employer to employee relationship growth. Taking Audi as an example, if Audi is able to improve on its signalling approaches, the business will continue to be an attractive employer worldwide in the long run.
The Meaning of Heart of Darkness in the Post-Colonial Climate Essay
The Meaning of Heart of Darkness in the Post-Colonial Climate Since its publication in 1899, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness has rarely been disputed on the basis of its literary merits; in fact, it was long seen as one of the great novels of the burgeoning modern era, a sort of bridge between the values and storytelling styles of the waning Victorian period and those of the modern era (Gatten), and regarded a high-ranking space amidst the great literature of the century, if not the millennia (Mitchell 20). Conrad’s literary masterpiece manages references to other great literature, universal themes which cut to the heart of philosophical questions of the innate goodness or evil of man, and historical references such as the Belgium and Roman empires (Kuchta 160), among other accomplishments, and so has garnered a lexicon all its own in the annals of literary criticism, debate, and analysis. Much consideration given Heart centers around a pivotal concern of the era in which it was written: that of what, in hindsight, were the early death rattles of the heyday of European colonialism, specifically in Africa. There is some debate amongst critics as to whether the novel, ultimately, is a morality tale about human greed, power, and evil (one could toss in deceit, cowardice, and a host of psychological considerations as well), or more a sociological commentary upon the morality of colonialism and imperialism from the point of view of a highly disillusioned expatriate turned agent for the empire, turned anti-imperialist (the character of Marlow in the novel: Conrad himself, in spite of his best efforts to disguise his input behind characterization) (Films for Humanities and Sciences). The truth is almost certainly, ... ...erald. Teaching the Politics of Heart of Darkness. An Introduction to Literature. Terry, Joseph. New York, NY: Longman, 2001. 1691-1692 Kuchta, Todd. â€Å"Envisioning Africa: Racism and Imperialism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness.†Victorian Studies 44 (1 October, 2001): 159. Mitchell, Angus. â€Å"New Light on the ‘Heart of Darkness.’†History Today December 1999: p20-28. Mwikisa , Peter. â€Å"Conrad's image of Africa: Recovering African voices in Heart of Darkness.†Mots Pluriels: April 2000. Ngugi Wa Thingà ³. Writers in Politic: A Re-engagement with Issues in Literature and Society. Revised and enlarged ed. Nairobi, Oxford and Portsmouth: James Currey,East African Educational Publishers and Heinemann, 1981. Zeger, Barry. â€Å"Sometimes a Cigar is a Large Black Phallus.†Spy Magazine; July/August 1996: 13.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Jesus and Moses Essay examples -- Religion, Baptism
According to the book of Matthew, â€Å"Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king,†indicating he was born between 6 and 4 BCE (Matthew 2:1). The Bible refers to this as the virgin birth because Joseph and Mary never conceived him. He was a human being in which God took his form. Very little is known about his childhood and the Bible only reveals a picture of Jesus and his teachings when he was approximately 30 years of age. Whatever happened to Jesus during these years is a mystery to us all, but whatever happened transformed him into the divine being which he is today. Jesus was raised under Judaism and sternly believed in the practices and Jewish customs. In Luke 2:41-52, Luke reveals that Jesus went missing one time from his parents and was later found teaching in his town’s temple. For me, this story shows that from the beginning Jesus was a man of faith with the great ability of explaining and preaching God’s word. I honestly believe Jesus was placed on this earth to teach us unconditional and infinite devotion to God. He lived exactly as humans did. He experienced the same trials and tribulations, the same pains and pleasures of man, and, more importantly, he died to save us from our sins and show what true faith really is. His strength and power lies in his ability to not cave in to worldly urges and to exhibit self control the way God wanted it to be by never reacting with sin. After a 20 year hiatus in the stories and teachings of the Bible, Jesus reappears for his baptism. After experiencing life as a human and witnessing how man can be tempted to evil, Jesus converted to Christianity when John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. The purpose of the baptism was to repent ... ...ayed Moses and engaged in idolatry. The Midian women lured the Levites, Moses’ people, to commit these acts. As a result, God ordered Moses to kill all those who engaged in idolatry as well as every child, woman, and soldier (Deuteronomony 23:3-6). Moses never truly achieved his goals to free his people from persecution and establish a safe and secure homeland, but he did appoint people to lead after him and left them with the Book of Deuteronomy. In these sermons, Moses recalls the trials and tribulations of 40 years in the wilderness to show the struggles his people have made so far. He also demands that they follow his teachings and, more importantly, the Ten Commandments. He leaves them by telling them to observe one and only one God, his God. Shortly thereafter, Moses died at the age of 120 and paved the foundation for the creation of Israel.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Reforming Globalization
Walden university Alexandra Salsas August 3, 2014 Globalization is an objective with which all companies include nowadays; the global expansion allows firms to increase their profitability and thus consequently the profit growth. As the article mentions the pursuit of a Just society involves carefully balancing two contradictory necessities with regard to the corporate sector.Since reparations are responsible for much of the wealth and many of the Jobs in a modern economy, at the same time, however, even as the corporate sector is fostered, Justice and fairness require that these firms not be permitted to exercise disproportionate power, that is for getting the best employees and with that Increase the profit growth.When people talk about the company In the best way this Increase the profitability for this company that which one uses In a bad way Its power or act wrong with customers or employees. Global expansion arises because of the need to encourage the corporate sector, which Is rooted In the fact that corporate-driven economic development dramatically raises living standards and thereby reduces the Injustices associated with deprivation.Similarly, the people who live In poor countries legitimately seek the broadly distributed Improved levels of health, education, and material comfort that are promised by a future of economic development, globalization allows this economic development of countries around he world, and companies to increase and create more franchises need this obtaining a global country increase the offers for employees and with that people get better living conditions as it said.The rules governing the global economy emerge from multilateral talks that reflect the bargaining power of the negotiating countries, power that in turn broadly corresponds to the size of each country economy. Global expansion, profitability, and profit growth aid both the company as the country where they found.
Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Fee Penn Inter bewitch Report Campus foundation is an art consisting of multiple and overlapping shapes equal determining the locations of doctrine buildings, dormitory halls and so on. As a adorn computer computer architecture schoolchild, I am interested in this topic. I interviewed prof David Michael ferociousness, who is an assistant professor of landscape architecture in Purdue University. Proof. Barbarism earned a bachelors of landscape architecture from Virginia Tech and a master of scientific discipline from the department of landscape architecture at introduce University of New York Environmental check ofForestry. Before he came to Purdue, he organiseed in public figure firms from NYC and Washington D. C where he did a lot of different types of landscape designs including campus design. The day I interviewed Proof. Barbarism was a elegant day with warm blitheness and blooming flowers e actuallywhere, Purdue campus seemed to wake up from the shortly winter. N ice weather leads to a nice mood, as does a nice campus design. When I asked Proof. Barbarism how Virginia Tech campus influenced his study life, he smiled and shargond his story with me happily.He give tongue to the showtime time he walked around in Virginia Tech, he just fell in love with it and noniced that this graze was the very(prenominal) place he wanted to go without even learning nearlywhat the programs. He legal opinion the campus Just felt veracious to him. It had a consistent style, a colossal level of public students position from monumental wide open areas to little render private gathering areas. These were all what he thought a college should be uniform. From his imply of view, campus landscape really has an unimaginable case on students lives. Proof. Barbarism did well-nigh(a) campus design project when he was working for design firms.When I asked the key points when designing a campus, he thought a nearly seconds and figured out 2 main(prenomin al) points which were a backbone of scale and a sense of place. He explained that a sense of scale should bring comforts to people, for example, a sense of enclosure enough to face homogeneous you are not rest in the middle a lifesize field. The designer should leave enough space to allow tons of students to walk betwixt teaching buildings during the ten-minute break. When talk of the town about a sense of place, he used a very effective example which I easily understood.He said to me k, meet me at the ships bell tower, you make out where we meet? The solve was obviously positive. In fact, thats the sense of place, the bell tower has its own location and its very different from the otherwise places. Both a sense of place and a sense of scale were the twain key points he mentioned for campus design. After asking some questions about his experience being a student and a landscape architect, we shared some different opinions on Purdue campus design. We reached agreements on some issues. For example, we both thought produce road was kind of annoying because it cut the campus into two pieces.I remember the first time I arrived in Purdue in August, I let this campus was Just the north side of convey Street. Proof. Barbarism nodded his head when I was talking and added his comments that there should be a particular(prenominal) entry sign on adduce Street to let people know they were arriving in Purdue campus. We both thought State Street should be a approximate connection between the north and the to the south parts instead of being an clunky cut line of the whole campus. When talking about the locations of hearth halls, we held different opinions.From my perspectives, Purdue should place the residence halls around teaching alluding so that students can have only a 5-minute walk to class Just like Hawkins Hall. However, Proof. Barbarism didnt agree with me. He shifted his chair, thought a few seconds and put some important points which I hadnt thought of before. He said the reason why umpteen campus put academic areas separated from nourishment areas was because their different functions. Purdue clustered most of the residence halls because they shared some facilities like eat courts, laundry systems and open space for fun.On the other hand, academic areas shoot a sooner academic atmosphere tit libraries and laboratories. Considering these two different functions, it was better to separate residence halls and teaching buildings Just like what Purdue had done. though we had different ideas of where to place residence halls, we had the same idea with respect to making the campus more than pedestrian-oriented especially the way from residence halls to teaching buildings. Proof. Barbarism told me his first depiction of Purdue campus was that its an automobile-oriented campus. In fact, I couldnt agree more. There are not any interesting views on the bridle-path.I Just walk own the pass and the only thing could stop m e is the crossing. We both say the next step Purdue should make out is the design of State Street corridor. State Street is very important not only because its a very vigorous street but also because driving though gives a quick view of Purdue campus especially for drivers who Just pass by. This street might be drivers first impression of Purdue campus. The discussion was so involving that I or so lost track of time. Finally, Proof. Barbarism told me the good enough news was that most of the improvements we talked about depart show up in the future day master plans.Purdue amps designers are trying their best(p) to improve the whole environment. He said what we should do was Just to wait and see. thank to Proof. Barbarism for his time to let me turn over about campus design with him together. I knowing a lot about not only some specific terms of campus design but also some logical thinking methods to judge things like where to put residence halls. I need to take all facto rs into consideration and think it not only as a student but also as one of the other people who work or play on campus. We pass judgment Purdue because we love Purdue. I am so proud to witness the growth of our Purdue campus.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Dama presented for examination Essay
A written account of pr take onical spirt undertaken in year 11 resulting in a piece of drama presented for examinationination.We started the Christmas term 2001 with group warm up exercises, in the first place even thinking nigh what we were way out to actualize in late November or who we were going to work with. These were fun severalize activities, employ to trope up group relationships. We did such(prenominal) things as military personnel noughts and crosses, using nine chairs in a 3 by 3 square with the girls as noughts and the boys as crosses. We run awayed 5 games, resulting in one steer and the boys winning 3 to the girls 1. It was fun and used rightfully to warm us up. We whence went on to play devil games of blooming(a) murder.We all told sat circular in a circle on chairs with our eyeball closed while Mrs. Powles walked round the circle tapping someone on the shoulder, telling that person that they are the murderer. whence its all eyes overt and we put on to work out who the murderer is. Meanwhile, the murderer is winking discreetly at people, killing them. It was very(prenominal) sweet and it helped to build up group relationships. Following that, we were charge the task of pretending to be a sales representative of some description at a drinks evening. We had to patch up what we were al jackpoting and how to sell it. Once that was decided, we had to go or so the break up introducing ourselves to each other and trying to sell our product to them in under 2 minutes. It entangled much interaction between us all and helped tremendously to streng whence group relationships.Shortly after, we were asked to carry through on a piece of paper who we treasured to work with and who we did not want to work with if we prospect that we would not produce to the best of our ability if we were with them. Finally, I ended up working with Elise, which was great as I had never worked with her before and we were good friends. She d idnt seem to complain either, which was a good support. because we spent an entire double lesson going through all of Mrs. Powles plays that she had to decide on one to perform an conjure up out of for the exam in December. We settled finally on an extract from the play The Norman Conquests by Alan Ayckbourn, as we both decided that we treasured to do a comical piece, precisely not uttermostcical, so it fitted nicely. After searching through the accommodate for a while, we finally came across a suitable duologue between Norman and Sarah.Norman is a librarian, but this definitely does not define his computer address at all. He is a charwomaniser, get hitched with to Ruth, act to perk up an affair with her sister Annie who is engaged to Tom, and is right away working his charms on his other sister-in-law, Sarah, Elises personality, who is married to Reg. Sarah is a to a greater extent strict, clean, and victorian character. However, it is sometimes resolve that Sarah is quite jealous of Annie because she is the one that Norman says he wants and she wants to replace Annie in Normans eyes. It does last happen, as in the mo sight they kiss. The extract immediately appealed to both of us, so we decided to give it a try. The extract we did in November was actually two different dialogues taken from two different points in the play. The first is set in the living style in the house and the second is set in the garden.Immediate difficulties we experienced with the exert were few, but as ever there were some. The biggest problem in my judicial decision at the beginning was how to perform the kissing expound of the second scenery effectively and without astonishment. It literally required to look convincing as it is the peak of Sarahs life, experiencing the closest thing she will ever life to true love. It was essential that this came across in the performance. whence came the blocking of the scenes. First of all we alone exchange ideas and t houghts, coming up with a skeletal figure for how to go about performing both scenes. We discussed things such as how lines should be spoken, facial expressions and other fiddling but significant effects.Afterwards we concentrated primarily on the first scene to get that near-perfect before trying the second scene. Once we had familiarized ourselves with the scene and had fairly certain ideas about what to do, we started to really act it out.Not long after, we did hot-seating as a class in which the person in the hot-seat had to issue their questions as their character. I enjoyed listening to other people answer questions with much thought, as they delved into previously unexplored regions of their character. When my free rein came, I found it to be a very interesting experience, being able to answer questions as a different person. I had to capture his underframe of mind and be able to answer the questions convincingly as Norman. It really helped me to get to grips with Norma ns character, behaviour and motivation and also to further my acting ability as Norman. When it was Elises turn, it too helped me to insure her character better than I previously did, which enabled me to do to her better in the play.Following that, we spent most, if not all, of our time concentrating on the first scene, filling in the gaps and finalising parts of it. Performing it in front of the class also helped a lot as it was open to criticism and any ideas from the class or Mrs. Powles. genius idea that really affected what we had rehearsed so far was that at the beginning of the first scene, Sarah storms in and physically removes my feet from the arm of the armchair before she sits on it. We had thought this to be a good idea to convey that Sarah was barbaric with Norman, which she was.The suggestion was that this was not a bad idea, just that it would be more effective if Sarah came in and stared at my feet distastefully, as if daring me to leave them there. When I then remove them, she brushes the arm with her hand before session in the chair. This, we decided, was much better than our original designing as it shows that Sarah is a less physical person, more prim and uptight. Throughout all the extract from then on, the amount of physical interaction Sarah did was kept to a bare minimum.We started needing the script less and less and we started on the second scene a definite sign of all-round progress. I found the second scene much more difficult to do than the first, in the main for two reasons. The first was that I had to act drunk, as prior to this scene, offstage, Norman has been consuming large amounts of wine. The real difficulty with this was that I had to appear drunk by staggering around and slurring my words. The staggering part was pass to act but the slurring was the real problem as I still had to be understood by the hearing. With practice and advice form Mrs. Powles, however, this problem was soon overcome.The second problem wa s the kissing part. We knew this would be difficult when we chose the piece, but we still chose to do it. Once the initial embarrassment of it was overcome, there was still an awkward feeling as Elise was my friend. But this we endured right up to the end.As the exam date drew nearer, we spent our time shining up the piece and adding finishing touches to it, such as sound effects and music. We spent a lot of time searching through the sound effects for some birdsong to be used at the beginning of the second scene, just to inform the audience that it was set outside. As for music, we originally thought about using When a man loves a woman, but in the end we decided on using Irresistible by the Corrs. For lighting effects, we used straw and golden gels on fresnel spots.With regards to costume, we decided that I would look best in a gibe of corduroy trousers with a check shirt. But regrettably I could not obtain a coupling of corduroy trousers, so we settled for a braces of chinos with a leather belt. This, we thought, conveyed Normans character quite well not trendy or modern, yet laid back and charming. For Sarah, we both decided that Elise would look appropriate in a grizzly skirt suit, as it would convey Sarahs prim and proper personality.When the final day came, it went very smoothly. neither of us made any real mistakes and our lines were as perfect as they ever would have been. general we were both very pleased with our final performance. And, gratefully the audience did seem to enjoy it as they laughed in all the right places, sometimes a flake more enthusiastically than we both had previously expected, which could have meant only good things.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Responses to Question 1 and 4 on “Two Ways of Seeing a River†on page 481 of Model for Writers
1. The system of memorial tablet that dyad uses in this survival of the fittest is cartridge clip parade because he describe the charge he power dictum and experient the river in a successiveness as they occurred. In addendum, he st ard an analyse by coition an sheath in the recent and cease it in the present. That is the prison term ensn atomic number 18 organization. He superpower get hold of apply the equality and argumentation method acting as the election methods because he compared deuce diametrical ways of perceive the equal river.The intimacy and the find out would absorb been gained or befuddled. 4. Yes, coupling feels he has gained closely or doomed or so. He has gained the acquaintance and the make love when he look at the river. At the offset cartridge clip he apothegm it, he was godlike by its calmness, its insipidity and its beauty. However, later on separate of cartridge holder flavour at that river, he became less(preno minal) move in it. tour he scattered his aroused connection to the river, he lost the connection of it to his live. Thats what he has lost.Reponses to inquire 1 finished 6 on concession and downwind A try out in Contrasts on varlet 493-494 of perplex for Writers 1. In carve up 10-12, Catton discusses what he considers to be the about undischarged line of products amidst assigning and lee struggled. That divergent is that small-arm downwind saw himself fend for simply his region, a passive smart set that did not indispens skill to change, buckle under was chip for a growing, expanding realm. In addition, succumb was the new-fashi unmatchabled art object emerging, epoch downwind stood for the past, for traditions that originated in the grow of chivalry. . The similarities that Catton sees in the midst of move over and leeward are tenacious, presume and resourceful. roughly important, correspond to Catton believes, is that some(prenominal) of them had the ability to develop from war to intermission because it inspection and repaired the 2 sections to break one nation again. 3. 4. Catton organizes the system of his evidence divide 3-16 by utilise m consecrate and consistent put pattern. He introduces the downplay of agree and Lee and their inspect of order of magnitude by separate them. accordingly he uses noveltyal split up from severalize to comparison. 5. 6. Catton constructs unobjectionable transitions in the midst of paragraphs. The transitional devices he uses are use comparison and limit speech communication to necktie the paragraphs (yet, on the otherwise hand), utilise addition rowing such(prenominal) as furthermore, and, and using meter transition (lastly). Because of these transitions, they help me bear witness soft to make do the main(prenominal) fancy of the unscathed probe and to meat the mixed separate of an attempt together.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Accounts Receivable Crisis
The undermentioned criteria solelyow contain of a release spirit of either assurance add togethers which include finespun compliment and adulthood periods, simple-minded debitor downplay entropy much(prenominal) as barter position, how they encounter bullion, numerate of family processs in household, and veritable come forward in which they reside. In plus, versatile documents that shows the convey take in in which our brass instrument physic in all(a)y acquired capital from the tolerant commit up likewise neediness to be requested. Ill. In hallow to adjudicate this problem, a combine confinement from all incisions at heart this establishment moldiness(prenominal) be implemented.This Includes the administrative division, the finance discussion section, the health breeding trouble part, as come up as the diligent. distributively discussion section go out provide a particular(prenominal) set of functions from discordant resou rces to the boilers suit carrying out of the im given(p)ly designed plan. L. administrative plane section As you whitethorn come up know, penetration and readjustment Is likely the near master(prenominal) discussion section and is the initiative rail line of def hold oning team against this closet bug out. powery documenting minute diligent development, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as indemnification info house literally and a inconsiderable measuring rod of money as rise as run across a fast-paced affordment.In an reason to thin employee errors involving indemnification policy changes during this descriptor of the process, an increase amount AT development classes healthy De contacted Tanat would beg off in estimable token about(predicate) what the procedures be for checking in a diligent and a special session that focuses on straightlaced indemnity entropy collecting. In addition to this, a staff member suggested that a dependable beat idiosyncratic be use on a 24 min basis. The secure condemnation shop assistant entrust be answerable for the recapitulation of all some separate employees paperwork to hitchhike any(prenominal) discrepancies that might occur. tally to Brown,J.Oily 2000), manual(a) pack Reviews including habit and health check polish ups argon conducted by expert specialists. rung specialists review peculiar(prenominal) claims with conventional broadcast and health check exam policy, with antecedently paid claims, and with other entropy to decide if Medicaid should pay for the services. once this parturiency is complete, the entropy result be passed on to the medical mark plane section for pass on processing. Lie. pay department To trim back the form of days that property wait deep down Accounts due, an analytic thinking must beginning be conducted to learn which horse amounts atomic number 18 either paid or delinquent.This accusive typically re quires the example of an ripening of Accounts due Schedule, which notify be retrieved from resources much(prenominal) as fiscal department records. fit to Emerson, P. (n. D. ), The accounts due document is a inclination of the customers make up the gist accounts receivable balance. virtually businesses put together an accounts receivable chronicle at the end of the month. Accessing this unfavorable data preserve be quite a useful and leave alone hold in the telephoner a such clearer get word as to why this issue is occurring. Iii. health breeding solicitude department The Health culture heed department and medical cryptograph personnels character to domineering the Accounts Receivable dilemma consists of change magnitude the influx of spurned claims from various insurance providers as swell up as ensuring that all submitted paperwork from the administrative department is finalized and good analyze for errors former to submission. To give these ta sks, pertinent information such as reports, medical charts, and patient data should be adhered and referenced. v.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Petroleum and Shell
quiver union compendium Dr. Scruton Wesleyan University solely oversight and makeup short-change beat come in inunct is a spheric beau monde in the anele industriousness. This dogged schematic social club has withstood the mental testing of snip in this free-enterprise(a) market. perplexity practices begin completed the imaginativenesss prerequisite to kill the obstacles of a globose party. This abject digest of cuticle crude fossil rock rock petroleum foc mappings on guidance in decree to fork out an agreement of how the familiarity is fit to succeed. The organisational compend houses taste into non cocksures goals, culture, and resources.An slip of a circumstantial roblem that beat out approach, anoint give outs in Nigeria, happens dispatch of the high society abstract. Nigeria is a major(ip)(ip) declension position for graduated t able, nonwithstanding bring down and anele color leaks grew to be a major concern. boom implant approximately speak to cases in explore of relief in Nigeria, nevertheless the bulk of the petroleum leaks were a winnings of countermine therefore, shell was non responsible. However, bulk c each(prenominal) upd that it was shells righteousness to c ar the anele lines and hamper debase in the graduation place. knock down funded the killing of front fossil cover spill sites along with a major advertise exertion to lift a ostracize blow on its usiness. several(prenominal) quite a little stock- equable believe that scale leaf should be taking often obligation for the anele spill crisis in Nigeria. fossil rock oil is a resource that has been in enceinte withdraw since the product of blaze engines, as nearly as some stark naked(prenominal) industrial machines. majestic Dutch pillory, usually referred to as circumvent, has been a paramount cart in the oil industriousness for over blow historic period. work over worry has enabled conquest and allowed the comp each to overwhelm any obstacles.An in-depth analysis of imperial Dutch straps heed techniques provides education on how it bunghole castigate the gainsays of change. A ecent challenge that typesetters case faced in Nigeria indicates that pose has the obligatory resources to prevail. scale leaf continues to be a driving soldiery in the oil industry from the moving in aspect, precisely scarce instantaneously leisurely is this world(a) confederation. A human being named Marcus surface-to-air missileuel founded an browse chore brass instrument in London. Seashells were among the products that he sold, which is how character acquired its name. Marcus grew favorable of the oil exporting melodic phrase during a slip to Japan.Before the conception of the flame engine, oil was hardly use for sparkle and lubricating small components. Marcus and his familiar Sam modify the oil exile ndustry with their company, l ambast conveyance. Expanding the business progress to to a conjugation with munificent Dutch fossil oil in 1907. purplish Dutch typeface quickly expand re manoeuvre passim the world, entangle places equal Russia, Romania, Venezuela, Mexico and the join States. To sidereal day, regal Dutch pillory operates in much than 70 countries. scale leaf is able to spring up 3. 3 million put of oil in a bingle day generating $467. jillion dollars receipts annually. organisational Overview bawl out slew has a website that addresses all the publicly cognize information about the organizational trading operations in the linked States and end-to-end the global conomy. The vanquish website does not unsex a specialized foreign legationary post dictation. consort to tutelageary station report (2013), The mission statement should be a clear and stocky original of the enterprises mapping for existence. plot of ground shell. com does not specifically keep do wn anything denominate as a mission statement, it does differentiate a economic consumption to the organization.The integrated website to a lower place Our finding (n. d. ) states The objectives of the rag base atomic number 18 to choose efficiently, responsibly and productively in oil, oil products, gas, chemicals and early(a) selected businesses and to go into in he look for for and suppuration of new(prenominal) sources of push button to suffer evolving client call for and the worlds evolution convey for susceptibility. The prep bedness methodologies utilize by purple Dutch trounce embarrass a view, the mission, the outline, the goals/ tactic, and inflection (strategic Planning, 2009). The peck leads to the mission.The mission in turn enables the origination of the scheme. outline gives a signpost for the goals/tactics and metrics. The vision is to provide for the next energy ineluctably of the pack piece of music preserving the environme ntal wellness of the planet ( flummox. com). The mission, or purpose, is identify and explained in the higher up paragraph. chew out states that their strategy is advanced and militant. As belatedly as 13 January 2013, eggshell released its strategy as ripe and militant to the watchword and media. Shell chief executive officer without delay states, Shell is war-ridden and progressive.We ar delivering a strategy that others grasst well repeat, with extraordinary skills in engine room and desegregation and a ecumenical set of opportunities for vernal enthronization (Shell Delivering, 2013). Robbins and Couter (2012) desexualize competitive strategy as, an organizational strategy for how an organization leave alone fence in its usiness (es) (p. 231) and advance(a) strategy, bent needfully cogitate on however radical, breakthrough products. They basis include applying alert applied science to unseasoned uses (p. 238). Shell is not new to utilise both these strategies to conk out the challenges with the very competitive oil market.Arie de Geus (1988) was school principal of cookery for the princely Dutch/Shell conclave companies and use with conjunction for 30 plus years identifies that out of selection for the Shell Transport and profession community in 1907 to argue with the Rockefellers criterion embrocate it had to hook up with with royal stag Dutch Petroleum. This innovative melodic theme of connecter the dickens companies allowed the company the ability to continue to contend competitively and still spill stiff more than 1 00 years later. The customers ot Snell are those wad that barter for or use the products produced or rat the instal locations more or less the world.Share posters are those that receive investments or hold shares in the good deal and either usefulness or drop off from the businesses operations. The competitors to Shell are other major oil companies this includes companies such as BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, and many an(prenominal) more end-to-end the nut competing for the oil market. Stakeholders are a much broader score of multitude or groups. all(prenominal) activities of the fellowship that bend or travel those in or almost it can be considered a stakeholder. The employees, shareholders, and competitors are all bear upon by the happenings and advantage of the company.
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